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The Long-Term Impacts of Low-Achieving Childhood Peers: Evidence from Project STAR

This paper evaluates how sharing a kindergarten classroom with low-achieving repeaters affects the long-term educational performance of regular first-time kindergarten students. Exploiting random assignment of teachers and students to classes in Project STAR, I document three sets of causal impacts: students who are exposed to repeaters (1) score lower on standardized tests at the end of kindergar


Skatterätten har i mycket hög utsträckning påverkats av Sveriges medlemsskap i EU. I boken beskrivs och analyseras den EU-skatterättsliga regleringen på såväl den indirekta som den direkta beskattningens område. Vidare sätts EU-reglerna på ett tydligt sätt in i ett svenskt sammanhang. Både den svenska implementeringen av utfärdade direktiv och den svenska skatterättens förhållande till fördragets

Behavioural effects of ISA in different driver categories.

Field studies to investigate the effects of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (haptic respectively auditory warnings) were carried out in Hungary and Spain. In a before/after within subject study, 20 test drivers in each country, tested both the Active Accelerator Pedal and an auditory warning system. Both systems had an effect on speed and the effect was greater for the Active Accelerator Pedal than f

An employeeship model and its relation to psychological climate : A study of congruence in the behavior of leaders and followers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar organisatoriska aspekter som organisationsklimat, psykologiskt klimat samt medarbetarskap utifrån ledarskapsbeteende, arbetskamratsbeteende och interaktivt ledare-följarebeteende. Den sistnämnda faktorn handlar både om ledarens och följarens (medarbetarens, arbetskamratens) beteende och om dessa är samstämmiga (kongruenta) eller skilda. AvhandThis doctoral dissertation was driven by an inspiration to study how employees behave toward each other from an interactive perspective where all members of an organization are considered active contributors. Employeeship holds this perspective and acknowledges the importance of productive relationships. The objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the conceptual and methodological devel

More Open – Better Governed? Evidence from High- and Low-income Countries

Using World Bank data on institutional quality and the KOF Globalization Index, we examine over 100 countries from 1992 to 2010 to analyze the relationship between economic and social globalization and six measures of institutional quality. Theoretically, the incentives of elites to respond to globalization by improving institutions should differ between low-income and high-income countries. Empir

Understanding the Lord's Prayer from a Discourse Perspective

At the centre of the Sermon on the Mount we find the most famous prayer of the New Testament, the Lord’s Prayer. This paper argues that the Lord’s Prayer is best understood from a discourse perspective. Rather than approaching the Sermon on the Mount from the traditional atomistic perspective of Form Criticism, where each text unit is thought to have had a separate existence and then been brought

Local and Regional Governance in Europe. Evidence from Nordic Regions

The European political landscape is one of constant flux and it is this alternating integration and disintegration which influences the basic conditions in which political power is exercised. This book argues that the interests of the cities and regions of Europe are increasingly influenced by European supranational institutions rather than the nation state and that governance in Europe is shiftin

En sprucken verklighet. Den ludiska vägen från kris till hälsa i The Biggest Loser

Forskare, från Piaget till Huizinga, MacCannell, Turner, Betcher, Suits, Aarseth, Castronova, Boellstorff, Caillois och Sutton-Smith, för att nämna endast några få, har i decennier och med olika disciplinära angreppssätt försökt förstå sig på lek och spel. “Play” – är ett högst tvetydigt begrepp så brett och metaforiskt att det motstår alla försök att inlemma det under en och samma paraplyteori. P