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Coupling a quantum dot in an InSb nanowire to a superconducting resonator
Species, Vegetation and ecosystems: Climate change from patch to globe
To change or not to change: is that the question?
Pedagogiska reflektioner kring studentaktiva seminarier
Efficient and Transparent use of Computational Mechanics Software on Clusters and GRID:s
To further the use of cluster and GRID resource, it is important to provide the user with a user friendly environment, providing command line utilities, graphical user interfaces and web access. This paper describes the tools developed for use at cluster at the Center for Technical and Scienti c Computing at Lund University, Lunarc.
Preferred and actual travel opportunities for older people
Expanding a dictionary of marker words for uncertainty and negation using distributional semantics
Approaches to determining the factuality of diagnoses and findings in clinical text tend to rely on dictionaries of marker words for uncertainty and negation. Here, a method for semi-automatically expanding a dictionary of marker words using distributional semantics is presented and evaluated. It is shown that ranking candidates for inclusion according to their proximity to cluster centroids of se
The New NAO in Sweden – the Deprofession-alization of the Performance Auditor
Performance audit has become increasingly common in the public administration and every western democracy has today an independent National Audit Office (NAO). However, although the external requirements may be met, the functioning of these agencies may be jeopardized by internal and more subtle cultural factors relating to the role of the performance auditor. In Sweden, a new NAO called Riksrevis
Estimation of Spherical Wave Coefficients from 3D Positioner Channel Measurements
Electromagnetic vector spherical waves have been used recently to model antenna channel interaction and the available degrees of freedom in MIMO systems. However, there are no previous accounts of a method to estimate spherical wave coefficients from channel measurements. One approach, using a 3D positioner, is presented in this letter, both in theory and practice. Measurement results are present
Tourism education and employability
Vem skall anmäla misstankar om barn som far illa?
The Case for a Hybrid Passive/Active Network Monitoring Scheme in the Wireless Internet
This paper discusses monitoring within wired and wireless networks and the type of monitoring information needed to support different applications. We suggest a hybrid active/passive monitoring approach with a dynamic time window mechanism and interchangeable filters to extract requested information. The paper also shows our initial experimental results and presents our conclusions.
Tranbär, ett alternativ till antibiotika? En litteraturstudie om tranbär som prevention mot urinvägsinfektion
Observation and calculation of the solar radiation on the Tibetan Plateau
In Vitro verification of antithrombotic effect of recombinant soluble nucleotide triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1
Bergman och Tystnaden
A complex multiplier with low logic depth
Competing Institutional Logics in Diaconal Work
Competing Institutional Logics in Diaconal Work “Institutional logics” is a concept within the context of institutional theory. Institutions can be defined as patterns of activity rooted in material practices and symbolic systems. These institutional orders are all shaped by the history and each of them has a central logic that guides its organizing principles. The institutional logic provides