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Pale King or Noonday Demon? Acedia, The Pale King, and David Foster Wallace's Moral Vision.
This essay argues that acedia is a helpful concept in illuminating the fiction of the American author David Foster Wallace, particularly his unfinished novel The Pale King. Following a brief biographical sketch of Wallace, the essay explores the development of the term acedia—which means something along the lines of apathy, sloth, and listlessness—and the two types of acedia: personal acedia and t
Seafarer Payment Protection through Maritime Liens: Law and Practice in China
China is one of the leading providers of seafarers in the world. Following it, cases involving violation of seafarer wages occur occasionally. As for the measurement in settling the disputes, a seafarer can choose from the following: reconciliation, mediation, labor arbitration, law suits, and etc. If a law suit is chosen by a seafarer, he has to know how to protect his rights and interests then.
Dialektisk beteendeterapi: en undersökning av behandlingens effektivitet
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att evaluera patienters erfarenheter av att ha genomgått Dialektisk beteendeterapi (DBT) vid en specia-listmottagning inom vuxenpsykiatrin. Dialektisk beteendeterapi för borderline personlighetsstörning, utvecklad av Marsha Linehan är speciellt utformad för klinisk behandling av kroniskt suicidala patien-ter med borderline personlighetstörning. Forskning kring DiaThe purpose of this study was to evaluate patients´ experiences of being subjected to Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in a specialized out-patient psychiatry unit in a South Swedish town. DBT, developed by Marsha Linehan, is specifically designed for clinical treatment of chronically suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder. Re-search on dialectical behavior therapy, its design an
Implications from the Internet Standard:A Potential Bridge Connecting the Copyright Law and Human Rights Law
This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive description on the issues counted in the copyright protection of the Internet Standard. The self-contained mechanism protecting the Internet Standard needs multiple private licenses which make the protection indirect and complicated. Some scholars already recognized the importance of protecting the process under various human rights law contexts, and thi
Mining For Social Responsibility
This thesis examines what facilitates pro-active and mutually beneficial relationships between TNCs and host communities by looking at how corporations can operate in countries where existing institutions are inadequate at regulating mining operations. Furthermore it aims to examine the relationships between government and TNC and how they affect the dynamics and legitimization of CSR policies. Th
Vem var kvinna? Om Sojourner Truth och uppkomsten av en amerikansk kvinnorättsrörelse
The words of Sojourner Truth, a 19th century preacher, womanist and abolitionist are often cited when the connection between the abolitionist movement and the early women’s movement in the USA is brought up. This essay aims to examine the origins of that movement that is usually described as the first wave of feminism in the USA. Using the tools of intersectional theory the analysis of this essay
Konsumentens ansvar för mänskliga rättigheter och miljö - Industrin med jätteräkor
The purpose of this essay is to show how every individual’s consumption affects the environment and people all around the world. Our consumption has another price than the financial one we pay in the store. In my essay I analyze the different aspects of responsibility of states, companies and individuals. To get a theoretical perspective I used Magdalena Bexell’s theories about the need to expand
Om barmhärtighet och goda gärningar i Gregorios av Nyssas De pauperibus amandis
Activating the Smart Future: Customer Incentives in the Transforming Energy Market
Background: Pressure from volatile fossil fuel prices, an increased awareness of climate change and technological advances has resulted in a changing relationship between utility companies and their customers and has created a demand for more efficient and controllable electricity products and services. Smart services are seen as a tool to meet the demands of the market and to encourage consumers
A Sweet Tooth for Innovations - A Case Study of Upstream Collaboration at Leaf
Arrest of Ships in a Comparative Perspective and Comments on the Chinese Regime
Nearly all maritime lawsuits start with arrest of ships or a threat of arrest, which makes the research on ship arrest regimes very meaningful. This thesis aims at carrying out a comparative analysis of the law of ship arrest in four jurisdictions, namely, the United Kingdom, United states, France and China. Two international conventions concerning the arrest of ships have been concluded one in 1
Vad man talar om när man talar om skolbibliotek : en diskursanalytisk studie av hur skolbiblioteket framställs i skolrelaterade forum
The starting point of our thesis is the new Education Act (Skollagen) which was introduced in Sweden during 2011. It requires that all students have access to a school library, regardless of the type of school. Since the new Education Act’s (Skollagens) introduction, the school library has received a statutory basis and thus a stronger position in today’s schools. However, the Act does not define
Decemberdomarna i all ära men vad händer egentligen efter Peru? - när har skatteavtal inte företräde framför nationell rätt?
Till varje stats suveränitet hör utformningen av dess beskattning. Eftersom flertalet stater använder sig av olika principer vid bestämmandet av beskatt-ningsanspråken leder detta ofta till dubbelbeskattning för företag och indivi-der. Motverkandet av den ofördelaktiga beskattningen sker genom en till-lämpning av skatteavtal då deras syfte primärt är att undanröja eller lindra följderna av internaDesigning of the taxation system belongs to the sovereignty of each state. Since most states use different principles in determining the taxable claims, this often leads to double taxation of companies and individuals. The avoid-ance of the unfavorable taxation is made through the practice of tax treaties, as their primary purpose is to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of in-ternational judi
Are you diggin' it? Digitalt kulturarvsskapande hos kommunarkiv
The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate digitization initiatives in Swedish municipal archives and problematize their reasons for digitizing and their appraisal practices. We argue that the archive is socially constructed and that appraisal decisions are part of shaping our cultural heritage – by examining digitization we will focus specifically on the construction of the digital cultura
Att översätta tysk populärvetenskap. Strategier vid överföring till svenska
Föreliggande examensarbete grundar sig på en översättning av reportaget Vitamin €, som publicerades den 16 januari 2012 i det tyska nyhetsmagasinet Der Spiegel. Arbetet inleds med en presentation av källtexten och dess medium, följt av en textanalys som behandlar textens kontext och struktur. Analysen kommer att utföras med hjälp av Lennart Hellspongs och Per Ledins modell. I nästa kapitel present
Infiltratörer och informatörer - rättssäkerhetens marodörer?
Uppsatsen behandlar den öppna polisens användning av den okonventionella spaningsmetoden infiltration och även informatörsverksamheten i den mån denna tangerar förstnämnda metod. Infiltrationsåtgärder har företagits i utevaro av ett uttryckligt lagstöd vilket givit utrymme för skönsmässiga bedömningar, med avkall på rättssäkerheten som följd. Ovanstående blev upprinnelse till en anstormning av kri
The important role of the consultant
Title: The important role of the consultant Problematization: In today’s competitive markets it is important to maintain a competitive advantage. One opportunity to do this is by implementing an ERP system to the organization. Many organisations have implemented an ERP system, but a lot have been unsuccessful. Studies have been done to identify the main success factors connected with the impleme
Where are the farmers? Assessing Environmental Justice in Collaborative Watershed Management in the Upper-Most Part of Mae Cheam Watershed
Taking environmental procedural justice as a standard of assessment, this thesis sought to examine to what extent participation of all affected communities was achieved in the context of collaborative watershed management (CWM) in the upper-most part of the Mea Cheam watershed, Northern Thailand. Based on political ecology theory and discourse analysis method, the thesis first examines what charac