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Rättssäkerhet och tvångsvård : En rättssociologisk studie

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna rättssociologiska studie handlar om tvångsomhändertagna missbrukares rättssäkerhet under tiden i vård. Författaren undersöker begreppet rättssäkerhet i förhållande till tvångsvårdens verkställighet på så kallade LVM-hem i syfte att finna en begreppsdefinition som är operationaliserbar vid studier av rättssäkerhetens upprätthållande. Med utgångspunkt i resultaten Compulsory treatment and care is regulated by the Care of Alcoholics and Drug abusers Act (Lag (1988:870) om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall, LVM). The regulation's main purpose is to motivate persons with addictive problems to voluntarily participate in the treatment of their problems. The compulsory care shall continue for a maximum period of six months in special treatment centres (the so-call

Strain and shape of epitaxial InAs/InP nanowire superlattice measured by grazing incidence X-ray techniques

Quantitative structural information about epitaxial arrays of nanowires are reported for a InAs/InP longitudinal heterostructure grown by chemical beam epitaxy on an InAs (111)(B) substrate. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction allows the separation of the nanowire contribution from the substrate overgrowth and gives averaged information about crystallographic phases, epitaxial relationships (with

Heterogeneity of the O alleles at the blood group ABO locus in Amerindians

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Amerindians are blood group O, but the distribution of the various O alleles is unknown. Their ABO genotypes were compared with samples from other Brazilian ethnic groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genomic DNA was examined by PCR-RFLP analysis, PCR-SSP and direct sequencing. RESULTS: An unusual allele distribution was found, with 91% of the O alleles being O1variant. Almost

Performance of distributed information systems

There is an increasing use of distributed computer systems to provide services in both traditional telephony as well as in the Internet. Two main technologies are Distributed Object Computing (DOC) and Web based services. One common DOC architecture investigated in this thesis is the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), specified by the Object Management Group. CORBA applications con

One-particle resonant levels in a deformed potential

(S)olving the Schrodinger equation in coordinate space with the appropriate asymptotic boundary conditions, neutron one-particle resonant levels in Y-20-deformed Woods-Saxon potentials are studied. These resonance levels are the natural extension of one-particle bound levels to the continuum and are defined in terms of eigenphase. For one-particle bound levels with Omega(pi)not equal 1/2(+) the co

The gap between guidelines and reality: Type 2 diabetes in a national diabetes register 1996-2003

Guidelines for the treatment of risk factors in diabetes care have been updated recently, due to indisputable results from clinical end-point trials. This study evaluates risk factor control compared with current national and international targets during the period 1996-2003 in Type 2 diabetes (DM2). Patients were registered in primary-care and hospital outpatient clinics using computer software,

Lipase action on a monoolein/sodium oleate aqueous cubic liquid crystalline phase - a NMR and X-ray diffraction study

The effect of adding Thermomyces (formerly Humicola) lanuginosa lipase (TLL) to a monoolein (MO)/sodium oleate (NaO) aqueous cubic liquid crystalline phase has been studied. H-1-NMR, C-13-NMR, H-1-PGSE (Pulsed-magnetic field Gradient Spin-Echo) self-diffusion measurements, and Small Angle X-ray Diffraction were used to follow the degradation of the cubic phase. The reaction sequence in terms of ph

A study of the association between exercise-induced wheeze and exercise versus methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in adolescents

Among asthmatics, exercise-induced wheeze (EIW) is a frequent symptom, and 40-77% of asthmatics demonstrate exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). In the North-Trondelag population-based survey of 8,571 adolescents (YOUNG-HUNT), 26% reported wheeze during the previous 12 months (current wheeze). Of those subjects, 50% reported EIW. The aim of the present study was to investigate the associati

Incidence of asthma in female Swedish hairdressers.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the risk of asthma in hairdressers. METHODS: The incidence of asthma was retrospectively estimated in a Swedish nationwide study including all female hairdressers certified from vocational schools from 1970 to 1995, and a stratified sample of women from the general population were referents. A postal questionnaire included questions on respiratory tract symptoms, atopy, s

Serum Gm Allotype development During Childhood

Gm allotypes are genetic variants of the immunoglobulin heavy G chains (IGHG) of IgG molecules, coded from chromosome 14q32, characterized by differences in amino acid epitopes of the constant heavy G chains and inherited in the Mendelian manner. Gm allotypes have influence on IgG subclass levels, and serum Gm allotype levels have been given for different Gm genotypes in adults. Four hundred and t

How can the rehabilitation planning process at the workplace be improved? A qualitative study from employers perspective

The aim of this study was to describe employers experiences of a work rehabilitation planning process at the workplace and how it can be improved according to quality and cost-effectiveness. Qualitative interviews were performed with 10 employers of employees that had participated in in vocational rehabilitation at a rehabilitation centre in the north of Sweden.The results showed that employers we

Rapid quantification of yersinia enterocolitica in pork samples by a novel sample preparation method, flotation, prior to real-time PCR

The development of real-time PCR thermal cycles in the late 1990s has opened up the possibility of accurate quantification of microorganisms in clinical, environmental, and food samples. However, a lack of suitable sample preparation methods that allow rapid quantification of the nucleic acids, remove PCR inhibitors, and prevent false-positive results due to DNA originating from dead cells has lim

Increase in insulin-like growth factor I in hypertrophying smooth muscle

The present study focuses on the role of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system in the development of smooth muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy was initiated by partial ligation of portal vein or urethra in female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing approximately 220 g. Levels of mRNA were analyzed by solution hybridization. Seven days after ligation, the wet weight of the portal vein was increased abo