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Advancing Bioenergy in Europe: Exploring bioenergy systems and socio-political issues

Popular Abstract in Swedish Detta är en avhandling om bioenergi (eller biomassa som används för produktion av värme, el eller som drivmedel), om dess betydande potential och viktiga alternativ. Biomassa kan ses som solenergi som fångats genom fotosyntes och lagrats i växande biomassa. Men bra förutsättningar kan bioenergi starkt bidra till minskad klimatpåverkan, ökad förbättrad försörjningstrygghThis thesis concentrates on bioenergy (or biomass utilised for heat, electricity and fuels for transport) as a renewable energy with significant potentials and options. Biomass can be considered as 'stored' solar energy because the process of photosynthesis 'captures' energy from the sun in growing plants. Bioenergy systems under the 'right' conditions can greatly contribute to climate mitigation,

Mikrobiell påväxt på fasader

I huvudsak har putsade fasader undersökts. Tre nybyggda hus i Stockholmsområdet, ett ca. 20 år gammalt provhus i Dalby samt ett objekt i Ärvinge har undersökts med avseende på missfärgningar förorsakade av bland annat mögelsvamp men även av lavor, mossor och alger. Denna inledande undersökning behandlar, i alla väsentliga delar, vad för sorts påväxt som bidrar till missfärgningar av fasader. I skr

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in pelagic systems

Several studies show that there are interactive processes between eutrophication and uptake of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in aquatic biota. The main concept is that the increased biomass and production in aquatic ecosystems, due to excess discharge of nutrients, causes a chain event that results in reduced uptake of POPs in primary producers (phytoplankton). This effect is then transferr

Holocene geomagnetic paleointensities: A blind test of absolute paleointensity techniques and materials

Through several decades of research, absolute paleointensity estimates have been obtained from a wide range of rocks with varying ages, covering the last 3.45 Ga years. These paleointensity data are crucial to study the past geodynamo and the geological evolution of the Earth's deep interior. However, paleointensity data are often difficult to interpret, and on-going discussions concerning the pas

Streptococcus pneumoniae evades complement attack and opsonophagocytosis by expressing the pspC locus-encoded Hic protein that binds to short consensus repeats 8-11 of factor H

Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of upper and lower respiratory tract infections, meningitis, peritonitis, bacterial arthritis, and sepsis. Here we have studied a novel immune evasion mechanism of serotype 3 pneumococci, which are particularly resistant to phagocytosis. On their surfaces the bacteria express the factor H-binding inhibitor of complement (Hie), a protein of the pneumoc

Test Resource Partitioning and Optimization for SOC Designs

We propose a test resource partitioning and optimization technique for core-based designs. Our technique includes test set selection and test resource floor-planning with the aim of minimizing the total test application time and the routing of the added TAM (test access mechanism) wires. A feature of our approach is that it pinpoints bottlenecks that are likely to limit the test solution, which is

Maximum spin aligned states in Ag-98(47)51

New excited states have been observed in the neutron deficient isotope Ag-98 following the Ni-58+Cr-50-->Te-108* heavy-ion reaction. One of these states may be interpreted as a maximum spin aligned state of the pi g(9/2)(-3) nu vg(7/2) configuration. Other possible interpretations within the nuclear shell model are discussed as well.

Size characterization of green fluorescent protein inclusion bodies in E. coli using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation-multi-angle light scattering

The goal of this study was to investigate the applicability of asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation-multi-angle light scattering (AsFIFFFMALS) for size analysis of green fluorescent protein inclusion bodies (GFPIBs). The size distributions of GFPIBs prepared by various culture conditions were determined. For GFPIBs prepared at 37 degrees C the peak maximum hydrodynamic diameter (dH) first in

FeGa3 and RuGa3: Semiconducting intermetallic compounds

The intermetallic compounds FeGa3 and RuGa3 were prepared from the elements using a Ga flux and their structures were refined from single-crystal X-ray data. Both compounds crystallize with the FeGa3 structure type (tetragonal, space group P4(2)/mnm, Z=4). Electrical resistivity measurements revealed a semiconducting behavior for FeGa3 and RuGa3, which is in contrast to the good metallic conductiv

Heroin addicts reporting previous heroin overdoses also report suicide attempts

Nonfatal heroin overdoses and suicide attempts are both common among heroin addicts, but there is limited knowledge about the association between them. The sample in the present study consisted of 149 regular heroin users in Malmo, Sweden. Out of these 98 had taken an unintentional heroin overdose at some time and 51 had made at least one attempt to commit suicide (but not using heroin). Suicide a

Questions of Method in James Dunn's Jesus Remembered

Parts of Dunn's methodology in "Jesus Remembered" (2003) are scrutinised: the meaning of "memory" and whether this is the ultimately attainable object of historiography. I contend that historical research should not content itself with investigating how memories are "fictionalized", i.e. retained in narrative form, but press on to verified judgments on historical facts. "Grand (or: master) narrati

Submicrometer aerosol particle size distribution and hygroscopic growth measured in the Amazon rain forest during the wet season

The number-size distribution and hygroscopic growth of submicrometer aerosol particles were measured in central Amazonia during the first Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment (CLAIRE) wet season experiment in March-April 1998. This was the first time ever that these types of measurements were performed in the Amazon rain forest. A Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) was used to mea

Prognosis in elderly men with screening-detected abdominal aortic aneurysm

OBJECTIVES: To study the natural course of screening-detected symptomless abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in elderly men. SETTING: Malmo, a city in southern Sweden with 230,000 inhabitants and a single referral hospital. MATERIALS: 423 seventy-four-year-old men, randomly selected from the population and belonging to the prospective population study "Men born in 1914", were invited. 343 underwent A

System Identification and LQG Control of Variable-Compression HCCI Engine Dynamics

The Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion engine has potential to replace the spark ignition and compression ignition engines of today. One of the main problems in making the engine commercially attractive is the lack of direct means of controlling the ignition phasing. In this paper, we investigate the potential of inlet air temperature as a means to ignition actuation. This ar

Seeing the Word : John Dee and Renaissance Occultism

This study reassesses the occult philosophy of the British polymath John Dee (1527-1609). Focusing on his treatise Monas hieroglyphica (1564) and his notorious angelic conversations in the 1580s, it describes Dee’s philosophical career as a continuous search for a language which could yield knowledge of both nature and God. Situating Dee’s philosophy in the context of early modern “symbolic exeges

A framework for design tradeoffs

Designs almost always require tradeoffs between competing design choices to meet system requirements. We present a framework for evaluating design choices with respect to meeting competing requirements. Specifically, we develop a model to estimate the performance of a UML design subject to changing levels of security and fault-tolerance. This analysis gives us a way to identify design solutions th