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Moderaternas ideologiska grundsyn : En uppföljning av debatten under det sena 1900-talet

Aims Three doctoral theses by Aronson (1990), Hylén (1991) and Ljunggren (1992) drew different conclusions regarding the ideological development of the Swedish Conservative (Moderate) party during the 20th century until the 1980s. This study investigates the party programs from 1904 to 2011/2013 with regard to the party’s most fundamental perception of reality in terms of a collectivistic versus i

Combining expansion in pulp capacity with production of sustainable biofuels – Techno-economic and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of drop-in fuels from black liquor part-streams

Drop-in biofuels from forest by-products such as black liquor can help deliver deep reductions in transport greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels in our vehicle fleet. Black liquor is produced at pulp mills that can increase their pulping capacity by upgrading some of it to drop-in biofuels but this is not well-studied. We evaluate the techno-economic and greenhouse gas performance of

Byzantine Tree Life : Christianity and the Arboreal Imagination

This book examines the many ways Byzantines lived with their trees. It takes seriously theological and hagiographic tree engagement as expressions of that culture’s deep involvement—and even fascination—with the arboreal. These pages tap into the current attention paid to plants in a wide range of scholarship, an attention that involves the philosophy of plant life as well as scientific discoverie

Exceptional diversity of opsin expression patterns in Neogonodactylus oerstedii (Stomatopoda) retinas

Stomatopod crustaceans possess some of the most complex animal visual systems, including at least 16 spectrally distinct types of photoreceptive units (e.g., assemblages of photoreceptor cells). Here we fully characterize the set of opsin genes expressed in retinal tissues and determine expression patterns of each in the stomatopod Neogonodactylus oerstedii Using a combination of transcriptome and

Molecular diversity of visual pigments in Stomatopoda (Crustacea)

Stomatopod crustaceans possess apposition compound eyes that contain more photoreceptor types than any other animal described. While the anatomy and physiology of this complexity have been studied for more than two decades, few studies have investigated the molecular aspects underlying the stomatopod visual complexity. Based on previous studies of the structure and function of the different types

On the analytical engagement of social semiotics and variation theory in physics education research

In this licentiate thesis, I explore how two theoretical frameworks—social semiotics and the variation theory of learning—used in physics education research, can be fruitfully combined to obtain additional analytical tools for analysing student learning in introductory level university physics. Each theoretical framework has on their own, or together with other frameworks, been successfully applie

Shedding new light on opsin evolution

Opsin proteins are essential molecules in mediating the ability of animals to detect and use light for diverse biological functions. Therefore, understanding the evolutionary history of opsins is key to understanding the evolution of light detection and photoreception in animals. As genomic data have appeared and rapidly expanded in quantity, it has become possible to analyse opsins that functiona

A descriptive study of pain treatment and its follow-up in primary care of elderly patients after orthopaedic care

Background: Pain treatment post orthopaedic care in the elderly is complicated and requires careful follow-up. Current guidelines state all patients prescribed opioids should have a plan for gradual reduction, with the treatment progressively reduced and ended if any pain remains after more than three months. How this works in primary care remains to be explored.The aim was to describe pain treatm

Glorifierade gangstrar problem som går igen

Recension av Joe Kraus bok: The kosher Capones : a history of Chicago’s Jewish gangsters. Jämförelser mellan situationen i Chicago under 1900-talet och problemen med gängkriminalitet i dagens Sverige.

Diprionyl esters attractive to males of the dailing pine sawfly Neodiprion dailingensis Xiao et Zhou (Hym., Diprionidae) in north-eastern China

The attraction of male Neodiprion dailingensis Xiao et Zhou to pheromone substances identified from other Neodiprion species was tested in plantations of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. in Liaoning Province in north-eastern China. Both the acetate and propionate of (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecanol (diprionol) were highly attractive. An addition of 10% of the (2S,3R,7R)-isomer did not significantly

Energy-Efficient Stable and Balanced Task Scheduling in Data Centers

It is well known that load balancing in data centers can lead to unnecessary energy usage if all servers are kept active. Usingdynamic server provisioning, the number of servers that serve requests can be reduced by turning off idle servers and thereby savingenergy. However, such a scheme, usually increases the risk of instability of server queues. In this work, we analyze the trade-offbetween ene

Don’t do it again! The Swedish experience with negative central bank rates in 2015-2019

Negative interest rates were once seen as impossible outside the realm of economic theory. However, recently several central banks have imposed such rates, with prominent economists supporting this move. This column investigates the actual effects of negative interest rates, taking evidence from the Swedish experience during 2015-2019. It is evident that the policy’s effect on the inflation rate w