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At the turn of the Century the man/woman-relationship was debated in media, public leisure life and in the genre of self help literature. The “Heterosexual Couple” was – and is - portrayed in a number of culturally fixed and thematic ways, often conceptualized via the dichotomies of Male and Female, harmony and conflict, the traditional and the modern, ideal and reality. In this thesis different

Endothelial-leukocyte interactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Trots att kroppen skyddas av ett hudlager på utsidan och av epitelceller i kroppens inre organ utsätts vi hela tiden för infektioner. När en vävnad blir infekterad börjar cellerna utsöndra inflammatoriska mediatorer som bland annat orsakar svullnad och rodnad. En inflammation kan också orsakas av till exempel slag eller brännskador. De inflammatoriska mediatorerna signaThis thesis describes early inflammatory responses involving interactions between leukocytes and the endothelial lining of the blood vessel wall. An adhesion molecule, E-selectin, which is upregulated on interleukin-1 activated endothelium, was found to mediate rolling between leukocytes and endothelial cells in vivo. Immunohistochemistry revealed that E-selectin was preferentially expressed in ve

Telemonopolens strategier : en studie av telekommunikationsmonopolens strategiska beteende vid liberalisering av teleoperatörsbranschen

In this thesis the strategic behaviour of the three operators (Televerket/Telia, PTT Telecom and BT) on strong technological development and deregulation of the business during a period of fifteen years have been described, interpreted and analysed. Some thirty more operators have also been investigated in this respect - however not in depth. The strategic behaviour of the operators have been comp

Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Advection-Diffusion Transport With Electrochemical Reactions in a Porous SOFC Anode Structure

Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a method that can be used to capture the detailed activities of the transport processes at microscale. Here LBM is used to model the porous anode for an anode-supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of electrochemical reactions on the transport processes by a 3D model at microscale. A porous 3D modeling domai

On the necessity of barrier certificates

A methodology for safety verification of nonlinear systems using barrier certificates has been proposed recently. The condition was stated in a sufficiency form: if there exists a barrier certificate, then the system is safe, in the sense that there is no trajectory starting from a given set of initial states that reaches some given unsafe region. Using the concepts of convex duality and density,

Development of Experimental Methods, Data Analysis and Standards in Atomic Spectroscopy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om experimentella tekniker och dataanalys inom atomspektroskopi. Förbättrade metoder för analys av spektra och bestämning av nivåenergier presenteras, där de flesta bygger på en rigorös statistisk behandling av spektroskopisk data. Starka linjer i spektrumet från envärt joniserat neon mellan 2000 och 5000Å föreslås som våglängdsstandarder. DessaThe focus of this work is on the experimental techniques and data analysis in atomic spectroscopy. Improved methods for the analysis of spectra and the determination of level energies are presented. Most of these are based on a rigorous statistical treatment of the spectroscopic data. Strong lines in the spectrum of singly-ionized neon between 2000 and 5000Å are suggested as tertiary wavelength st

3D Laser Scanning in Cave Environment: the Case of Las Cuevas, Belize

The Las Cuevas site is a Maya administrative and ceremonial center active during the latter part of the Late Classic period (700-900 AD) in Western Belize. It is of particular interest because a large cave resides directly beneath the largest temple in the site core. This paper presents the use of phase shift variation laser scanning technology (Faro Focus 3D) for the acquisition of the cave’s net