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The Genetic System in Plant Mitochondria Has Several Special Features

The genetic systems in mitochondria and plastids differ both structurally and functionally from the nuclear genome and its gene expression. On the other hand, mitochondria share several genetic features with bacteria. For example, several genes are transcribed together and the ribosomes are of a prokaryotic type. This is in line with the evolutionary origin of the mitochondrion as an endosymbiont

Studies on surface proteins of Gram-positive bacteria

Popular Abstract in Swedish Grupp A streptokocker är bakterier som orsakar halsfluss, svinkoppor och rosfeber. Även allvarligare sjukdomstillstånd kan följa, t ex toxiskt schocksyndrom och nekrotiserande fasciit, som ibland har dödlig utgång. En annan vanlig bakterie är pneumokocken, som ger upphov till lunginflammation, mellanöreinflammation och hjärnhinneinflammation. Dessa vanliga bakterier utgDespite the availability of antibiotics and modern health care, infectious diseases continue to cause great suffering and costs. Bacterial surface proteins are important for the interaction between host and pathogen. This thesis gives an overview of the importance of bacterial surface proteins in Gram-positive bacteria, particularly Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. A novel cont

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This article presents in compressed form the development of a psycho-ecological model for simulation of interpersonal relations (SIR). SIR is a method and an instrument, which permits a simulation of strat¬egies of interactive behaviour. From a behavioural science point of view the method should make it possible to map mechanisms that produce and reproduce behaviour. SIR may also be used as an aid

A Frame Work for Process State Transitions: Grade Changes

In modern chemical process industry, process state transitions, orgrade changes, are common operations. For example, for a papermachine, a common operation is to change the surface weight of theproduced paper. In this case it is of importance that the transitionto the new grade is done fast, but without a breakdown asa result. This paper addresses this problem by combining optimizationtechniques a

Scanning angles for directional pointing

The present study was performed in order to get a better understanding of the influence of the scanning angle interval on navigation performance, gestures and strategies in a more realistic outdoor setting. Results indicate that users are able to handle a wide range of angle intervals. We observe different gestures and strategies and provide recommendations for suitable angle intervals. Our observ

Interplay between Climate and Development Policies: Challenges for Developing Countries

Current human-induced climate variability is linked to past economic patterns that are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions. If climate change is to be effectively addressed, solutions thereof will necessarily affect global economy. International trade has become one of the pillars of the global economic system. In this light an overlap of climate change policies and the multil

Småföretaget och kapitalet. Svensk forskning om små företags finansiering

Den politiska debatten har i flera år kretsat kring frågan om det finns en brist på finansieringsmöjligheter för de små företagen. Ett stort antal olika finansieringsåtgärder har införts med motiveringar som att de behövs för att skapa större risktagande, att det saknas finansiering i s.k. tidiga faser, samt att bristen på eget genererat kapital i Sverige kräver speciella insatser. Denna diskussio