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Expression analysis of a family of developmentally-regulated cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULTs) in Drosophila.

We have compared the amino acid sequence of all four cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULTs) in Drosophila and analyzed their spatial expression patterns during development. Three out of four SULTs show distinct expression activity during embryogenesis, while the 4th SULT shows expression only post-embryonically. st1, st3 and st4 are expressed in non-overlapping expression domains mainly confined to o

The diabetes susceptibility gene clec16a regulates mitophagy.

Clec16a has been identified as a disease susceptibility gene for type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and adrenal dysfunction, but its function is unknown. Here we report that Clec16a is a membrane-associated endosomal protein that interacts with E3 ubiquitin ligase Nrdp1. Loss of Clec16a leads to an increase in the Nrdp1 target Parkin, a master regulator of mitophagy. Islets from mice with pancre

Two-year outcome of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in adolescents with severe obesity: results from a Swedish Nationwide Study (AMOS)

CONTEXT: The prevalence of obesity among adolescents has increased and we lack effective treatments. OBJECTIVE: To determine if gastric bypass is safe and effective for an unselected cohort of adolescents with morbid obesity in specialized health care. DESIGN, SETTING AND PATIENTS: Intervention study for 81 adolescents (13-18 years) with a body mass index (BMI) range 36-69 kg m(-2) undergoing lapa

Rationale and Design of the 'MITOCARE' Study: A Phase II, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of TRO40303 for the Reduction of Reperfusion Injury in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction

Treatment of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) by reperfusion using percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or thrombolysis has provided clinical benefits; however, it also induces considerable cell death. This process is called reperfusion injury. The continuing high rates of mortality and heart failure after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) emphasize the need for improved strate

Inhibition of CXCL12 signaling attenuates the postischemic immune response and improves functional recovery after stroke.

After stroke, brain inflammation in the ischemic hemisphere hampers brain tissue reorganization and functional recovery. Housing rats in an enriched environment (EE) dramatically improves recovery of lost neurologic functions after experimental stroke. We show here that rats housed in EE after stroke induced by permanent occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (pMCAO), showed attenuated levels of

Pulmonary Retransplantation in the Nordic Countries.

The increasing demand for pulmonary retransplantation (re-LTx) raises ethical issues on the correct allocation of the scarce donor pool. Thus, we performed a thorough review of the current results for re-LTx in the Nordic countries.

Exhaustion-related changes in cardiovascular and cortisol reactivity to acute psychosocial stress.

Prior findings indicate that individuals scoring high on vital exhaustion show a dysfunctional stress response (DSR), that is, reduced cortisol reactivity and habituation to psychosocial stressors. The main aim of the present study was to examine whether a DSR may be a vulnerability factor in exhaustion disorder (ED). We examined whether a DSR is present during the early stages of ED, and still is

Investigation at Residue Level of the Early Steps during the Assembly of Two Proteins into Supramolecular Objects

Understanding the driving forces governing protein assembly requires the characterization of interactions at molecular level. We focus on two homologous oppositely charged proteins, lysozyme and alpha-lactalbumin, which can assemble into microspheres. The assembly early steps were characterized through the identification of interacting surfaces monitored at residue level by NMR chemical shift pert

The Impacts of Household Consumption and Options for Change

This introductory article situates the contributions that comprise this special issue within the field of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) studies. After a brief review of the policy history surrounding SCP, we organize our discussion and the subsequent collection of articles into two groups. The first suite of articles views the environmental impacts associated with household consumpt

The contribution of tephra constituents during biogenic silica determination: implications for soil and palaeoecological studies

Biogenic silica (BSi) is used as a proxy by soil scientists to identify biological effects on the Si cycle and by palaeoecologists to study environmental changes. Alkaline extractions are typically used to measure BSi in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. The dissolution properties of volcanic glass in tephra deposits and their nanocrystalline weathering products are hypothesized to overla

Influence of the tool surface micro topography on the tribological characteristics in metal cutting – Part I Experimental observations of contact conditions

The influence of surface micro topography of CVD α-Al2O3 coatings, deposited on cemented carbide inserts, on tribological characteristics in sliding contact and in metal cutting has been investigated using quenched and tempered steel as counter/work material. Pin-on-disc and turning tests were carried out and post-test characterization using 3D optical surface profilometry and scanning electron mi

Complexity of quantum states in the two-dimensional pairing model

It is known that many-fermion systems, such as complex atoms and nuclei, reveal (at some level of excitation energy) local signatures of quantum chaos similar to the predictions of random matrix theory. Here, we study the gradual development of such signatures in a model system of up to 16 fermions interacting through short-range pairing-type forces in a two-dimensional harmonic trap. We proceed f

Social Impact Measurement and Non-profit Organisations: Compliance, Resistance, and Promotion.

Abstract Non-profit organisations are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their social impact. This paper examines the experience and behaviour of non-profit organisations in the UK in relation to a demand for social impact evaluations. External resource providers request organisations to present evidence on how resources are used and what organisations have achieved. While most organisations

Differential scanning fluorimetry illuminates silk feedstock stability and processability.

The ability to design and implement silk feedstock formulations for tailored spinning has so far eluded the bioengineers. Recently, the high throughput screening technique of differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) demonstrated the link between the instability transition temperature (Ti) and the processability of the silk feedstock. Using DSF we screened a large set of chemicals known to affect so

Body Mass Index and the Risk for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: Data From a European Prospective Cohort Study (The IBD in EPIC Study)

OBJECTIVES: Obesity is associated with a proinflammatory state that may be involved in the etiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), for which there are plausible biological mechanisms. Our aim was to perform the first prospective cohort study investigating if there is an association between obesity and the development of incident IBD. METHODS: A total of 300,724 participants were recruited in