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Your search for "*" yielded 531940 hits

Time-Adaptive Determination of Drug Efficacy in Mathematical Model of HIV Infection

The paper considers a time-adaptive finite element method for determination of drug efficacy in a parameter identification problem (PIP) for a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) that describes dynamics of the primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with drug therapy. Tikhonov’s regularization method, optimization approach and finite element method to solve this problem ar

Resolving entropy growth from iterative methods

We consider entropy conservative and dissipative discretizations of nonlinear conservation laws with implicit time discretizations and investigate the influence of iterative methods used to solve the arising nonlinear equations. We show that Newton’s method can turn an entropy dissipative scheme into an anti-dissipative one, even when the iteration error is smaller than the time integration error.

Impact of magnitude uncertainties on seismic catalogue properties

Catalogue-based studies are of central importance in seismological research, to investigate the temporal, spatial and size distribution of earthquakes in specified study areas. Methods for estimating the fundamental catalogue parameters like the Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) b-value and the completeness magnitude (Mc) are well established and routinely applied. However, the magnitudes reported in seismi

Digital Corporate Communication and Internal Communication

Internal communication is becoming increasingly digital. This chapter deals with how digital internal communication can be understood and discusses the implications of the digitalization of internal communication for organizations and organizing. It reviews previous definitions of internal communication and digitalization and proposes a definition of digital internal communication. It reviews prev

Adaptive reuse and shared spaces as circular business models

Circular economy (CE) is still a nascent research field in the built environment, however, has gained traction in the last decade. Despite it being generally accepted that sustainability consists of three dimensions, namely, social, environmental, and economic, CE has been criticised for focusing on environmental and economic impact whilst neglecting the social aspect. Further, CE has been critici

Evaluation of modified Hilhorst models for pore electrical conductivity estimation using a low‑cost dielectric sensor

Real-time measurement of soil water content (θ) and pore electrical conductivity (ECp) is essential to improve water irriga-tion efficiency and agricultural productivity. Low-cost frequency domain reflectometry (FDR) sensors are now representinga powerful tool for irrigation management purposes. However, compared to the time domain reflectometry (TDR), FDRsensors’ accuracy to predict θ and ECp is

Structural insights on ionizable Dlin-MC3-DMA lipids in DOPC layers by combining accurate atomistic force fields, molecular dynamics simulations and neutron reflectivity

Ionizable lipids such as the promising Dlin-MC3-DMA (MC3) are essential for the successful design of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) as drug delivery agents. Combining molecular dynamics simulations with experimental data, such as neutron reflectivity experiments and other scattering techniques, is essential to provide insights into the internal structure of LNPs, which is not fully understood to date.

Isolation of a New Efficient Dye Decolorizing White Rot Fungus Cerrena Sp. WICC F39

Lignin degrading system of white rot fungi and its exploitation in the decolorization of synthetic dyes has been used in a wide array for human benefits. In this study, decolorization of two model synthetic dyes, Reactive Black 5 (RB5) and Methylene Blue (MB) with the ability of Kraft lignin degradation were investigated using new fungal isolates from Malaysian soils. The most potent isolates WICC

Carbon Emissions Trading in China : Law, Policy and Mechanisms

Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) have been hailed as a game changer for the evolving climate crisis. This book provides an in-depth analysis of China’s carbon ETS, including its legal and policy frameworks, carbon market mechanisms, and international and comparative implications.With nine cutting-edge topics divided into three thematic parts, this comprehensive book probes the essential concepts, c

Vad är knittel? : Fyrtaktig poesi kontra rimmad prosa

The medieval Swedish knittelvers has traditionally been analysed as consisting of end-rhymed verses of four beats, each divided into half-lines by a cæsura. While the rhymes are obvious, the four beats and the cæsura are not. Notwithstanding this uncertainty, the traditional analysis has persisted, and has recently been reinforced by Wåhlin (1989, 1999) who stresses the regularity of the four-beat

Baa Baa Black Sheep : Treatment of Words for Animal Sounds in Two Online English Dictionaries

The paper examines the entries of 36 words for common animal sounds in two online English dictionaries, Cambridge Dictionaries and The Dictionary, to see what information is provided in the entries. Previous work on English dictionaries has focused on meaning explanations of referential, arbitrary words. With the examination of onomatopoeic words for animal sounds, this paper e

En global ideologihistoria : Från Konfucius till historiens slut

Den politiska idéhistorien har traditionellt skildrats ur ett västligt perspektiv. Platon och Aristoteles är välkända gestalter, liksom Locke och Marx. Betydligt mindre kända är däremot Chanakya, Zhu Xi, Kang Youwei och Mulla Sadra, för att ta några exempel. Denna bok vidgar perspektivet och jämför den västerländska traditionen med den politiska idéutvecklingen i andra delar av världen, främst Ind

Characterization of Bi-incorporated InSb(111)A/B Surfaces : An STM and XPS Study

In recent years, III-V semiconductor materials have received increasing attention due to their admirable electronic properties like direct tunable bandgaps and high charge carrier mobility. Indium Antimonide (InSb) possesses the largest electron mobility among III-V materials and is promising for infrared detectors, high-speed field effect transistors, and spintronics. Incorporation of bismuth (Bi

Anarchist Anti-Imperialism : Guy Aldred and the Indian Revolutionary Movement, 1909–14

This article examines the British anarchist Guy Aldred’s involvement in the Indian revolutionary movement from 1909 to 1914 in order to reflect on solidarities and antagonisms between anarchism and anti-colonial movements in the early twentieth century. Drawing on Aldred’s writings, court material and intelligence reports, it explores, first, his decision to print the suppressed Indian nationalist

Developing the Angantyr model and extending colour reconnection for heavy-ion collisions in Pythia

This thesis is composed of four papers, the first two show the attempts made to extend the Pythia event generator to simulate heavy-ion collision events. The other two papers show methods to improve the hadronization mechanism in the Pythia model for a bettter agreement with the experimental data of pp and heavy-ion collisions.Paper I introduces a new model named Angantyr for heavy-ion collision e

Inget nytt om Sverige under andra världskriget : Landet utanför – Sverige och kriget 1940–1942 - Henrik Berggren

Myriader av forskare har befattat sig med andra världskriget och dess verkningar i Sverige och Henrik Berggren har inget nytt att komma med i den andra delen av en planerad trilogi. Även betraktad som en popularisering tillför den inte mycket. Berggrens ambition har varit att inte tadla och inte frikänna, men det är kanske inte möjligt att skriva om andra världskriget utan att ha de stora moralfrå


Focusing on the period from 1870 to 1960, this chapter provides an overview of anarchist approaches to anti-imperialism, offering examples of collaborations, solidarities, antagonisms and syntheses between anarchists and anti-colonialists from across the British, Spanish, French and Portuguese colonial worlds and within the imperial metropoles in Europe. Alongside anti-colonial resistances to thes