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Importance of a Proper applied Airflow in the Façade Air Gap when Moisture and Temperature are Calculated in Wood Framed Walls

The airflow in the air gap behind the façade panel has shown to be of importance when risks of moisture and mould damages in wood frame walls are calculated. This study demonstrates the importance of a properly applied outdoor air flow in the air gap behind the façade panel when temperature and moisture conditions are calculated. The paper present and compare how variations in airflow in the air g

Description of Telia's OFDM-based proposal

This document give an overview of Telias OFDM based proposal for UTRA and should be considered as an input to the OFDM concept group within SMG 2. The document describe the fundamental frame structure, principles of the detection, modulation, coding and synchronisation. Further on the channel structure, the resource management and handover principles are outlined.

Gender Bias - The Insoluble Problem?

The issue and distribution of IT and IS students and professionals as dependent on Gender Bias is discussed. Background and examples are presented from the IT British Industry; the UK and the Swedish Educational sectors.

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Abstract in Danish Marcel Proust (1871-1922) er en af det tyvende århundredes mest indflydelsesrige forfattere. Han, der var både rig og feteret, og så let som ingenting kunne have gjort livet bekvemt for sig selv, ofrede sig fuldkommen for sit romanværk À la recherche du temps perdu (1913-27).Med denne bog får man for første gang mulighed for at læse om Proust i Danmark – i 100 år – og en eneståe

Development of infrared spectroscopy techniques for environmental monitoring

Infrared spectroscopy techniques have long been utilized in identifying and quantifying species of interest to us. Many of the elementary molecules in the atmosphere interact with infrared radiation through their ability to absorb and emit energy in vibrational and rotational transitions. A large variety of methods for monitoring of molecules and aerosol particles by collecting samples or by using

Bioactive Food Compounds with Cancer Preventing Effects in the Colon Focus on Ferulic Acid, para-Coumaric Acid and Lactoferricin

Colorectal cancers are globally ranked as the third most common cancer form in terms of incidence and mortality. Diet has long been considered as one of the main factors affecting population outcome regarding development of cancer in the colon. Numerous epidemiological studies have found links between consumption of dietary fibres and milk and reduced risk of cancers including colon cancer. To be

Vulnerability Analyses of Interdependent Critical Infrastructures: Case study of the Swedish National Power transmission and Railway system

Critical infrastructures provide services that are essential for the functioning of our society and extensive disruptions in these can have widespread effects. These effects are not only limited to the directly affected infrastructure but also indirectly through interdependencies to other infrastructures. By only account-ing for the direct consequences when analysing critical infrastructures, the

Scaffolding Company Initiative to Improve Psychosocial Work Environment of Workers

identity through work gives a necessary context for a meaningful life. Work pace control, autonomy, learning new skills, or participation in company decision making are specific psychological factors included in the job control dimension. On the other hand, high absenteeism and poor health are symptoms used to associate with poor psychosocial working environment. This industry paper presents the e

Simulation of collision loads to bridge supporting structures from heavy goods vehicle traffic on Swedish highways

This paper investigates accidental loading in the form of heavy goods vehicle (HGV) collisions to bridge supporting structures. Structures adjacent to roads are normally strong enough to resist collisions from light vehicles, while it may not be feasible for such structures to resist collisions from all HGVs (greater than 3,5 tons). In this paper a probabilistic model is used to determine these co