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Urban green spaces for urban farms and the sustainable development goals

The challenge of urbanisation, caused by an increase in city population, is increasing demand for imported food products. Food supplies may be impacted by the exponential increase in food demand caused by a constantly expanding global population. Growing and producing food in urban areas has now become a common practice. Addressing food system challenges through the adoption of urban farms on gree

Recovery pattern after decompression of central lumbar spinal stenosis : a prospective observational cohort study

Background: Detailed preoperative information is associated with superior outcomes. We aimed to describe the recovery pattern after decompression of central lumbar spinal stenosis (CLSS). Methods: 50 patients aged 51–85 years who underwent decompression without fusion due to CLSS were followed from before to after surgery (post-op day 1, 7, and 14). Back and leg pain were evaluated using the Numer

Weak entanglement improves quantum communication using only product measurements

We show that weakly entangled states can improve communication over a qubit channel using only separate, interference-free, measurements of individual photons. We introduce a communication task corresponding to the cryptographic primitive known as secret sharing and show that all steerable two-qubit isotropic states provide a quantum advantage in the success rate using only product measurements. F

Phenotypic and genetic adaptations to a new host plant : Ecological divergence of a specialist insect

Divergent ecological adaptation resulting from selection is common, but how often it results in differentiation that can last in the face of gene flow is debated. Reproductive barriers persistent to stochastic environmental change are key for species to form. Hence, how ecological adaptation is coupled to reproductive isolation is key for understanding ecological speciation. Lineages that are both

Vilket våld visas? - En granskning av medias skildring av våldsbrott

I detta examensarbete undersöks förekomsten av redaktionella artiklar om våldsbrott, närmare bestämt skjutningar, utifrån dagordningsteorin. Enligt denna teori kan frekvensen av artiklar om särskilda ämnen, och längden på och placeringen av sådana artiklar, påverka läsarna på så sätt att ämnena i dessa betonade artiklar uppfattas som viktigare. Vidare undersöks innehållet i artiklar om skjutningarIn this degree project, the occurrence of editorial articles about violent crimes, more specifically shootings, is examined in accordance with agenda-setting theory. According to this theory, the frequency of articles about particular topics, as well as the length and placement of such articles, can influence readers in such a way that the topics of these emphasized articles are perceived as more

Analysis of design parameters affecting the operational and embodied energy in buildings.

Energy efficiency in buildings can be understood elaborately by evaluating its operational and embodied energy. Embodied energy is the sum of all the energy that is used to produce materials in a building construction. This study assesses various building parameters e.g. U-value of the materials, Window to Floor Area Ratio (WFR), location, etc. that affect the operational and embodied energy and u

”Bevittna”– att se eller höra? - En kritisk studie av barnfridsbrottets bevittnanderekvisit i ljuset av dess tillämpning i praktiken.

Sedan den 1 juli 2021 är det straffbart att låta barn bevittna vissa brottsliga gärningar som begås av och mot en närstående person till barnet. Rekvisitet bevittna utgör en grundläggande förutsättning för straffansvar och ska enligt lagstiftaren förstås som att barnet måste ha sett eller hört den brottsliga gärningen begås. Under lagstiftningsförfarandet uppmärksammades att rekvisitet kunde kommLetting a child witness certain criminal acts being committed between relatives to the child has been criminalized since July 1, 2021. The witnessing requirement constitutes a necessary prerequisite for criminal liability and implies that the child must have seen or heard the criminal act being committed. During the legislative process, it was noted that the requirement could give rise to certain

Fadern, Sonen och Den världsliga lagstiftningen: En rättshistorisk undersökning av hädelselagstiftningens utveckling i Sverige och Finland

I Sverige finns inget direkt förbud mot att bränna religiösa skrifter, vilket det däremot finns i Finland. Att bränna religiösa skrifter är en form av hädelse, och det är en sådan typ av lagstiftning som Finland har. Att häda innebär att kränka Gud eller ett annat religiöst föremål. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hädelselagstiftningens historia i Sverige och Fin-land. FrågeställningarnaIn Sweden, there is no direct prohibition against burning religious scriptures, which however exists in Finland. Burning religious scriptures is a form av blasphemy, and it is this type of legislation Finland has. Blasphemy means insulting God or another religious object. The purpose of this essay is to examine the history of blasphemy legislation in Sweden and Finland. The research questions are

The rules of immunity for heads of state and other high-ranking state officials: Private, official and the question of jus cogens

Denna uppsats undersöker de sedvanerättsliga reglerna om immunitet för statschefer och andra högt uppsatta statsrepresentanter. Syftet är att göra en övergripande kartläggning av reglernas innehåll som möjliggör korrekt rättstillämpning i framtiden. Genom att granska konventioner, kodifieringar, rättsfall och doktrin om ämnet, samt genom att undersöka det pågående kodifikationsarbetet, kartläggs rThis essay examines the rules of immunity for heads of state and other high-ranking state officials under international law. The aim is to create a comprehensive outline of the content of the rules, enabling a more accurate and legal-ly sound practice in the future. Through reviewing conventions, codifications, legal cases and legal doctrine on the subject, and through examining the current codi

Reviving Alternative Conflict Resolution Approaches in Proxy Wars: The Case of Libya

Libya has lived in a state of fragmentation since 2011 after the fall of the al-Qaddafi regime and in a state of dual and confronting administrations since 2014, exacerbated in 2022. During the last decade, successive conflict resolution attempts have been instilled, without much success. This policy brief reviews these conflict resolution attempts and argues that the current situation can be reso

Application of Artificial Intelligence for the Optimization of Hydropower Energy Generation

Hydropower is one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. However, a substantial initial investment requires for the construction of large civil structures. Feasibility study, detailed project report preparation, construction planning, and timely execution of work are the important activities of a hydropower plant. Energy generation in hydropower plants are mainly depends on discharge a

Optimization of renewable energy sources using emerging computational techniques

Energy is essential for the sustenance of life. The energy and economy of any nation are interlinked—energy demand is generally proportional to the economic growth of the nation. In the present era, renewable energy (RE) is the primary area of interest to save fossil fuels, achieve sustainability, and reducing carbon emissions, as well as other gases in the atmosphere that create climatic problems

Effects of Self-Legitimation and Delegitimation on Public Attitudes toward International Organizations : A Worldwide Survey Experiment

Public views on international organizations (IOs) have become a matter of central concern. While actors in world politics increasingly try to legitimize or delegitimize IOs, scholars have begun investigating such phenomena systematically. This paper provides the most comprehensive IO (de)legitimation study to date. Building on cueing theory, and considering input as well as output legitimacy, I ex

Diagnosis of external ventricular drainage related infections with real-time 16S PCR and third-generation 16S sequencing

Objective: Investigate the performance of real-time 16S PCR and third-generation 16S sequencing in the diagnosis of external ventricular drain related infections (EVDRI). Methods: Subjects with suspected EVDRI were prospectively included at Uppsala University Hospital. Subjects were included into three groups: subjects with negative CSF culture with and without antibiotic treatment and subjects wi