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Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

Background Up-to-date evidence about levels and trends in disease and injury incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) is an essential input into global, regional, and national health policies. In the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 (GBD 2013), we estimated these quantities for acute and chronic diseases and injuries for 188 countries between 1990 and 2013. Methods Estimate

Thousand-Fold Volumetric Concentration of Live Cells with a Recirculating Acoustofluidic Device.

The ability to concentrate cells from dilute samples into smaller volumes is an essential process step for most biological assays. Volumetric concentration is typically achieved via centrifugation, but this technique is not well suited for handling small number of cells, especially outside of the laboratory setting. In this work, we describe a novel device that combines acoustofluidics with a reci

R5 HIV-1 with efficient DC-SIGN use is not selected for early after birth in vertically infected children.

Binding of HIV to C-type lectin receptors may either result in enhanced trans-infection of T cells or virus degradation. We have investigated the efficacy of HIV-1 utilization of Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular adhesion molecule-3-Grabbing Non-integrin (DC-SIGN), a C-type lectin receptor, in the setting of intrauterine or intrapartum mother-to-child transmission. Viruses isolated from HIV-1

Contribution of Antibody-based Protein Profiling to the Human Chromosome-centric Proteome Project (C-HPP)

A gene-centric Human Proteome Project has been proposed to characterize the human protein-coding genes in a chromosome-centered manner to understand human biology and disease. Here, we report on the protein evidence for all genes predicted from the genome sequence based on manual annotation from literature (UniProt), antibody-based profiling in cells, tissues and organs and analysis of the transcr

Internationalization and Parliamentary Decision-Making : The Case of Sweden 1970-1985

In this essay we discuss effects of growing interdependence and internationalization upon national political institutions. More exactly we address the question of how these processes are reflected in matters handled by the Standing Committees of the Swedish Parliament. Generally speaking, the proportion of international issues has increased continuously during the 1970s and the early 1980s. The in

Left Atrial Posterior Wall Thickness in Patients with and without Atrial Fibrillation: Data from 298 Consecutive Autopsies.

Introduction: Radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with energy delivery on the posterior left atrial (LA) wall with small but significant risk of life-threatening complications. Anatomy of LA walls has been described, but wall thickness in patients with AF has not been studied systematically. The aim of the present study was to describe LA posterior wall thickness in p

Acoustoelastic Effects on the Resonance Frequencies of Prestressed Concrete Beams – Short-term Measurements

In this study resonant acoustic spectroscopy was applied during static loading and unloading of three prestressed concrete beams in the context of acoustoelasticity. At each load step multiple modes of vibration were measured using an accelerometer and a small impact source. It was found that the measured resonance frequencies increased with increasing compressive stress in a manner which can be p

An integrative genomics screen uncovers ncRNA T-UCR functions in neuroblastoma tumours

Different classes of non-coding RNAs, including microRNAs, have recently been implicated in the process of tumourigenesis. In this study, we examined the expression and putative functions of a novel class of non-coding RNAs known as transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) in neuroblastoma. Genome-wide expression pro. ling revealed correlations between specific T-UCR expression levels and impor

Multiple HIV-1 introductions into the Swedish intravenous drug user population

In 2001, an increase of HIV-1 diagnoses among intravenous drug users (IVDU) was reported in Sweden. In nearby countries, Finland, Russia and the Baltic states, recent outbreaks had been described. Since there was a concern that these outbreaks would carry over to Sweden a study was initiated to determine the factors leading to the Swedish increase of HIV-1 diagnosed IVDUs. HIV-1 env V3 sequences w

Modulation of chemoselectivity by protein additives. Remarkable effects in the oxidation of hyperforin

Protein additives have a dramatic effect on the H2O2 oxidation of hyperforin, either protecting the enolized phloroglucinol core from oxidation (human albumin) or promoting (HRP and ovalbumin) reaction pathways derived from the intermediacy of the enollactone 4, a minor component of the oxidation mixture in the absence of protein additives. To rationalize the exquisite specificity of several steps

Gene transfer establishes primacy of striated vs. smooth muscle sarcoglycan complex in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy types 2E and F are characterized by skeletal muscle weakness and often cardiomyopathy and are due to mutations in the genes encoding beta- and delta-sarcoglycan. We previously demonstrated that loss of sarcoglycans in smooth muscle leads to constrictions of the microvasculature that contributes to the cardiac phenotype. It is unclear how vasculature abnormalities aff

A murine antibacterial orthologue to human bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) is expressed in testis, epididymis, and bone marrow.

The bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI), stored in human neutrophil granulocytes, is cytotoxic against Gram-negative bacteria. Several genes related to BPI cluster on human chromosome 20 and on mouse chromosome 2, but expression and characterization of a BPI ortholog in the mouse have not been reported. We asked whether BPI is structurally and functionally conserved between humans a

Physicochemical properties of a mixed alkylglucoside surfactant/water system: Phase behavior, salt effects, and microstructure surrounding a closed-loop liquid/liquid miscibility gap

Mixtures of n-decyl beta-D-gluco-pyranoside (C(10)G(1)) and n-nonyl beta-D-gluco-pyranoside (C(9)G(1)) in water were studied to determine the location of a closed-loop liquid/liquid miscibility gap. A phase diagram including the point at which the closed loop first appeared was determined, as well as the effect of salts on the location of the consolute boundaries of the loop. The microstructure su

Origin of Swedish hemophilia B mutations

Background More than 1100 mutations that cause hemophilia B (HB) have been identified. At the same time, specific F9 mutations are present at high frequencies in certain populations, which raise questions about the origin of HB mutations. ObjectivesTo describe the mutation spectrum of all HB families in Sweden and investigate if mutations appearing in several families are due to independent recurr