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En studie av debatten kring "reparations" i USA.

Uppsatsen syftar till att ge en överskådlig bild av hur debatten kring eventuell kompensation för slaveriet och Jim Crow-segregationen i USA har vuxit fram, hur den ter sig vad gäller argument och retorik, vilka som för debatten samt en kort analys av ovannämnda företeelser. Uppsatsen är främst deskriptiv.

A web site analysis of music teacher education in Europe - A study of six countries

The present study is a part-study of the EVEDMUS (evaluation of teacher education in music) project aiming to examine the music teacher education programmes across Europe and Latin America. The overarching objective of the EVEDMUS project is to learn about the different conditions and causes in which the musical and educational knowledge is being constructed and identify factors in the programmes

Den diskursiva konstruktionen av hackern

Slutsats: Hackern blev i tidningarnas diskurs inte bara en säkerhetsrisk utan även en samhällsfara. Hackern var en brottsling och det var endast i få artiklar som hackern framställdes på ett balanserat sätt. Det fanns dessutom flera sensationsartade artiklar där hackerns farlighet understryks. Hackern blev genom sin påstådda brottslighet och genom andra tecken ställd utanför nodalpunkten samhälle

Engaging Water? - Integrated Water Resources Management and Civil Society in India

This essay contains a research on the impact of IWRM-projects on the civil society. IWRM is a water project strategy with local stakeholder participation as an important part. We compare three cases in the context of contemporary India and analyze them according to our theoretical framework, with influential concepts in civil society and foreign aid theory. We find that the cases had a mainly pos

Party Systems in Transition: A Comparative Study of Party Systems in Eastern Europe

The evolution of the party system in Eastern Europe is, according to scientist like Jack Bielasiak and Gary Reich, very similar to each other. According to them, the system will first polarize into two competing factions, the communist party or its successor on the one hand and the por-democratic opposition on the other. The party system will then fragment into a jungle of parties that fight for t

Innovative Bioenergy Systems in Action The Mureck bio-Energy Cycle: Synergistic Effects and Socio-economic, Political and Sociocultural Aspects of Rural Bioenergy Systems

This thesis aims to offer insights into the initiation and development of modern (rural) bioenergy systems. For this reason, the thesis explores the formation, evolution and regional effects of three bioenergy projects ? a biodiesel cooperative, a biomass district heating plant and a biogas plant ? that are co-located within the small rural community of Mureck, in Austria. It finds that the three

A Space for Peace: National identity in Israeli and Palestinian women's dialogue.

The importance of gender differences during conflict and peace-building have raised as a specific area of study both in the academy as well as among global institutions such as the UN. Among those, there is almost a pre-assumption that strengthening women's movements is positive for a peaceful and just solution. However, they fail to address the complex relationships between the conflicting pa

Medeltidsstadens början

In this paper I have tried to find out the reason the medieval town of Vä was created. I have studied several different areas in witch all, in one way or another, have had an effect on the making of Vä. This areas includes topography, iron production, mill handling, religious effects, royal affliction and also if the name Vä could tell something about Väs history as a religious cult. I have also l

Irakiska konstitutionen - kvinnlig beaktning eller negligering

15th of December 2005 was a historical day for the Iraqi people when they could vote for the first time in a free referendum for the draft of the new constitution. The result showed that 79% accepted it. The Iraqi constitution has been criticized by many for its Islamic ascendancy. By giving Islam the role as the source for legislation, will make the situation worse for the Iraqi women, so it has

Politikerrollen - en självständig individualist eller en väljarbunden folktribun

In this essay, the aim is to study the role the politicians play in relation to the people they represent. This is manly a theoretically study, which focus is on the theories behind the way we choose to identify the role of politicians. We ascribe different underlying values to the role of politicians and as a result from these different values a conflict can arise. Two central terms in my discuss

Designing for self-efficacy in a driving simulator: A pilot study

Virtual Reality and advanced, interactive simulators illustrate the potentials of modern technology for improving the ecological validity of learning experiments. Yet much more preliminary work is needed to appreciate how these growingly complex means can be utilized to promote high-order emotional and motivational constructs of the user, such as self-efficacy. Drawing from the frameworks of serio

Guidelines for environmental due diligence of renewable technology investments

This thesis is set in the context of project financing for renewable energy technologies (RETs). The research looks closely at the environmental review procedures of financial institutions, focusing on the practice of environmental due diligence. This practice originally emerged as an approach used by lenders or investors to manage environmental risks and liabilities stemming from an investment de

Energiinventering och energieffektivisering - En studie av Skånemejeriers ysteri i Kristianstad.

På Skånemejeriers ysteri i Kristianstad har en energiinventering utförts. Detta för att lokalisera de komponenter på mejeriet som är energianvändare och få en bättre insyn i energianvändningen på mejeriet. Föreliggande inventering har sedan använts för att analysera energianvändningen och föreslå energieffektiviseringsåtgärder. Informationen i uppsatsen är införskaffad genom löpande intervjuer med

Det bättre argumentets auktoritet - om förutsättningarna för deliberativ demokrati i Europaparlamentet

Deliberative democracy theory has been prominent within political science research since the early 1990?s, often applied in studies on postnational democratic constellations, in particular the European Union. Of the main institutions of the union, the European Parliament stands out as somewhat understudied from this point of view, which is why the main aim of this thesis is to study the conditions


Sino-Japanese relations during late Koizumi period has been widely considered having dropped to the lowest point since the two countries started normal diplomatic relationship in 1972. As a substitute strategy, cultural diplomacy thus became more important to smooth resentments and strengthen common interests on private citizen's level. This paper's purpose was to look at the outcome of Ja

Vilja eller tvång? En studie av polska, masuriska gymnasieelevers tankevärld

Masuriska gymnasieungdomar är jämgamla med det "nya" kapitalistiska Polen vilket inte hindrar att ungdomarna genom sin starka föräldraranknytning kan sägas ha en fot i det "gamla" systemet före 1989 och en fot i det "nya". Syftet är att analysera masuriska ungdomarnas interaktion med skola, familj respektive kyrka samt deras framtidsvisioner. Val av metoder och teorie

Education for Sustainability Developing a sustainable strategy for Zákolany School

The importance of formal education systems in relation to environmental and social problems has been increasingly emphasised in international agreements and conferences. Despite this fact, the process of implementation in schools is slow. One important aspect of Education for Sustainability (EFS) is the connection between schools and their local environment. This implies that the schools can expe

Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in

Korrelationsstudie mellan kognitiva funktioner, grad av psykiskt välbefinnande och grad av mindfulness

This study aims to investigate possible correlations between cognitive functions and self perceived psychological wellbeing, possible correlations between cognitive functions and degree of mindfulness and possible correlations between degree of mindfulness and self perceived psychological wellbeing. 18 patients diagnosed with ICD-10 taking part in a transdiagnostical cognitive behavioural group th