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Investigations of Heavy Elements in Am and HgMn stars
Popular Abstract in Swedish Stjärnhimlen har genom tiderna fascinerat människan och man har under historiens gång upprepade gånger försökt förklara vad stjärnorna består av samt hur de skapats. Många av dessa förklaringar har varit fantasifulla, men så här i efterhand sett ganska orealistiska. Till exempel var den medeltida bilden av stjärnhimlen att denna utgjordes av en sfär som roterade kring jThe relationship between the HgMn and Am classes of chemically peculiar stars has been investigated primarily by observing abundances of heavy elements, including Pr, Nd, Hg, Tl and Bi. The main objective of the investigation has been to gather observational evidence to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms producing the abundance anomalies of these stars, and to establish the relations
Direct Determination of the Sign of the NO Dipole Moment
Subjective thermal comfort in urban spaces in the warm-humid city of Guayaquil, Ecuador
Estimating the list size for BEAST-APP decoding
The BEAST-APP decoding algorithm is a low-complexity bidirectional algorithm that searches code trees to find the list of the most likely codewords, which are used to compute approximate a posteriori probabilities (APPs) of the transmitted symbols. It can be applied to APP-decoding of any linear block code, as well as in iterative structures for decoding concatenated block codes. Previous work has
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The use of Slepian models in crossing and extreme value theory.
Choice blindness and trust in the virtual world
Choice blindness is the experimental finding that people may miss changes to the outcome of their actions. This effect has been demonstrated in decision tasks concerning attractiveness of faces, as well as smell and taste of different consumer products. But so far, choice blindness experiments have only been done in the “physical” world, using real objects like photographs. Here we extend this res
Att (åter)skapa "det normala". Bröstoperationer och brännskador i plastikkirurgisk praktik
Vad är "det normala"? Vad ingår i detta mångtydiga och inflytelserika begrepp, och hur skapas och återskapas det? Den moderna plastikkirurgin ger oss möjlighet att modifiera våra kroppar - bota skador och rätta till brister. Denna möjlighet kan också uppfattas som ett krav och ett hot, och medicinens dubbla roll som frälsare och förtryckare går som en röd tråd genom boken. Var går gränsen mellan
Risk analysis and fire safety engineering
The paper demonstrates how two quantitative risk analysis (QRA) methods may be used to evaluate the risk to which the occupants of a building may be subjected if a fire breaks out. The methods (standard QRA and extended QRA) differ in terms of how uncertainties in the variables are considered. The extended QRA explicitly considers uncertainty as it is a part of the methodology. The standard QRA ha
Hur lär sig naturvetare kommunicera med icke-experter?
Governing the Global Climate Polity: Rationality, Practice and Power
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Description of how to do a narrative literature reviews conducted within a given theoretical framework
The Swedish Knee Arthroplasty study with special reference to unicompartmental prostheses.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Svenska knäplastikregistret och knäledsoperation med enkammarprotes av Stefan Lewold Ledsjukdom, oftast artros, är den vanligaste kroniska åkomman hos äldre. Dess orsak är oftast inte känd och någon förebyggande behandling finns inte. Icke operativ behandling kan i tidiga stadier dämpa symptomen men då sjukdomen fortskrider får patienten allt svårare att klara sig. GenThe Swedish Knee Arthroplasty study has prospectively registered and followed knee arthroplasties done in Sweden since 1976. Demography, epidemiology and general knee prosthetic biofunction is given for 30,003 primary knee arthro-plasties and their revisions through 1992. The annual number of knee arthroplasties increased fourth fold while the relative use of Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UK
Genens människa
The effect of moving waves on neutral marine atmospheric boundary layer
Large eddy simulations are performed to study the effects of wind-wave direction misalignment of the neutral marine atmospheric boundary layer over a wavy wall. The results show that the wind-wave misalignment has a significant effect on the velocity profiles and the pressure fluctuation over the wave surface. These effects are not confined to the near wave surface region but extend over the whole
Parlör för Kinaresenären
Transformationstester för Inspire’s bilaga II och III
Det är nu ett lagkrav för många myndigheter och organisationer att inom de närmsta åren kunna tillhandahålla sina rumsliga data enligt Inspire’s specifikationer. Ett stort antal datamängder måste därför struktureras om (transformeras) för att stämma överens med de krav som Inspire ställer. Ett första steg för att kunna bedöma vilka insatser som krävs för att tillhandahålla sina data enligt Inspire
Contextualising Grave Goods. Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Implications
Tunneling through Nanostructures - Interactions, Interference and Broadening
In this thesis, quantum transport through nanostructures is addressed theoretically by considering simplified model systems representing the most important features of quantum dots or molecules. The generic model consists of a central region coupled to noninteracting leads. The key ingredients are a discrete level spectrum of the central region and complicated many-body interactions present therei