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Your search for "*" yielded 528459 hits

Quantum mechanical approach to probing the birth of attosecond pulses using a two-colour field

We investigate the generation of even and odd harmonics using an intense laser and a weak second harmonic field. Our theoretical approach is based on solving the saddle-point equations within the strong field approximation. The phase of the even harmonic oscillation as a function of the delay between the fundamental and second harmonic field is calculated and its variation with energy is found to

Projective Least-Squares: Global Solutions with Local Optimization

Recent work in multiple view geometry has focused on obtaining globally optimal solutions at the price of computational time efficiency. On the other hand, traditional bundle adjustment algorithms have been found to provide good solutions even though there may be multiple local minima. In this paper we justify this observation by giving a simple sufficient condition for global optimality that can

From ‘Less Landfilling’ to ‘Wasting Less’: Societal narratives, socio-materiality, and organizations

Abstract in UndeterminedPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to show that organizational change depends on societal narratives - narratives about the character, history, or envisioned future of societies. Design/methodology/approach - A case study of a Swedish municipal waste management company serves as an illustration. Findings - Swedish waste governance is powered by two main narratives: "les

Characteristics of summer-time energy exchange in a high Arctic tundra heath 2000-2010

Global warming will bring about changes in surface energy balance of Arctic ecosystems, which will have implications for ecosystem structure and functioning, as well as for climate system feedback mechanisms. In this study, we present a unique, long-term (2000-2010) record of summer-time energy balance components (net radiation, R-n; sensible heat flux, H; latent heat flux, LE; and soil heat flux,

Analysis of therapeutic peptides in human urine by combination of capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry with preparative capillary isotachophoresis sample pretreatment

The presented study deals with the off-line coupling of preparative isotachophoresis (pITP) with on-line combination of capillary zone electrophoresis with electrospray mass spectrometric detection (CZE-ESI-MS) used for the analysis of therapeutic peptides (anserine, carnosine, and buserelin) in complex matrix (urine). Preparative capillary isotachophoresis, operating in a discontinuous fractionat

Osteopontin That Is Elevated in the Airways during COPD Impairs the Antibacterial Activity of Common Innate Antibiotics.

Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract contribute to exacerbations and disease progression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There is also an increased risk of invasive pneumococcal disease in COPD. The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood but include impaired mucociliary clearance and structural remodeling of the airways. In addition, antimicrobial proteins that ar

Inventering av åkerogräs i Blekinge 2006.

Naturvårdsverket fastställde 2006-12-21 ett åtgärdsprogram för hotade åkerogräs (Kloth 2007). Där rekommenderas att de rödlistade arterna inventeras i varje län, att deras status bedöms och att förslag ges till åkrar där arterna aktivt kan vidmakthållas (s.k. allmogeåkrar).

Tolerance induction with T cell-dependent protein antigens induces regulatory sialylated IgGs

Background: Under inflammatory conditions, T cell-dependent (TD) protein antigens induce proinflammatory T-and B-cell responses. In contrast, tolerance induction by TD antigens without costimulation triggers the development of regulatory T cells. Under both conditions, IgG antibodies are generated, but whether they have different immunoregulatory functions remains elusive. Objective: It was shown

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Performance of Vertical InAs Nanowire MOSFETs on Si Substrates

This paper presents DC and RF characterization as well as modeling of vertical InAs nanowire MOSFETs with LG = 200 nm and Al2O3/HfO2 high-κ dielectric. Measurements at VDS = 0.5 V show that high transconductance (gm = 1.37 mS/μm), high drive current (IDS = 1.34 mA/μm), and low on-resistance (RON = 287 Ωμm) can be realized using vertical InAs nanowires on Si substrates. By measuring the 1/f-noise,

Refined diagnosis and prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma - genetic profiles, biomarkers and prognostic models

This work aimed at evaluate diagnosis and prognosis in soft tissue sarcoma (STS): In study I, 32K bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) arrays and gene expression profiling were applied to 18 leiomyosarcomas and 31 undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas (UPS), with the aim of identifying molecular subtype signatures. Both the gains/losses profiles and the gene expression signatures revealed strikin

The vertical distribution of N and K uptake in relation to root distribution and root uptake capacity in mature Quercus robur, Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies stands

We have measured the uptake capacity of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) from different soil depths by injecting N-15 and caesium (Cs; as an analogue to K) at 5 and 50 cm soil depth and analysing the recovery of these markers in foliage and buds. The study was performed in monocultures of 40-year-old pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.

Enantiomeric Specificity in a Pheromone-Kairomone System of Two Threatened Saproxylic Beetles, Osmoderma eremita and Elater ferrugineus

The scarab beetle Osmoderma eremita and its larval predator, the click beetle Elater ferrugineus, are threatened saproxylic beetles regarded as indicators of the species-richness of insect fauna of hollow deciduous trees. Male O. eremita produce the pheromone (R)-(+)-gamma-decalactone to attract conspecific females, and this compound is also utilized by E. ferrugineus as a kairomone, presumably fo

Bootstrap percolation on the random graph Gn,p

Bootstrap percolation on the random graph C-n,C-p is a process of spread of "activation" on a given realization of the graph with a given number of initially active nodes. At each step those vertices which have not been active but have at least r >= 2 active neighbors become active as well. We study the size A* of the final active set. The parameters of the model are, besides r (fixed) and n (tend

Phylogenetic Patterns of Human Coxsackievirus B5 Arise from Population Dynamics between Two Genogroups and Reveal Evolutionary Factors of Molecular Adaptation and Transmission

The aim of this study was to gain insights into the tempo and mode of the evolutionary processes that sustain genetic diversity in coxsackievirus B5 (CVB5) and into the interplay with virus transmission. We estimated phylodynamic patterns with a large sample of virus strains collected in Europe by Bayesian statistical methods, reconstructed the ancestral states of genealogical nodes, and tested fo

Hierarchical scheduling and disturbance management in the process industry

The integration of scheduling and control in the process industry is a topic that has been frequently discussed during the recent years, but many challenges remain in order to obtain integrated solutions that may be implemented at large-scale industrial sites. This paper introduces a general framework for production scheduling (PS) and detailed production scheduling (DPS) using a two-level hierarc

The adhesive behavior of extracted latex polymers towards silicon oxide and cellulose

The objective with this work is to compare the adhesive behavior for latex polymers of different glass transition temperatures (T-g) at different length scales and with different contact times. This is accomplished by two techniques: AFM colloidal probe force measurements and JKR-measurements. The aim is to compare the results from these two techniques and relate them to the interaction of the lat

Liquid ionization chamber calibrated gel dosimetry in conformal stereotactic radiotherapy of brain lesions

Hypofractionated conformal stereotactic radiotherapy (HCSRT) is an established method of treating brain lesions such as arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and brain metastases. The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability of treatment plans in the terms of dose distribution and absorbed dose for HCSRT. Methods and materials. Treatment plans for three different clinical intracerebral ta

Exposure to tetrachloroethylene in dry cleaning shops in the Nordic countries

Objectives: Tetrachloroethylene is the dominant solvent used in dry cleaning worldwide and many workers are potentially exposed. We report here on results of 1296 measurements of tetrachloroethylene undertaken in Nordic dry cleaning shops 1947–2001. Methods: We searched documents and files in the Nordic institutes of occupational health for air measurements of tetrachloroethylene. Repeated measur

Biomarkers in sepsis and other severe infections

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är en utmaning att behandla patienter med allvarliga infektioner eftersom immunförsvaret reagerar olika på olika mikroorganismer. Immunförsvarets reaktion har i sin tur en stor betydelse för symtombild, kliniska fynd och prognos. Vid blodförgiftning (sepsis) förändras dessutom sannolikt immunsvaret under det kliniska förloppet. Man tror att det inledningsvis vid sepInfectious diseases constitute a major global health problem. The presenting clinical picture results from a mixture of direct toxic actions by the microbiological agent and of the immune response mounted by the host. There is often a rapid onset, which may constitute a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, whereas in other cases an extensive investigation over a long time period can fail to ident