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Electrostatic Interactions in Complex Liquids : A Thermodynamic Analysis Based on the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation and the Flexible Surface Model
The aim of this study was to analyse physico-chemical properties of some complex liquids using the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) cell model; to extend the theory to cover bilayer systems with complex global geometry; finally to apply this new extended model to such bilayer systems. The PB cell model provides a practical tool to examine counterion association and phase behaviour for structures of simple
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Dynamics of Photoinduced Processes in Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Films--Reactions in the Photoactive Part of the Grätzel Solar Cell
The key materials used to convert solar energy into electricity in the Grätzel-type solar cells are dye molecules and titanium dioxide particles attached to each other. The former are similar to those in common products like purple pigments in blueberry juice, while the latter are like sunscreen, white paint, or toothpaste. Their size, measured in nanometers, is a hundred thousand times smaller th
Islam in Sweden : Institutionalization, Public Debates and Discursive Paradoxes
Response to emergency way-finding systems by people from different cultures
Some colours might have different connotations depending on people’s cultural backgrounds. When talking about evacuation, the colour employed for exit signs and flashing lights plays a significant role because it is responsible for conveying a message to the evacuees, either danger or safety. The aims of this study are to evaluate the influence of red and green emergency way-finding systems on the
Experimentfilmens behov & filmarkivets möjligheter
The chapter is a discussion of the limitations and possibilities of digital film archives with reference to the specific needs of experimental film culture. Some films by filmmakers Reinhold Holtermann and Hans Nordenström are discussed in the framwork of the Swedish digital film archive "".
Nonlinear FE modelling of Shear Behaviour in RC beam Retrofitted with CFRP
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Dansk utgåva av Sven Ingmar Andersson: "Hälsopsykologi en introduktion", 2002. Den danska utgåvan är uppdaterad på en rad områden och i viss utsträckning anpassad till danska förhållanden.
Är egennamnen substantiv?
On the classification or proper nouns. Are they more like regular nouns or more like 3 personal definite pronouns? It is arguen d that ought to be regarded as a part of speech of their own
Critical science with the largest telescopes: science drivers for a 100m ground-based optical-IR telescope
Extremely large filled-aperture ground-based optical-IR telescopes, or ELTs, ranging from 20 to 100m in diameter, are now being proposed. The all-important choice of the aperture must clearly be driven by the potential science offered. We here highlight science goals from the Leiden Workshop in May 2001 suggesting that for certain critical observations the largest possible aperture - assumed to be
Compliance or Obscurity? Online Anonymity as a Consequence of Fighting Unauthorised File-sharing
The European Union directive on Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement (IPRED) was implemented in Sweden on April 1, 2009, and was meant to be the enforcement needed to achieve increased compliance with intellectual property online, especially copyright. This, therefore, was the manifest function of the directive. The article empirically shows changes in levels of use of Online Anonymity Service
Hälsomedvetenhet och medier
Modular Packaging Development: Incorporating a modular perspective in the packaging design process
This report presents the result of a research project conducted in 2012-2013 that aimed to adjust the existing modularity theories so that they could be used in packaging development. The study resulted in a model that can be incorporated into an existing packaging design process, thereby complementing this with aspects of modularity. The research project was conducted in close collaboration with
Photometry of Resolved Stellar Populations in Local Group Galaxies
Popular Abstract in Swedish En viktig fråga inom modern astrofysik är hur galaxer bildas och utvecklas. Under de senaste decennierna har flera teorier för hur detta sker lagts fram, vilket har lett till att de flesta astronomer idag tror på en modell i vilken större galaxer, så som vår egen Vintergata, bildas genom sammanslagning av mindre galaxer. Trots att modellen rönt stor framgång återstThis thesis presents results from two projects using photometric observations to investigate stellar populations in Local Group galaxies. In the first project, Strömgren photometry is used to study stellar populations in dwarf spheroidal galaxies. It is demonstrated that the Strömgren c1 and m1 colour indices can be efficiently used to identify RGB members in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, and d
An Adaptive Pole Placement Controller Based on Pole-Zero Parameterization
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx over acid-leached mordenite catalysts
Synd och skam : ogifta mödrar på svensk landsbygd 1680-1880
Popular Abstract in Swedish Synd och skam. Ogifta mödrar på svensk landsbygd, 1680-1880. Avhandlingens utgångspunkt har varit ogifta mödrar på svensk landsbygd i ett långtidsperspektiv, 1680-1880. Arbetet är kvinnohistoriskt och utgår från en önskan att synliggöra betydelsen av kön i det äldre samhället. Hur tänkte och resonerade man kring kön och sexualitet i det förindustriella bondesamhället? The situation of unmarried mothers in Swedish rural society during 1680–1880 is the subject of this thesis. It focuses on the judicial and religious discourse concerning extra-marital sexuality. The state felt duty-bound to control extra-marital sexuality, and this resulted in a dynamic legislative arena. An important objective has been to study the local consequences of legislative changes and ex