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Hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score (HOOS) - validity and responsiveness in total hip replacement.

BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to evaluate if physical functions usually associated with a younger population were of importance for an older population, and to construct an outcome measure for hip osteoarthritis with improved responsiveness compared to the Western Ontario McMaster osteoarthritis score (WOMAC LK 3.0). METHODS: A 40 item questionnaire (hip disability and osteoarthritis outcom

Studies on the use of digital radiography for the assessment of periapical bone lesions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund För att diagnostisera förändringar i käkbenet är röntgenundersökning av stor betydelse. En bendestruktion blir synlig i röntgenbilden först när relativt stor mängd ben försvunnit. Flera tidigare studier har visat att destruktionen inte ses förrän den påverkar den kompakta yttre delen av käkbenet. Andra studier har däremot visat att destruktionen kan ses tidigaThe aim was to study digital radiography and to evaluate the influence of image processing on digital dental radiographs for the assessment of periapical lesions. In four studies, artificial bone lesions were made periapically and interradicularly in the mandibular premolar and molar regions. In a clinical study, direct digital radiographic images depicting the periapical bone tissue of different

Adsorption and charge-transfer study of bi-isonicotinic acid on in situ-grown anatase TiO2 nanoparticles

Bi-isonicotinic acid (2,2'-bipyridine-4,4'-dicarboxylic acid) is an important ligand in the chemistry of organometallic devices. Here, the adsorption of a monolayer of the molecule on in situ-grown anatase TiO2 nanoparticles has been investigated by means of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The bonding geometry is determined to be 2M-bidentate. Furthermore, reson

Reliability of concentric ankle dorsiflexion fatigue testing

The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of an isokinetic test for ankle dorsiflexion fatigue on a Biodex dynamometer Young (21 to 32 years), recreationally active men (n = 10) and women (n = 10) performed 50 concentric (60degrees . s(-1)) dorsiflexion contractions, on two different occasions. Total work (TW), losses in work (work fatigue; WF), as well as relative losses in peak

Muslim Rights and Plights. The Religious Liberty Situation of a Minority in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen är att presentera en sociologisk analys av en "religionsfrihetssituation". Den grupp som särskilt berörs i avhandlingen är den invandrarde muslimska minoriteten i Sverige, en grupp som har vuxit avsevärt under de senaste decennierna. Muslimerna har invandrat till ett samhälle som länge präglades av religiös enhet, men som idag har utvecklats tillThis dissertation deals with the religious liberty situation of the Muslim minority in Sweden. The Muslim minority has grown considerably in recent decades as a consequence of labour and refugee immigration of a large scale, which has caused a change in Swedish society from an etnically, culturally and religously homogeneous situation to one of a significant heterogeneity. Sweden's way from unity

Analysis of a Probing Control Strategy

In this paper we analyse an extremum controller based on a pulse technique. The idea is to superimpose probing pulses to the control signal and use the size of the pulse response in the output for feedback. The probing control strategy has been used with success for the control of the substrate feeding in E. coli cultivations. The stability analysis is done here for systems of Hammerstein type wit

Idrott och skallskador. Riktlinjer för omhändertagande och återgång till träning och tävling

Head injuries in sports have received increased attention during the past decade. As explained in this article, the most recent guidelines for the management of head injuries in sports adopted by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) have been adapted for the Swedish sports society. The guidelines include a grading scale of head injuries in sports, a sideline evaluation to aid physicians, coache

Knee outcome scales: Basic concepts, review of methods, cross-cultural and linguistic adaptation

In recent years, outcome assessment following different therapeutic procedures has increasingly focused on the patient's perspective. While traditional measures of outcome, including physical examination and imaging diagnostics of the knee are complementary, patient-relevant questionnaires have become more and more important in determining the value of therapeutic procedures. Therefore, there is a

Tunable effective g factor in InAs nanowire quantum dots

We report tunneling spectroscopy measurements of the Zeeman spin splitting in InAs few-electron quantum dots. The dots are formed between two InP barriers in InAs nanowires with a wurtzite crystal structure grown using chemical beam epitaxy. The values of the electron g factors of the first few electrons entering the dot are found to strongly depend on dot size. They range from close to the InAs b

New and simple procedure for the determination of muramic acid in chemically complex environments by gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry

A gas chromatographic-ion trap tandem mass spectrometric method was developed for the quantification of muramic acid, a marker of bacterial peptidoglycan, in environmental and clinical specimens. Samples (bacteria, house dust and urine) were heated in methanolic hydrochloric acid overnight and extracted with hexane for removal of hydrophobic compounds. The aqueous phase was evaporated and heated i

Porträtterad nöd - berättelser om hemlösa

The Swedish welfare state has undergone structural changes in the last few decades, involving various cutback programmes and the decentralization of public service to the municipalities, with a shift from universal to more means-tested rights. Some of the responsibility for service to the very poorest people has been passed on to the family, the market and voluntary organizations. This has been pa

Modelling Life Cycle Cost for Indoor Climate Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att förse en byggnad med rätt luftkvalitet och temperatur behövs ett inneklimatsystem som i denna avhandling är ett samlingsnamn för ventilations-, värme- och kylsystem. Hittills har val av inneklimatsystem i byggnader mest baserats på en lägsta initialkostnad. Med ett livscykel-perspektiv borde de totala kostnaderna och miljöpåverkan från systemen kunna minskas. MoThe indoor climate system, which serves a building with a proper indoor air quality and thermal comfort, has been predominantly designed based on the initial cost. A life cycle approach could improve both the economic and environmental performance since the energy use could decrease. There has been a lack of knowledge, models and tools for determining the life cycle cost (LCC) for an indoor climat