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Biodiversity at Linnaeus' birthplace in Stenbrohult, southern Sweden. 2. Red-listed plants and fungi.
We present the red-listed plants and fungi that have been found in the central parts of the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden. In the middle of the study areas Carl Linnaeus was born in 1707, and he spent his summers there until 1727. Of the 11 currently red-listed vascular plants (Gärdenfors 2000) that have been recorded since 1970 all occurred there also 300 years ago. Mosses, lichens and f
Speech errors in normal and pathological speech
Abstract is not available
Chromosomal integration and expression of green fluorescent protein in Zymomonas mobilis
An integrative vector was constructed to allow expression of heterologous proteins into the adhB locus of Zymomonas mobilis. As a reporter gene, the ORF of a bright variant of green fluorescent protein from Aequorea victoria (GFPuv) was fused to the adhB strong promoter from Z. mobilis by using a two-step PCR strategy. Z. mobilis recombinant strains that were stably marked by precise gene replacem
Mångsidig litteraturvetare i rikt urval.
The historian of religion and war
Mutations in the polyglutamine binding protein 1 gene cause X-linked mental retardation
We found mutations in the gene PQBP1 in 5 of 29 families with nonsyndromic (MRX) and syndromic (MRXS) forms of X-linked mental retardation (XLMR). Clinical features in affected males include mental retardation, microcephaly, short stature, spastic paraplegia and midline defects. PQBP1 has previously been implicated in the pathogenesis of polyglutamine expansion diseases. Our findings link this gen
InAs WRAP-gate nanowire transistors
InAs nanowire wrap-gate transistors have been fabricated in a vertical geometry using matrices of 11×11 nanowires. The fabrication process is based on conventional and scalable technologies that are adopted for the nanowire transistors. A SiNx layer is used as gate dielectric and a wrap-gate of 80 nm gate length is formed. These transistors show good DC characteristics with drive currents above 1
Bacterial translocation - impact of luminal content on barrier function
Med 20 kilo på pakethållaren. Mårten Sjöbeck som utforskare av natur och kultur
Inclusive production of D+, D-0, D-s(+) and D*(+) mesons in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
Inclusive production cross sections are measured in deep inelastic scattering at HERA for meson states composed of a charm quark and a light antiquark or the charge conjugate. The measurements cover the kinematic region of photon virtuality 2 < Q(2) < 100 GeV2, inelasticity 0.05 < y < 0.7, D meson transverse momenta p(t)( D) greater than or equal to 2.5 GeV and pseudorapidity |eta( D)| less than o
Effect of cold exposure (-15 degrees C) and salbutamol treatment on physical performance in elite nonasthmatic cross-country skiers
The effects of whole-body exposure to ambient temperatures of -15 degrees C and 23 degrees C on selected performance-related physiological variables were investigated in elite nonasthmatic cross-country skiers. At an ambient temperature of -15 degrees C we also studied the effects of the selective beta2-adrenergic agonist Salbutamol (0.4 mg x 3) which was administered 10 min before the exercise te
Three-dimensional subterranean target identification by use of optimization techniques
The identification of a subterranean metallic ore from scattering experiments, conducted on the surface of the ground or in a bore hole, is a classic geophysical problem. In general this problem is not well-posed. However, a priori information about the shape of the target provides enough regularization to make the problem numerically stable. The problem is solved by minimizing the mean-square err
Superhydrophobic properties of nanostructured–microstructured porous silicon for Improved surface-based bioanalysis
Wettability is a fundamental property of a solid surface, which plays important roles in many industrial applications. The possibility to create well-controlled nonwetting states on silicon surfaces without photolithography-based processing can bring many advantages in the biotechnology and microfluidics areas. In this paper, superhydrophobic properties of macroporous–nanoporous structured silicon
Notorious (1946) (dvd review)
Activation of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils by streptolysin O from Streptococcus pyogenes leads to the release of proinflammatory mediators.
Degradation of antiproteinases, complement and fibronectin in chronic leg ulcers
It has been proposed that excessive and uncontrolled proteolytic activity is an important pathogenetic factor for chronic wounds. Identification of molecules that either control or reflect proteolysis in wounds may prove to be useful in determining wound healing activity. In this study wound fluid was sampled under a polyurethane dressing or on hydrophilic glass filters. Multiple chronic wound flu
Effects of leukocyte and fibroblast interferon on events in the fibroblast cell cycle
Serum-depleted human foetal skin fibroblasts were stimulated by addition of 10% foetal calf serum to proliferate synchronously for at least one cell cycle. This proliferation was suppressed by leukocyte or fibroblast interferon (IF), which prolonged the G1 phase and diminished the rate of DNA synthesis during the S phase in a dose-dependent manner. When used in identical concentration, as judged i
Low incidence of brain death and organ donation in Sweden. Analyses of a six-year prospective registration of all deceased patients in intensive units in Southern Sweden
Sweden is among those countries in Europe that have the lowest number of organ donors per million population (PMP). Because of the low numbers of actual donors, it is important to identify the total number of potential donors. Thus, a prospective registration of all deceased patients at all intensive care units was introduced in the Southern Healthcare Region of Sweden, which has a population of 1
Determinants of force rise time during isometric contraction of frog muscle fibres
Force-velocity (F-V) relationships were determined for single frog muscle fibres during the rise of tetanic contraction. F-V curves obtained using isotonic shortening early in a tetanic contraction were different from those obtained at equivalent times with isovelocity shortening, apparently because changing activation early in the contraction leads, in isovelocity experiments, to changing force a