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Apolipoprotein M: Progress in understanding its regulation and metabolic functions

ApoM is a novel apolipoprotein mainly present in high-density lipoprotein (HDL). It belongs to the lipocalin protein superfamily and may bind a small but so far unknown lipophilic ligand. It is secreted without cleavage of its hydrophobic signal peptide, which probably anchors apoM in the phospholipid moiety of plasma lipoproteins. Recent studies suggest that apoM may affect HDL metabolism and hav

Leva med stroke - lära av erfarenheter

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om hur personer, som insjuknat i stroke, beskriver sina upplevelser och erfarenheter av att leva med stroke och hur de lär sig hantera sin livssituation. Kunskaper om läroprocesser i en livsomställning, som insjuknande i stroke innebär, är betydelsefulla för att kunna förstå, möta och stödja människor i sådana situationer. Under de senaste årtioThis thesis concerns how people with stroke describe their experiences of life with stroke and how they learn to live with stroke. In the western world the interest for research in lived experiences has increased. This might be due to the higher rate of people with illness and lifelong diseases. The aim of the study is to analyze stories from persons with stroke of their lived experiences of life

A comparison of structural and mechanical properties in cancellous bone from the femoral head and acetabulum

Mechanical interlock obtained by penetration of bone cement into cancellous bone is critical to the success of cemented total hip replacement (THR). Although acetabular component loosening is an important mode of THR failure, the properties of acetabular cancellous bone relevant to cement penetration are not well characterized. Bone biopsies (9 mm diameter, 10 mm long) were taken from the articula

Antibodies to intimin and Escherichia coli secreted proteins A and B in patients with enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infections

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli produce an attaching and effacing lesion upon adhering to the intestinal epithelium. Bacterial factors involved in this histopathology include the intimin adhesin and E. coli secreted proteins (Esps) A and B. In this study we investigated the serum antibody responses to recombinant E. coli O157:H7 intimin, EspA, and EspB by immuno-blotting. Canadian patients with

In utero and lactational exposure to TCDD; steroidogenic outcomes differ in male and female rat pups

TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) has a potency to induce decreased fertility and structural reproductive anomalies in male and female mammals. While the activity profile of sex steroid hormone production distinctly differs in developing males and females, we wanted to analyze sex-specific effects of TCDD introduced in utero and via lactation on gonadal steroidogenesis and gonadotropin le

Simultaneous reduction of SO2 and NOx in an entrained-flow reactor

Simultaneous SO2 and NOx reduction in flue gas by the dry furnace sorbent injection process was simulated with an entrained-flow reactor. Several ammonium salts as well as urea were tested. Urea was found to give the highest NOx removal efficiency. By using urea-limestone sorbent, >90% SO2 removal and >80% NOx removal were obtained at Ca/S and N/NOx ratios both equal to 2. The DeNO(x) process is m

Värmeförluster till mark : grundläggning av typen platta på mark

I denna studie analyseras och anges metoder att beräkna värmeförlusterna mot mark. Värmeförlusterna erhålls med hjälp av formler, diagram och tabeller. Effekten av olika kantisoleringar, ändringar av ute- och innetemperaturer, köldknäppar, tjäle och snö beräknas samt värmeförluster vid ny byggnad under uppbyggnad av värmekudde.

On Development and Characterisation of Continuous Ink Jet Nozzles

This thesis concerns nozzles and their impact on droplet formation and droplet flight in a continuous ink jet printer. Methods are suggested to characterise droplet formation and droplet flight stability (D.F.S.). A study about the influence of droplet flight stability on the quality of print out is presented. A method to assess the charging process for the continuous ink jet is described. The dev

Analysis of the hypoxia-induced ADH2-promoter of the respiratory yeast Pichia stipitis reveals a new mechanism for sensing of oxygen limitation in yeast

We introduced a reporter gene system into Pichia stipitis using the gene for the artificial green fluorescent protein (GFP), variant yEGFP. This system was used to analyse hypoxia-dependent PsADH2 regulation. Reporter gene activity was only found under oxygen limitation on a fermentable carbon source. The promoter was not induced by oxygen limitation in the Crabtree-positive yeast Saccharomyces ce

Discrimination between Patients with Acoustic Neuroma and with Peripheral Vestibular Lesion by Human Posture Dynamics

A group of normal subjects (n = 17) was compared with two groups of patients, either with vestibular neuritis (n = 18) or with acoustic neuroma (n = 35) by means of posturography when stance was perturbed with vibrators attached to the calf muscles. Dynamic control of human posture was quantified by means of system identification, and the characteristic parameters of swiftness, stiffness, and damp

Normal tissue reactions in mice after combined treatment with metoclopramide and ionizing radiation

We have previously shown that metoclopramide potentiates the effect of ionizing radiation and cisplatin treatment of human squamous cell carcinomas from the head and neck region xenografted to nude mice. In the present tumor study, the dose scheduling of metoclopramide in combination with radiation was evaluated, and metoclopramide was shown to be most effective in potentiating the cytotoxic effec

The nerve fibre layer symmetry test: computerized evaluation of human retinal nerve fibre layer thickness as measured by optical coherence tomography

Purpose: To present and test a new interpretative concept, the nerve fibre layer symmetry test (NST), for computerized evaluation of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFLT) as measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in glaucoma. Methods: The NST concept was constructed and tested in a pilot study. A total of 32 healthy and 40 age-matched glaucomatous eyes were included and examined by O

Regularity and chaos in interacting two-body systems

We study classical and quantum chaos for two interacting particles on the plane. This is the simplest nontrivial case which sheds light on chaos in interacting many-body systems. The system consists of a confining one-body potential, assumed to be a deformed harmonic oscillator, and a two-body interaction of Coulomb type. In general, the dynamics is mixed with regular and chaotic trajectories. The

Hus i Sverige - perspektiv på energianvändningen

Sverige står inför ett skifte av energisystem. Det är hög tid att inse vilken utmaning som ligger i detta - en utmaning för bygg- och fastighetssektorn, för energibranschen och för våra politiker! Energipolitiken skulle kunna vara ett av verktygen för att bemästra arbetslösheten och urholkningen av vårt välfärssystem. Sverige måste byggas om till ett hushållande och kretsloppsanpassat samhälle som