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Motivating factors towards willingness to contribute in collaborative tasks: A crisis cooperation perspective
The interaction among various stakeholder organizations in modern crisis response is very similar to negotiation where each organization has its own goal in addition to a common goal. Decision makers in stakeholder organizations most often have to settle for win-win situations to attain higher joint benefit. In such cases willingness to contribute in joint tasks becomes a prerequisite. In our pres
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Sex allocation in Savi’s Warblers Locustella luscinioides: multiple factors affect seasonal trends in brood sex ratios.
Sex allocation theory predicts that whenever the relative fitness of sons and daughters differ, females should invest more in the sex with the greatest fitness return. In this study, we evaluated the influence of various ecological factors on the brood sex ratio (BSR) of Savi’s warblers (Locustella luscinioides) across several breeding seasons. There was a slight but significant female production
Det gröna kulturarvet.
The Use and Abuse of Experimental Flintknapping in Archaeology
The paper explores the ways in which experimental flintknapping has contributed to our knowledge of the past.
Effekter på sömn och självrapporterad hälsa efter en förändring av skiftschema
Studenters uppmärksamhet under föreläsningar
Föreläsningar är vanlig undervisningsform på Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH). Deras stora fördel är att information överförs ekonomiskt och effektivt till många studenter samtidigt men de har även sina begränsningar. Kritiker menar att information överförs till passivt mottagande studenter och att bristande uppmärksamhet och engagemang hos studenterna begränsar mängden kunskap som faktiskt tas emot.
Kön, makt och socialt arbete
Design as a linguistic activity
Design starts with a cognitive model and ends with a solution worked out in a way that fits into the human context of meaning which is socially decided. The bridge between the cognitive model and the final system, or thing, is a proper description that has to be possible to socially communicate. The necessary description part leads to the understanding that design, like sciences, is a kind of lear
Effects of created habitats on farmland biodiversity
Popular Abstract in Swedish Stora förändringar har skett i jordbrukslandskapet under det senaste drygt halva århundradet. Ett allt intensivare jordbruk med krav på större skördar för att möta en allt större efterfrågan på livsmedel har satt sina spår. För att klara de högre kraven, men också som en följd av den teknologiska utvecklingen, så har jordbruket rationaliserats. Landskapet har strukturerAgricultural intensification has caused severe declines among biodiversity in European farmland over the last half century. The transformation of the agricultural landscape has led to reduced availability of key resources such as food, nesting habitat and shelter. In this thesis I have investigated a way of ameliorating the negative effects of agricultural intensification, through the creation of
Att agera musikaliskt: Musikalitet som norm och utbildningsmål i västerländsk talteater [Master thesis]
Vandalism as a Symbolic Act in Free Zones
The concept of vandalism is analyzed as a symbolic act. An analysis of vandalism from a situational-positivistic, or a motivational-psychological, approach hardly gives an understanding of vandalism as a meaningful individual and social act. A humanistic and cultural perspective can supply ways to understand a nonprescribed behavior such as vandalism. The original meaning of vandalism is plunderin
Allmän cirkulation
Speciell förvaltningsrätt. 14:e omarb. upplagan
The Evolution Patterns of Quality Management
Three Ways to Mount Distinguishing Attacks on Irregularly Clocked Stream Ciphers
Many stream ciphers use irregular clocking to introduce nonlinearity to the keystream. We present three distinguishers on irregularly clocked linear feedback shift registers. The general idea used is to find suitable linear combinations of keystream bits, here called samples, that are drawn from a biased distribution. We describe how to place windows around the estimated positions around members
Observation of strongly subhomogeneous linewidths using high-contrast transmission spectroscopy: Experiment and theory
Conceptions of Crisis Management Capabilities – Municipal Officials’ Perspectives
In the Swedish crisis management system, the municipalities have a great responsibility. One part of this responsibility concerns preparing for crises by making risk and vulnerability analyses as well as plans for how to handle extraordinary events. Such preparedness planning involves municipal officials and consequently their conceptions of their organisations’ crisis management capabilities. Thi
Enögd men vidsynt
A portrait of prof. Kilian Stobaeus, Linnaeus, teacher in Lund 1727-1728. Footnotes, illustrations