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Mass Stabilization, Stability and Settlement in Mass Stabilized Peat

Popular Abstract in Swedish De mekaniska egenskaper som torv normalt besitter gör att den lämpar sig dåligt som undergrund för vägkroppar. Det gängse förfaringssättet har därför varit att gräva ur torven och ersätta den med sprängstensmassor. Vid masstabilisering lämnas torven däremot kvar och dess egenskaper förbättras genom inblandning av något kemiskt bindemedel, företrädesvis cement eller olikPeat is badly suited as a base for road and railway embankments due to its geotechnical properties. The usual procedure has been, therefore, to excavate peat and replace it with blasted rock. During mass stabilization, the peat is left behind and its geotechnical properties are improved through mixing with a chemical stabilizer, preferably cement or cement in combination with different by-products

When Similarity Qualifies as a Sign : A Study in Picture Understanding and Semiotic Development in Young Children

The general goal of this thesis is to elucidate children’s early understandings of pictorial meanings, and how one can know anything about them. My central aim is to explore how picture comprehension develops during children’s first 3 years of life, through semiotic-theory-derived analyses of meaning relations. In so doing, I hope to contribute to the study of both semiotic theory’s psychological

Coded modulation by outright filtering

We investigate the bandwidth and distance of codes created by ordinary lowpass filtering of a pulse stream. The encoder is thus a convolution, but over the reals. Performance of these codes is compared to the TCM and PRS code families; despite their simplicity, the new codes perform equally well. Since a simple decoder exists, these are attractive codes.

Changes, Evolution and Bugs - Recommendation Systems for Issue Management

Changes in evolving software systems are often managed using an issue repository. This repository may contribute to information overload in an organization, but it may also help navigating the software system. Software developers spend much effort on issue triage, a task in which the mere number of issue reports becomes a significant challenge. One specific difficulty is to determine whether a new

Moisture risk evaluation and determination of required measures to avoid mould damage using the Folos 2D visual mould chart

There is an increased interest in and awareness of mould growth damage in buildings. Today’s mould growth models are limited to only presenting the risk of mould growth. They do not take into account underlying factors and other parameters that make it possible to establish necessary measures to limit or avoid the risk of mould growth. This paper presents a chart that can be used to determine thes

The Natural Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg : A Study in the Conceptual Metaphors of the Mechanistic World-View

Although Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) is commonly known for his spiritual philosophy, his early career was focused unnatural science. During this period, Swedenborg thought of the world was like a gigantic machine, following the laws of mechanics and geometry. This volume analyzes this mechanistic worldview from the cognitive perspective, by means of a study of the metaphors in Swedenborg’s text

Möten med motstånd : kultur, klass, kropp på vårdcentralen

This dissertaton is about a health care centre in Malmö, Sweden, and how the personnel reacted towards and created an understanding of a specific group of patients. Focus is on the encounter between the staff and the patients, who visited the health care centre regularly due to bodily pain and feelings of anxiety and were described by the medical staff as troublesome, complicated and difficult to