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Marie Lennerstrand & Linda Oja, Livet går vidare
Activity Report: Automatic Control 1982-1984
Tailored vitrectomy and laser photocoagulation without scleral buckling for all primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachments.
Aim: To investigate the anatomical and functional results and the complications in eyes operated on using vitrectomy without scleral buckling for all forms of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment ( RRD). Methods: All cases of primary RRD at the University Hospital of Lund, Lund, Sweden, treated by one surgeon during a period of 3 years were retrospectively reviewed. In 131 ( 98%) of 134 consecutive c
Persistent production of neurons from adult brain stem cells during recovery after stroke.
Neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of adult rodents produce new striatal neurons that may replace those that have died after stroke; however, the neurogenic response has been considered acute and transient, yielding only small numbers of neurons. In contrast, we show herein that striatal neuroblasts are generated without decline at least for 4 months after stroke in adult rats. Neuroblas
Rotational Bands Near 56Ni
Rotational bands have been found in Co-57 and Ni-57, using Gammasphere in conjunction with the Microball and 30 neutron detectors. The bands in Co-57, extending the mass 60 region of deformation down to Z = 27, are signature partner sequences. The quadrupole moments and dynamic moments of inertia of the new bands in both nuclei are similar to those of rotational sequences in the neighboring nuclei
DNA-induced programmable fusion of phospholipid vesicles
In nature, the fusion of phospholipid vesicles is regulated and catalyzed by highly specialized SNARE proteins. A key step in this process is to bring about close apposition of the lipid bilayers that are destined to fuse. Inspired by nature's use of molecular recognition between receptor proteins, we developed a method to force bilayers into proximity by the selective hybridization of membrane-an
Are associations between socio-economic characteristics and exposure to air pollution a question of study area size? An example from Scania, Sweden
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have shown that exposure to air pollutants in the area of residence and the socio-economic status of an individual may be related. Therefore, when conducting an epidemiological study on the health effect of air pollution, socio-economy may act as a confounding factor. In this paper we examine to what extent socio-economic status and concentrations of NO2 in the county/
Plasma lipids and lipoproteins in subtypes of stroke
We determined plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in 131 patients (95 males, 36 females, mean age 71 years) 6 months after acute stroke onset. Compared to a reference population, the alterations of plasma lipid concentrations in stroke patients were moderate. However, the stroke patients had higher levels of triglyceride and lipoprotein (a) and lower concentrations of cholesterol, high den
En metod för mätning av fuktprofiler i betongkonstruktioner : experimentell utvärdering av OE-metoden
Den övergripande målsättningen med projektet har varit att utifrån en prototyp av OE-staven ta fram ett fungerande mätsystem som håller jämförbar standard med dagens RF-mätningar. OE-metoden har visat sig uppfylla dessa krav och samtidigt vara ett kraftfullt verktyg för mätningar av RF-profiler i betongkonstruktioner. OE-metoden lämpar sig bäst att användas i svårbemästrade mätsituationer samt i s
I sinnenas hus
Determination of transition matrices for inhomogeneous dielectric bodies by a wave propagator method
A method for determining transition matrices for inhomogeneous dielectric shells is presented. The source can be either inside or outside the shell. The method is based upon expansions of the electric and magnetic fields in vector spherical harmonics. The expansion coefficients in the shell satisfy a system of linear ordinary differential equations in the radial direction. The expansion coefficien
A SU-8 dish for cell irradiation
The objective of the CELLION project is radiation research at low doses. The main cell responses to low dose irradiation are bystander effects, genomic instability and adaptive responses. In order to study these effects it is convenient to make the cells addressable in space and time through locking the cell position. A new alternative dish has been developed for irradiation procedures at the Lund
Making the Most of It? : Understanding the social and productive dynamics of small farmers in semi-arid Iringa, Tanzania
Popular Abstract in Swedish Att klara sig trots allt: Den sociala och produktiva dynamiken hos småbönderna i de halvtorra områdena i Iringa i norra Tanzania. Det är inte lätt att överleva som småbonde i de halvtorra områdena i Iringa och på liknande platser i Afrika. Man kontrollerar knappast sin egen livssituation. Regnen är opålitliga, priser, marknadsföring och politiska ingrepp är oförutsägbaWhile much of semi-arid Africa is still sparsely populated with unused land, there are everywhere pockets of high and increasing population density in attractive locations. Small-scale farmers can respond to beginning land-scarcity in a number of ways. Through migration, through diversification of livelihoods, or through changes in their farming system. Which solution is chosen, depends not only o
Lysozyme-water interactions studied by sorption calorimetry
Hydration of hen egg white lysozyme was studied by using the method of sorption calorimetry at 25, 40, and 50degreesC. Desorption calorimetric measurements were performed at 25 and 40degreesC. The activity of water and partial molar enthalpy of mixing of water were determined as functions of water content. Hydration of lysozyme occurs in four steps: slow penetration of water into the protein-prote
Measurement of the hyperfine structure splitting for the 4 and 5^(2)P_(1/2) states of sodium using radio-frequency spectroscopy
The hyperfine-structure splitting for the 4 and 52P1/2 states of sodium was measured using step-wise laser excitation combined with rf-resonance techniques. The magnetic dipole interaction constants were found to be a(42P1/2)=30.4(5) MHz and a(52P1/2) =13.3(2) MHz. The results are compared with a theoretical calculation, taking polarization effects into account.
68Ga-labeled oligonucleotides for in vivo imaging with PET
The biologic evaluation in living rats of 68Ga-labeled oligonucleotides as imaging agents for PET is reported. Methods: 68Ga, a positron-emitting radionuclide (half-life, 68 min), along with a macrocyclic chelating agent, 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-N,N',N'',N'''-tetraacetic acid (DOTA), was used for labeling of antisense oligonucleotides targeting activated human K-ras oncogene. The biologic p
Does schooling make sense? A household perspective on the returns to schooling for self-employed, farmers and employees in Egypt.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avstår barn i fattiga länder från utbildning framförallt för att de är fattiga eller för att de upplever att skolan inte har något meningsfullt att erbjuda? Svaret på den frågan har stor betydelse för vilken politik som bör föras. Ett empiriskt bidrag till en sådan frågeställning är i vilken utsträckning som utbildning kan tänkas vara ett ?lönsamt? alternativ för indiviWhy do some children in the developing world choose to stay out of school? Is it mainly because poverty leaves them with no options or because schooling seems to offer them few benefits? The answers to these questions have profound policy implications. An empirical input into this discussion is the extent to which schooling can actually be perceived as a profitable option in various countries and,
Optical Spectra of Synechocystis and Spinach Photosystem II Preparations at 1.7 K: Identification of the D1-Pheophytin Energies and Stark Shifts
We report and compare highly resolved, simultaneously recorded absorption and CD spectra of active Photosystem II (PSII) samples in the range 440-750 nm. From an appropriately scaled comparison of spinach membrane fragment (BBY) and PSII core spectra, we show that key features of the core spectrum are quantitatively represented in the BBY data. PSII from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 displ