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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits
Extraction of haptens from solid products and their delivery to the skin, exemplified by dithiocarbamates from rubber gloves.
Maternal herpesvirus infections and risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the offspring.
Aire-ing self antigen variability and tolerance.
Positional cloning of the underlying genes for the rare syndrome autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidadiasis extrodermal dystrophy (APECED) opened a new venue of research on the role of central tolerance in autoimmunity. The associated autoimmune regulator gene (AIRE), was found to be expressed in medullary thymus epithelial cells (mTEC) in both man and mice, and to control promiscuous expression
Endothelin-1 Reduces Microvascular Fluid Permeability through Secondary Release of Prostacyclin in Cat Skeletal Muscle.
The aim of the study was to analyze effects of various plasma concentrations of the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 on microvascular fluid permeability and on transcapillary fluid exchange. We also analyzed whether the permeability-reducing substance prostacyclin is involved in the permeability effects of endothelin-1, as prostacylin is suggested to be released via ET(B) receptor stimulation. The stu
Experimental design of multifactor climate change experiments with elevated CO2, warming and drought: the CLIMAITE project
Recent findings indicate that the interactions among CO2, temperature and water can be substantial, and that the combined effects on the biological systems of several factors may not be predicted from experiments with one or a few factors. Therefore realistic multifactorial experiments involving a larger set of main factors are needed. We describe a new Danish climate change-related field scale ex
Off-axis wave front measurements for optical correction in eccentric viewing
In a previous study we have shown that correction of peripheral refractive errors can improve the remaining vision of subjects with large central visual field loss. Measuring peripheral refractive errors with traditional methods is often difficult due to low visual acuity and large aberrations. Therefore a Hartmann-Shack sensor has been designed to measure peripheral wave front aberrations in subj
Magnetic information calibrates celestial cues during migration
Migratory birds use celestial and geomagnetic directional information to orient on their way between breeding and wintering areas. Cue-conflict experiments involving these two orientation cue systems have shown that directional information can be transferred from one system to the other by calibration. We designed experiments with four species of North American songbirds to: (1) examine whether th
Transient structural distortion of metal-free Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase triggers aberrant oligomerization.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease linked to the misfolding of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1). ALS-related defects in SOD1 result in a gain of toxic function that coincides with aberrant oligomerization. The structural events triggering oligomerization have remained enigmatic, however, as is the case in other protein-misfolding diseases. Here, we target the criti
PDF of distance function for level-set flamelet library modelling
The difference between a presumed distribution of flamelet position and a numerically simulated distribution of distance function (a signed distance to flamelet) is investigated. It is shown that even if the distribution of flamelet position is symmetrical and close to Gaussian, the distribution of distance function away from the mean flame position is skewed towards the mean position and the mean
”Att gräva ut Makedonien ur den grekiska historiekulturen"
Updating the phase diagram of the archetypal frustrated magnet Gd3Ga5O12
The applied magnetic field and temperature phase diagram of the archetypal frustrated magnet, Gd3Ga5O12, has been reinvestigated using single-crystal magnetometry and polarized neutron diffraction. The updated phase diagram is substantially more complicated than previously reported and can be understood in terms of competing interactions with loops of spins, trimers, and decagons, in addition to c
Water absorption and proton conductivity of sulfonated acrylamide copolymers
Copolymers of 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid (AMPS) and N-tert-butylacrylamide (tBAA) have been evaluated as proton conducting materials. The water absorption of copolymers with varying equivalent weights (EW), i.e. g polymer/mol sulfonic acid groups, was studied at different relative humidities (rh) by gravimetry and calorimetry. Melt endotherms for water were detected by DSC in cop
Prospective Study of Chemotherapy in Combination with Cytokine-induced Killer Cells in Patients Suffering from Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
The present study evaluated the clinical efficacy of chemotherapy in combination with cytokine-induced killer (CIK) biotherapy compared to the chemotherapy alone. Fifty-nine advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were randomly divided into two groups, group A (chemotherapy, alone, including docetaxel 75 mg/m(2), day 1; cisplatin, 25 mg/m(2), days 1-4, tri-weekly) and group B (chemoth
Left ventricular mass by 12-lead electrocardiogram in healthy subjects: comparison to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.
Tumor progression induced by the loss of E-cadherin independent of beta-catenin/Tcf-mediated Wnt signaling
E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion is frequently lost during the development of malignant epithelial cancers. Employing a transgenic mouse model of beta-cell carcinogenesis (Rip1Tag2) we have previously shown that the loss of E-cadherin is a rate-limiting step in the progression from adenoma to carcinoma. However, the mere loss of cell adhesion may not be sufficient and additional signals are
Retinoic acid receptor signaling levels and antigen dose regulate gut homing receptor expression on CD8(+) T cells
Recent studies have highlighted a central role for intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) and vitamin A metabolite retinoic acid (RA) in the generation of alpha 4 beta 7(+) CCR9(+) "gut tropic" effector T cells. Here, using RA-responsive element reporter mice, we demonstrate that both splenic and mesenteric lymph node (MLN) DCs enhanced retinoic acid receptor (RAR) signaling in CD8(+) T cells; however,
Self-employment of immigrants and natives in Sweden - a multilevel analysis
Recent research suggests that self-employment among immigrants is due to a combination of multiple situational, cultural and institutional factors, all acting together. Using multilevel regression and unique data on the entire population of Sweden for the year 2007, this study attempts to quantify the relative importance for the self-employed of embeddedness in ethnic contexts (country of birth) a
Swedish anthropometrics for product and workplace design.
The present study describes the anthropometrics of the Swedish workforce, aged 18-65, and compares the measurements with data collected four decades earlier. This anthropometric information is based on measurements of a total of 367 subjects, 105 males and 262 females. Of the 367 subjects, 268 responded to advertisements (Study A) and 99 were randomly selected from a community register (Study B).
Evidence for reduced collectivity around the neutron mid-shell in the stable even-mass Sn isotopes from new lifetime measurements
Precise measurements of the lifetimes of the first excited 2(+) states in the stable even-A Sn isotopes Sn112-124 have been performed using the Doppler shift attenuation technique. For the isotopes Sn-112, Sn-114 and Sn-116 the E2 transition strengths deduced from the measured lifetimes are in disagreement with the previously reported values and indicate a shallow minimum at N = 66. The observed d