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Semi-Blind Power Allocation for Digital Subscriber Lines

Digital subscriber lines (DSL) are today one of the most important means for delivering high-speed data transmission. An emerging technique for dealing with one of the technology's most harmful problems, crosstalk, is dynamic spectrum management (DSM). DSM literature already counts with some half a dozen important solutions. These solutions can be classified according to four different aspects: op

Dynamic Evaluation of the Overloading Potential of a Convection Cooled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

In order to obtain the maximum efficiency from a hybrid driveline it is crucial to optimize the power distribution between the electric drive and the internal combustion engine. An accurate estimation of how much electric power can be delivered at any instant of time is therefore of great interest. Such estimation is dependent on several factors, as the state of charge of the battery, the temperat

A scripting tool for real-time effect programming

Writing real-time visual effects for graphics hardware is made difficult by the high degree of dependence between GPU-level shaders and CPU-level orchestration of pipeline settings parameter bindings. This paper presents PyFX, an effect framework embedded in the programming language Python. Compared to existing existing frameworks this language embedding gives the effect programmer greater express

Evaluation of a Perspective Based Review Method Applied in an Industrial Setting

Inspections are an important means for developing high quality software. The effects of using a perspective based review method with a testing perspective (PBRM(T)) on requirements specifications have been evaluated in an industrial project. PBRM(T) was employed and compared to the normal checklist-based review method (CBRM) which was used earlier in the project. The effects studied were 1) the ef

Lung volumes and lung mechanics in anesthetized children

Popular Abstract in Swedish LUNGVOLYMER OCH LUNGMEKANIK HOS BARN UNDER ANESTESI Avhandlingen är avsedd att fylla luckor i vårt vetande vad gäller normal utveckling av lungvolymer och lungans elasticitet hos barn, från tidiga spädbarnstiden till tonåren. Speciellt har tidigare funnits en brist på data hos barn yngre än skolåldern. Undersökningarna gjordes i narkos och under muskelavslappning. MätnThe thesis was intended to fill gaps in the knowledge regarding the normal development of lung volumes and lung mechanics in children, from young infancy to the mid-teens. In particular, data were previously lacking regarding pre-school children. The studies were done during anesthesia and muscle relaxation. Measurements: · Absolute lung volume was obtained with a tracer gas method (sulfur hexaf

Xings for Augmented Family Communication

When a child has special communication needs, his or her entire family is affected. This position paper deals with “Xings” (crossings or just xings): active and reactive multisensory media, designed to be communicative on their own terms, challenging existing everyday communication patterns and augmenting family communication. The common shortcomings of oral and written language are no longer crit

Law and reform in Morocco

Morocco has for twenty years been in what is officially described as a transition to democracy. During the former king Hassan II negotiations with the opposition resulted in two constitutional reforms and a new government in 1998 dominated by the former opposition parties. In the 2000s two important law reforms were made: a new law of personal status in 2004 and a new constitution in 2011. The new