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Vallgraven kring Tommarps kungsgård

Vid förundersökningen påträffades en mindre stenkonstruktion i den norra delen av vallgraven. Denna torde utgöra resterna av den forna vallgravens nordöstra bastion. Vid schaktningarna och handgrävningen i gravens västra del tillvaratogs även ett stort lösfyndsmaterial. Detta bestod av allt ifrån klädnypor i plast till keramikskärvor från yngre romersk järnålder. De förhistoriska fynden kunde alla

Possibilities and problems with the use of models as a communication tool in water resource management

Politicians and policy-makers, as well as modellers, often nurses an expectation that model derived results is an objective source of information that can be used to support decisions. However, several prerequisites have to be dealt with in order to ensure that models can be used as legitimate and efficient tools in water resource management. Based on empirical material from recent studies on the

The continuing role of PSA in the detection and management of prostate cancer

Despite being used extensively for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing remains controversial. Doubts have been raised over the continued use of PSA in the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer because many men now present with early-stage, small-volume tumours. This article examines the limitations of using a single PSA value in di

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INTRODUCTION: General practitioners are often interested in doing research but are hampered by lack of time and research training. Interpreting the results of others can also be difficult. For this reason a course in basic research methods for GPs was started in Sweden in 1989. It was originally aimed at GPs but was later extended to hospital physicians as well. The course is given regionally and

Association of common variation in the HNF1 alpha gene region with risk of type 2 diabetes

It is currently unclear how often genes that are mutated to cause rare, early-onset monogenic forms of disease also harbor common variants that contribute to the more typical polygenic form of each disease. The gene for MODY3 diabetes, HNF1 alpha, lies in a region that has shown linkage to late-onset type 2 diabetes (12q24, NIDDM2), and previous association studies have suggested a weak trend towa

Relation between sensory texture properties and exopolysaccharide distribution in set and in stirred yoghurts produced with different starter cultures

Set yoghurts produced with seven different exopolysaccharide-producing starter cultures were subjected to sensory texture profiling including texture evaluation before and after a stirring procedure carried out by trained assessors. The microstructure of four selected yoghurts was investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy with special focus on the distribution of exopolysaccharides (EPS)

Primer and short-range releaser pheromone properties of premolt female urine from the shore crab Carcinus maenas

The European shore crab Carcinus maenas is considered to rely on a female pheromone when mating. Evidence, however, is scarce on how the urine pheromone in itself affects males. We investigated male primer and releaser responses to female pheromones with methods that minimized effects from females, delivering female urine either as a pump-generated plume or deposited on a polyurethane sponge. We d

Measuring the size of ulcers by planimetry: a useful method in the clinical setting

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare four measurement methods. Digital planimetry was compared with mechanical planimetry, placing the film over graph paper and counting the squares (grid tracing), and multiplying the two maximal perpendicular diameters of the ulcer (diameter product). METHOD: Twenty patients with 50 chronic leg ulcers of various aetiology and sizes (20 ulcers were < or

Total antioxidant capacity in different pea (Pisum sativum) varieties after blanching and freezing

Thirty-five varieties of the green pea (Pisum sativum L.) were analysed for their total antioxidant capacity (TAC. After blanching and freezing, the water-soluble fraction had, on average, a TAC of 0.61(0.22) mumol/g (mean(SD)) and the water-insoluble fraction a value of 0.23(0.08) mumol/g. There was a significant correlation between the TAC in the water-soluble and water-insoluble fractions (r =

Association of nut and seed intake with colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

A link between unsaturated fatty acids or phytonutrients and reduced risk of colorectal cancer has been suggested. However, the effects of higher intake of dietary sources of these nutrients, such as the nuts and seeds food group, are less clear. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of nut and seed intake on colorectal cancer risk within the European Prospective Investigation i

Oxidative activation of the propolis hapten isoprenyl caffeate

The reactions of isoprenyl caffeate, the strongest allergen known to be present in propolis, with plausible functional groups of proteins were studied. The thiols glutathione and cysteine, which add to isoprenyl caffeate after having been oxidised to the corresponding quinone, served as model substances. The structure of the thiol adducts was determined by spectroscopic methods, addition being fou

Fast greedy algorithms for constructing sparse geometric spanners

Given a set V of n points in R-d and a real constant t > 1, we present the first O(n log n)-time algorithm to compute a geometric t-spanner on V. A geometric t-spanner on V is a connected graph G = ( V, E) with edge weights equal to the Euclidean distances between the endpoints, and with the property that, for all u, v is an element of V the distance between u and v in G is at most t times the Euc

A comparison of splittings and integral equation solvers for a nonseparable elliptic equation

Iterative numerical schemes for solving the electrostatic partial differential equation with variable conductivity, using fast and high-order accurate direct methods for preconditioning, are compared. Two integral method schemes of this type, based on previously suggested splittings of the equation, are proposed, analyzed, and implemented. The schemes are tested for large problems on a square. Par

Purification of plasmid DNA with a new type of anion-exchange beads having a non-charged surface

We have prepared a new type of anion exchanger, which effectively discriminates between RNA and plasmid DNA. The material is based on a Sephacryl S-500 HR matrix provided with quartenary amine anion-exchange groups. A distinguishing feature of the beads is that a thin (2-3 mum) outer layer of the beads lacks ion-exchange groups. In the synthesis of these beads the vinyl groups in the outer layer o

Sagan om Unga Teatern i Malmö 1970-92

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen undersöker de kontexter inom vilken Malmö Stadsteaters ungdomsgrupp Unga Teatern existerade, bl a kulturpolitik, skol- och läroplansutveckling och reception. Den övergripande frågeställningen är huruvida det under vissa perioder funnits en genomgripande estetik. Nio uppsättningar analyseras med avseende på pjästext, iscensättning, arbetsprocess och receptioThis dissertation investigates whether Unga Teatern, a theatre group for children and youth at Malmö City Theatre, had an aesthetic profile of its own. It focuses on three sections: the theme of fairy tales and myths under the artistic direction of Ronnie Hallgren (19977-83), his staging of English plays (1982 -84) and the avantgarde production for children and youth under the direction of Karin P

Increased stiffness of the abdominal aorta in women with rheumatoid arthritis.

Objective. To study the distensibility and the diameter of the abdominal aorta and the common carotid artery (CCA) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and investigate the relation between mechanical properties of these arteries and disease severity. Methods. One hundred and one patients with RA (33 consecutive cases with extra-articular manifestations, and 68 subjects with non-extra-artic

Modeling and Model Reduction in Automotive Systems

The current control design development process in automotive industry and elsewhere involves many expensive experiments and hand-tuning of control parameters. Model based control design is a promising approach to reduce costs and development time. In this process low complexity models are essential. This thesis combines the areas of modeling and model reduction in automotive systems. A model of th