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Tredjepartsinträde i förvaltningsprocessen

I den svenska förvaltningsprocessrätten finns ingen lagstadgad specifik för tredje part att inträda i processen vid sidan av den ordinarie parten eller istället för denna. Möjligheten för den tredje parten att träda in processen uppkommer genom praxis från HFD. Möjligheten för tredje part att träda in i processen är viktig eftersom det i vissa fall kan vara den enda möjligheten att klaga på ett beIn the Swedish administrative process law, there exists no statutory right for a third party to enter the process beside the original party or instead of the original party. This opportunity is solely developed in the administrative courts through case law. The right for a third party to enter the process is important because in some cases it might be the only way for a party to lodge a complaint

Margin of Appreciation - en diskriminerande doktrin

The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) has up till now been signed by 47 of its member states. By signing the convention the member states undertake to follow the regulations regarding the freedom and rights of the individual, which the convention prescribes. The European Court of Human Rights is the highest condemnatory instance in Europe, with its seat in Strasbourg, where cases regardin

Innanför gränsen men utan rättigheter- En kritisk diskursanalys av debatten kring papperslösas rätt till vård

The aim of this study has been to critically analyze the political debate surrounding undocumented migrant’s legal rights to healthcare in Sweden. An estimate of 10 000-50 000 undocumented migrants are thought to reside in Sweden. Even though these people contribute to society by supporting Swedish infrastructure with work far below minimum wage, they’re granted very few rights. The United Nations

Sovereignty and Human Security - contesting or complementing concepts? A case study of the European Security Strategy

The sovereignty concept is facing a challenge. In the postmodern world order European member states share a common security strategy and human security has become the guiding principle for European security thinking. The aim of this thesis is to develop conceptualizations of the sovereignty concept that incorporates elements of both state sovereignty and human security. In addition my aim is to an

Konsten att kontrollera kaos

Det finns idag en utbredd förlust av kontroll i samhället. Osäkerheten sprider sig i takt med de fasta anställningsavtalens borttynande. Samtidigt har vi kanske aldrig varit så kontrollerande som idag. Nya gym dyker upp som svampar ur jorden och en växande skara coacher drar omkring och predikar om att återta kontrollen över livet. I ett mörklagt rum återupptäcker 30 chefer livet med hjälp av kons

The Economic Efficiency Of Market-Based Green Building Policy Instruments In China: A case study of the Chenghuaxinyuan Housing Scheme in Shanghai

In order to curb emissions and resulting environmental problems caused by the rapidly growing energy use of its building sector, China has implemented a number of policy instruments to promote Green Building practices, including market-based instruments for energy efficiency in buildings. This thesis aims to evaluate the economic efficiency of these policy measures, using the Four-High Award of Sh

Belysning av sjuksköterskors och patienters erfarenheter av omvårdnaden efter ett parasuicid

Syftet med litteraturstudien är att belysa sjuksköterskors och patienters erfarenheter av omvårdnaden efter ett parasuicid. Uppföljningsstudier har visat att en del av de personer som har gjort ett parasuicid har under de närmaste tio åren fullbordat ett suicid, varav hälften gör det inom ett år. I litteraturstudien analyserades och kvalitetsgranskades åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet visad

Ringo o taberemasu ka? - An analysis of the shortened potential verb form in colloquial Japanese

While various studies have been conducted on the innovative potential suffix of Japanese vowel verbs, commonly known as ranuki kotoba (lit. ra-omission words), few studies exist on the use of the innovative form based on situational context and style of speech. The main purpose of my thesis is to provide an up-to-date quantitative analysis on the situation-based use of ranuki kotoba (referred to a

Spårbarhet i livsmedelskedjor - en kvalitativ studie utifrån ekonomiska aspekter

Livsmedelslarmen under årens lopp har varit så pass omfattande att konsumenter har tappat förtroendet för livsmedelssäkerhet, livsmedelsindustrin och myndigheter. Vid livsmedelslarm drabbas företag även av ekonomiska följdskador och skador på varumärke. För att undvika och minska risken för framtida matlarm behövs större kontroll på spårbarhet hos livsmedelsföretag. I forskningsvärlden är det i

HIF2A and IGF2 in Neuroblastoma and Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

Popular science summary Cancer is a disease of growth. The cancerous cells have lost the ability to stop themselves from growing and dividing. They often grow so fast that they can't get enough oxygen, the blood vessels can't keep up with their demand. We call this hypoxia. One might think this is a good thing, we don't want cancers to grow unchecked. But our cells have ways to deal w

Betydelsen av face-to-face-kontakt för tillit inom arbetslivet: Finns det en risk med utvecklingen av digital kommunikation?

Då utvecklingen av digital kommunikation bland annat leder till mindre öga-mot-öga-kontakt (F2F), var studiens syfte att undersöka om olika nivåer av F2F-kontakt korrelerar med den interpersonella tilliten mellan chef och anställd. En enkätundersökning med 60 yrkesverksamma deltagare genomfördes, och resultaten visade inga signifikanta samband mellan F2F och tillit, något som i viss mån skiljer siSince less face-to-face contact (F2F) is one of the implications of digital communication development, this study was designed to examine if different levels of F2F-contact correlates with interpersonal trust between employees and their manager. A survey with 60 participants was conducted, and the results showed no significant relationship between F2F and trust, to some extent making it stand out

Hur godsflödet genom Göteborgs Hamn påverkar sektorer i Sverige – Ekonomisk förlust och oförmåga till produktion vid ett totalstopp av Göteborgs Hamn utifrån en input-output-modell

In this thesis the international trade input-output model has been used in a case study to evaluate how disturbances in the activity of the Port of Gothenburg propagate through Swedish economic sectors. The international trade input-output model can, given a perturbation from one or more sectors, estimate the ripple effects measured in terms of industry inoperability and economic losses. The model

How tech start-ups face the challenges of hiring talent in the competitive job market in comparison with human resource management practices of small-established firms observed in existing literature

The following thesis research deals with the topic of the challenges technology start- ups face and overcome when hiring talents in comparison with HRM practices attributed to established firms by existing theory. As Masters in Entrepreneurship students we felt the current literature tends to focus on HR-related topics in established companies, while these subjects remain underdeveloped applying t

Shinto-Buddhism Syncretism - A historical peculiarity or a renewed spiritual paradigm?

The long process of syncretization between Shinto and Buddhism has defined much of Japan's philosophical and theological history. This process was only interrupted with the Meiji Restoration, following which the Meiji government enforced an ideology of the two religions being completely separate as part of its State Shinto system. Countless temples and Buddhist treasures were lost in the proce

Patienters erfarenheter av delaktighet och information vid mötet med en distriktssköterska på vårdcentral

Bakgrund: Tidigare studier visade att patienter uttryckte att de inte gjordes delaktiga i beslut kring sin omvårdnad. De menade även att information i samband med vård var otillräcklig samt att kvinnor ansåg sig vara delaktiga i större grad än män, liksom patienter på mindre vårdcentraler. Personcentrerat förhållningssätt sågs vara i linje med distriktssköterskornas riktlinjer att patienter ska gö

Debt Buy-back - a study of recent trends in syndicated lending

I tider av finansiell instabilitet kan lån som handlas på andrahandsmarknaden vara prissatta till en låg nivå (under ”par”). Som ett resultat kan låntagare som har tillgång till likvida medel dra nytta av marknadsförutsättningarna genom att köpa sin egen skuld. Eftersom de inte kan vara innehavare av fordringar mot gentemot sig själva, kommer sådan skuld att släckas ut med effekten att låntagaren During times of financial instability, loans which are traded in the secondary loan market may be priced at a low level (“sub-par”). As a result, borrowers who have liquid funds available to them may benefit from the market conditions by purchasing their own debt. Since they cannot be holders of claims against themselves, such debt will extinguish with the effect of the borrower having “repaid” it

Struggling to be a good feminist in the bedroom- Young, female, self-identified feminists talk about their sexuality

The focus of this thesis is to explore how young, female, self- identified feminists perceive and talk about their sexuality and in which way they express the possibilities and restraints it includes. Moreover, it examines if and how the female, self-identified feminists resist the restraints regarding their sexuality, and how they negotiate the problems that arise between ideology and practice. T

Finding a common ground : which implications does the introduction of Environmental Management Systems have for the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises in Baden-Württemberg, Germany?

The objectives of this thesis are to find a common ground for business and environmental interests and to evaluate the potential of Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) as transition tools to lead towards a greener economic paradigm. For these purposes it was assessed, which implications EMSs have for the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within the first three years