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Suceeding in a Social Democratic Spectacle : a Study of the Swedish Prime Minister Change/Party Leader Campaign in 1996
Explaining International Involvement in Failed States : Humanitarian Assistance to Civilians during Internal Conflicts
The Construction of Female Sexuality 'Virtue' as a Formative Means
For Future Reference; Cognitive Empathy is Augmented Over Temporal Distance: An investigation of temporal distance influence on empathy
The goal of this experiments was to investigate a possible link between emotional and cognitive empathy and temporal distance. Along the lines of the Affect dependent time discounting hypothesis (Liberman & Trope, 2000) it is proposed that emotional reactions to empathic events decrease with temporal distance and cognitive reactions to the same empathic events increase. To test this hypothesis
Antändning av polära vätskor uppblandade med vatten
The purpose with this report is to calculate the flash point for alcohols that are mixed with water. This report describes how the flash point can be calculated. During the work with the report some experimental work has been done to verify the theoretical values. Some deviation between the theoretical and experimental values was established. The phenomenon flamespread over a fluid surface has als
Pro Memoria - En undersökning av förintelseöverlevares minnen, med ett klass- och könssperspektiv.
Religionsfrihet som en mänsklig rättighet - Svenska kyrkans syn på religionsfrihet i samband med kyrkans skiljande från staten
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka Svenska kyrkans kyrkomötes syn på religionsfrihet i samband med den förnyade debatten kring förändrade relationer mellan kyrka och stat åren 1995-1999. Religionsfriheten är en central mänsklig rättighet och i debatten kring förändrade relationer mellan kyrka och stat har det anförts att full religionsfrihet först kan bli verklighet när kyrkan skiljts från
The Right to Self-representation in International Criminal Trial: Interaction with the Principle to an Expeditious Trial – Case Study: The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia
On 25 May 1993, the United Nation Security Council took the extraordinary and unprecedented step to establish the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) as means for restoration and maintenance of international peace and security. This was a major event for the all those who are concerned about serious breaches of international humanitarian law and the introduction of law
Om orsaker som villkorssatser och INUS-villkor
Jag har i denna uppsats beskrivit J. L. Mackies teori om orsaker så som villkorssatser, och jag har försökt utvärdera om hans förslag om orsaker som INUS-villkor är hållbart. Det är ingen tvekan om att ”INUS-villkor” är en mer precis och användbar term än ”orsak”. När det gäller de övriga delarna av Mackies teori finns det många tveksamheter. Kim kritiserar i första hand oklarheten i vilket samban
In the 1990s, since the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has dominated Japanese politics for nearly forty years, making Japanese politics more democratic became a hot issue. Many politicians and political organizations in Japan had joined the debate. A bestseller book, Blueprint For A New Japan, written by Ichiro Ozawa, arguing that establishing a two‐party system is the best way to make Japan more
Konfliktanalys ett försök till teorikonstruktion med inriktning på organisationer
Kartläggning av ingående materialflöde till UMAS med avseende på risker och riskhantering: en fallstudie av fyra flödeskedjor
Today’s hospitals in Sweden are all dependent of large networks of suppliers of medical supplies. These consist of many supply chains that are regularly exposed to both external and internal risks. One hospital affected by these risks is UMAS (Malmö University Hospital). UMAS is dependent on its supply chains to work without disruptions but it is unclear what risks they might be exposed to and how
Why not? - People who decided not to conform to perceived immorality
Much of the research in social psychology has focused on conformity. Often conformity is a necessary tool which helps our society to function but when people conform to something dangerous or immoral it can be very dangerous. In this study the people who do not conform for the reason that they disagree with the morality of the group are studied. The study is phenomenological and exploratory and sh