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"Paradoxalt berättande" i litteraturundervisning på gymnasiet

Denna artikel knyter an till temat i Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 2010:3-4, ”Litteraturvetenskap och didaktik”. Artikeln är ett inlägg i debatten kring läsarorienterad respektive textnära litteraturundervisning. Jag presenterar två undervisningsmoment där jag tagit upp exempel på det som kallas paradoxalt berättande, det vill säga verk innehållande berättartekniska grepp som på ett eller annaThis article relates to the subject of the journal "Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 2010:3-4", which was ”Literature and didactics”. The article is a contribution in a debate about teaching literature according to the reader oriented respectively close reading approach. I describe two classroom situations where I took up examples of so called paradoxical narrative, that is works containing narra

Cultural Heritage across Borders? - Framing and Challenging the Snapphane Story in Southern Sweden

Cultural heritage has developed into an important tool in marketing and destination development projects. Cultural heritage, as well as multiplicity, is also a political concept that has become important in the academic and public debate. The aim of our study is to analyse cultural heritage as a tourism and marketing product in relation to multiplicity. The discussion focuses around how the story

The Tycho-Gala astrometric solution. How to get 2.5 million parallaxes with less than one year of Gala data

Context. The first release of astrometric data from Gala will contain the mean stellar positions and magnitudes from the first year of observations, and proper motions from the combination of Gala data with HIPPARCOS prior information (HTPM). Aims. We study the potential of using the positions from the Tycho-2 Catalogue as additional information for a joint solution with early Gala data. We call t

Large-scale association analysis identifies new risk loci for coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the commonest cause of death. Here, we report an association analysis in 63,746 CAD cases and 130,681 controls identifying 15 loci reaching genome-wide significance, taking the number of susceptibility loci for CAD to 46, and a further 104 independent variants (r(2) < 0.2) strongly associated with CAD at a 5% false discovery rate (FDR). Together, these variants exp

Levels Of Bacterial Endotoxin In The Samples Of Settled Dust Collected In Animal Houses

Samples of settled dust were collected in 14 animal houses and examined for the presence of bacterial endotoxin with the Limulus (LAL) test and the gas chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MSMS) technique, based oil the detection of 3-hydroxy fatty acids (3-OH-FAs) as chemical markers of the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide. The median concentrations of the endotoxin in dust determined with L

On New Implants - The results of five prospective, randomized RSA trials with aspects on phased introduction and continuous migration

A concern that arises with any change in design or operative technique is whether it affects the long-term implant stability or not. One way to address this is, by measuring early micromotion, to predict the future revision rate. This study was set to evaluate the early migration and the functional outcome of the Triathlon™ total knee arthroplasty system in different subsets of design. In addition

Performance of tree phenology models along a bioclimatic gradient in Sweden

Tree phenology has been recognized as an important indicator of climate change, and a wide range of budburst models have been developed. The models differ in temperature sensitivity, and the choice of model can therefore influence the result of climate impact assessments. In this study we compared the ability of 15 models to simulate budburst of the main forest tree species in Sweden. Records on t

Mesenteric lymph node spread and optimal lymph node resection in colon cancer

Introduction Colon cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer world wide, with an incidence of almost 1 million cases anually. Surgery is a prerequisite for cure and the majority of patients are potentially curable at diagnosis. For a surgical resection to be curative the surgeon needs to remove the tumour together with all affected regional lymph nodes. How extensive the mesenteric resecti

Case management for frail older people. Effects on healthcare utilisation, cost in relation to utility, and experiences of the intervention

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens vårdsystem står inför många stora utmaningar. Många av dem är relaterade till komplexa vårdbehov hos den allt större andelen sköra äldre personer. Denna andel ökar samtidigt som många vårdorganisationer har krav på sig att minska kostnaderna. Dessa äldre personer har ofta flera sjukdomar samtidigt och de har vanligtvis kontakter med många olika vårdgivare, på fleThe overall aim of this thesis was to investigate healthcare utilisation patterns and to explore the effects of a case management intervention for frail older people on healthcare utilisation and costs in relation to utility. A further aim was to explore the older people’s and case managers’ experiences of the intervention. Study I was a quantitative study comprising ten age cohorts aged between 6

Formalizing a Discipline: The Institutionalization of Library and Information Science Research in the Nordic Countries

Research paper Purpose To analyze the social organization of LIS using the Nordic countries as example, focusing on organizational setting, research work and relations between LIS and academia as well as the field of professional practice. Design/methodology/approach Based on a framework for analyzing scientific fields, as well as its application on LIS, aspects relating to the impact of contextu

Sternum wound contraction and distension during negative pressure wound therapy when using a rigid disc to prevent heart and lung rupture.

BACKGROUND: There are increasing reports of deaths and serious complications associated with the use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), of which right ventricular heart rupture is the most devastating. The use of a rigid barrier has been suggested to offer protection against this lethal complication by preventing the heart from being drawn up against the sharp edges of the sternum. The aim

Arctic Cryosphere: Changes and Impacts

The Arctic cryosphere is a critically important component of the earth system, affecting the earth's energy balance, sea level, greenhouse gases and atmospheric circulation, transport of heat through ocean circulation, ecology and human resource use and well-being. The Arctic cryosphere is, however, changing rapidly with multiple important consequences that will potentially affect the earth system

Leadership On Demand: Followers as initiators and inhibitors of managerial leadership

A key aspect of leadership is the followers’ constructions of its value and relevance. Based on two empirical, qualitative case studies, this paper highlights the importance of the ‘demand’ for leadership when leader–follower relationships are established. We further discuss how followers influence, inhibit and initiate managerial leadership (i.e. leadership acts from their formal superior targeti

A new model for CO₂-absorption of concrete structures. CO₂-cycle in cement and concrete Part 7: Models for CO₂-absorption.

After further laboratory and field studies we have now used the previous and new findings to create a model for CO₂-absorption of concrete structures. Some knowledge is still missing and some results are still not fully understood. In those cases we have done our best to base the model on reasonable assumptions, from what could be expected from some new literature that has been studied.

Investigation and optimisation of mobile Nal(Tl) and He-3-based neutron detectors for finding point sources

Neutron radiation produces high-energy gamma radiation through (n,gamma) reactions in matter. This can be used to detect neutron sources indirectly using gamma spectrometers. The sensitivity of a gamma spectrometer to neutrons can be amplified by surrounding it with polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The hydrogen in the PVC acts as a moderator and the chlorine emits prompt gammas when a neutron is captured