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A Rain of Propaganda : The Media Production of the Office of War Information in Stockholm, 1942–1945

This chapter examines the media production of the US Office of War Information (OWI) in Stockholm, 1942–1945. While previous research has focused on the organization of OWI and the American view on war propaganda in Scandinavia, little emphasis has been placed on the actual production and circulation of American propaganda in Sweden during World War II. Drawing on previously neglected archival mat

Fledging mass is color morph specific and affects local recruitment in a wild bird

Early-life conditions may have long-lasting effects on life history. In color polymorphic species, morph-specific sensitivity to environmental conditions may lead to differential fitness. In tawny owls (Strix aluco), pheomelanin-based color polymorphism is expected to be maintained because the brown morph has higher adult fitness in warmer environments, while selection favors the gray morph under

Thirty years after anorexia nervosa onset, serum neurofilament light chain protein concentration indicates neuronal injury

Little is known about the long-term consequences of anorexia nervosa (AN) in terms of possible brain neuronal injury. We aimed at investigating whether women with adolescent-onset AN exhibit increased serum levels of neurofilament light chain protein (NfL), a biomarker for neuronal injury, compared with matched controls at 30-year follow-up. Blood samples were collected from 34 women with adolesce

GWAS in people of Middle Eastern descent reveals a locus protective of kidney function-a cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney failure, which increases globally and represents a significant threat to public health. People from the Middle East represent one of the largest immigrant groups in Europe today. Despite poor glucose regulation and high risk for early-onset insulin-deficient type 2 diabetes, they have better kidney function and lower rates

Can They Stay or Will They Go? : A Cross Sectional Study of Managers' Attitudes towards Their Senior Employees

A larger amount of older people need to participate in working life due to the global demographic change. It is the employer, through the manager, who enables employees to have access to measures in the workplace that facilitate and enable a sustainable extended working life. The aim of this study was to evaluate work life factors associated with managers believing their employees can work versus

Building Bridges: The Effect of Major Infrastructure Development on Trade

We provide evidence of a positive effect of major infrastructure development on international trade, using the opening of the fixed link between Denmark and Sweden in 2000 (The Oresund Bridge) as a quasi-natural experiment. Our Synthetic Control Method (SCM) constructs a counterfactual Danish-Swedish trade relationship, which represents bilateral trade in the absence of the bridge. Evaluating actu

Window of Opportunities : The Great Depression, Protectionism and the Rise of Profitable Settler Agriculture in Africa

The establishment of profitable European settler agriculture overseas has received considerable scholarly attention. Much of this literature focus on the ‘New World’ and the European off-shoots. It is generally argued that the golden age of these settler societies were 1870 to 1913. A globalization wave gave the settler farmers access to migrant labour and global markets. By contrast, Europeansett

Reproductive outcome after early miscarriage : comparing vaginal misoprostol treatment with expectant management in a planned secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

Objective: To compare the reproductive outcome after early miscarriage between women managed expectantly and those treated with vaginal misoprostol. Methods: This study was a planned secondary analysis of data collected prospectively in a randomized controlled trial comparing expectant management with vaginal misoprostol treatment (single dose of 800 µg) in women with early embryonic or anembryoni

Inflammation-induced PELP1 expression promotes tumorigenesis by activating GM-CSF paracrine secretion in the tumor microenvironment

The inflammatory tumor microenvironment has been implicated as a major player fueling tumor progression and an enabling characteristic of cancer, proline, glutamic acid, and leucine-rich protein 1 (PELP1) is a novel nuclear receptor coregulator that signals across diverse signaling networks, and its expression is altered in several cancers. However, investigations to find the role of PELP1 in infl

Mid-infrared PS and LIF detection of CH4 and C2H6 in cold flows and flames at atmospheric pressure

Mid-IR polarization spectroscopy (IRPS) and laser-induced fluorescence were applied for detection of CH4 and ethane in 1 atm cold flows and flames. The dependence of IRPS and IRLIF signal of CH4 on different buffer gases, including He, Ar, N2, and CO2 were studied. Simultaneous measurements of IRPS and IRLIF signals allowed a direct comparison of the two techniques. IRPS was superior in detection

Sustain the Abilities of the Future SMEs’ Empirical Study

Sustainability of the enterprise is crucial to support long-term business survival and development. Unpredictable events such as Covid-19 highlights sustainability issues in enterprises. This empirical study aims to investigate sociotechnical sustainability in real world work practices. The focus is on employee involvement and problems in work practices concerning the economic, environmental, soci

Catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment after caesarean section in Sierra Leone : An evaluation of the free health care initiative

Background Utilizing surgical services, including caesarean sections, can result in catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment. In 2010, Sierra Leone introduced the Free Health Care Initiative (FHCI), a national financial risk protection program for the most vulnerable groups. Aim of this study was to investigate catastrophic expenditure and impoverishment related to caesarean section in Sierra L

TRPV1 har viktig roll i hjärnan

The discovery of TRPV1 as a receptor for capsaicin, the pungent ingredient in chili pepper, and noxious heat has triggered immense research on the role of TRP channels as polymodal receptors in sensory neuronal signaling. The rich abundance of TRPV1 in nociceptive primary afferents and its involvement in inflammatory and neuropathic pain encouraged the development of analgesics acting on TRPV1. Ho

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Abstract in GermanDas Thema dieses Beitrags ist die Übersetzung deutscher Partizipialkonstruktionen ins Schwedische – ein Thema, dem die bisherige Forschung kaum Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt hat. Die Studie ist sowohl quantitativer als auch qualitativer Natur. Als Korpus dienen deutsche Sachprosatexte und ihre schwedischen Übersetzungen, von denen anzunehmen ist, dass sie im Einklang mit den entsprech