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Endoscopic findings of early stage vocal fold cancer
Force Control
Robotic force control refers to the control and programmable specification of the interaction forces between a robot end effector and the work object, where either the end effector or the work object is attached to the robot manipulator. A rudimentary approach is to consider the joint torques and controlled variables, and then to compute those torques such that a presumably rigid manipulator effec
Vetenskapsteori i medicin och klinik
Vad är vetenskapsteori? Vad är skillnaden mellan bra och dålig forskning? Hur skeptisk bör man förhålla sig till vetenskapen? Behövs kunskapsutbyte över disciplingränserna? Det är en del av de frågor som tas upp i denna bok. I boken redovisas även de skilda angreppssätt som vanligen används i samband med klinisk forskning, epidemiologi och fallstudier. Den etiska prövningen av projekt presenteras
Fysikprofessor planerar 2000-talets megaprojekt (Torsten Åkesson)
Technology, Talent and Tolerance - The Geography of the Creative Class in Sweden
The report is a statistical analysis of how the creative class approach and specifically how technology, talent, tolerance and the creative class are linked to regional growth in Sweden. When examining the location of the creative class, technology, talent and tolerance, Uppsala, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö-Lund appear as the most competitive Swedish regions. By use of multivariate regression
Exploration of the Domain of Application of the Renaissance 2.0 Approach
The current form-giving activity in industrial design is, by and large, characterised by explorations that depend on an individual’s capability to mentally manipulate a solution space from which to select and express the intended result. Designers often rely on artistic experimentation, aesthetic inspiration, or product specifications. Such approaches often lead to satisfactory results, but could
Kreativitet i skolans värld - klimat, ledarskap och det kreativa barnet
99mTc-DMSA renal scintigraphy in the diagnosis and follow-up of acute pyelonephritis in children.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förbättrad bedömning av njurskador hos barn med urinvägsinfektioner Urinvägsinfektioner är vanliga och förekommer hos 1 - 4 % av alla barn. Urinvägsinfektion kan ge upphov till njurinflammation och ibland kvarstående njurskada (ärr) efter läkning. Det finns risk för fortskridande njurskada om det finns kvarstående njurskada efter en urinvägsinfektion, om barnet får uppThe aim of the present thesis was to define and evaluate a strategy for identification of children who are at risk of developing progressive renal lesions after acute pyelonephritis. Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy is widely accepted as the most sensitive method for detecting parenchymal lesions and diagnosing acute pyelonephritis. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation standards were elaborated to i
Det nödvändiga djupet: kreativitet ur psykodynamiska perspektiv
Integration of Renewable Energy into Present and Future Energy Systems
Quality of life and impairment in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
The Creative Class and Regional Growth - Towards a knowledge based Approach
Conceptualised Deviations from Expected Normalities: A semantic comparison between lexical items ending in -ful and -less
In our article, we start by posing the question why some adjectival stems can end both in -ful and -less, while others take only one of the endings. Together these items make up around 1% of the entries in a good dictionary. It soon becomes clear that we need to use several basic concepts from cognitive linguistics to answer our question: boundedness, mass vs. individual, part-whole relations and
On Identifiability of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Dynamics
Multimodal Interaction Chromatography for the Investigation and Separation of Proteins
Minor structural changes on the surface of proteins can have tremendous impact on their biological properties. When producing therapeutic proteins it is therefore important to verify that the generated protein is the desired one. Small variations such as glycosylations or amino acid substitutions can mean the difference between a functional, defective or even toxic product. This thesis describes
Excentrisk korrektion vid centrala scotom
Det är sällan man får vara med om att nya grundforskningsresultat tillämpas i samma ögonblick som de kommer fram. Detta arbete är ett exempel på ett sådant undantag. Fram till nu har det funnits en övertygelse om att människans sidseende inte kan förb