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Bebyggelsehierarkier och bylandskap : Om övergången mellan vikingatid och tidig medeltid ur ett halländskt perspektiv

The doctoral thesis seeks to discuss the transition between Viking Age and early medieval settlement and the establishment of the historical villages, based on archaeological material collected in Halland. The development is described in terms of three general periods of change: Period 1, c. 800–1000, consisting of farms with three-aisled longhouses. Period 2, c. 1000–1150, a transitional period w

Fibromodulin deficiency reduces collagen structural network but not glycosaminoglycan content in a syngeneic model of colon carcinoma

Tumor barrier function in carcinoma represents a major challenge to treatment and is therefore an attractive target for increasing drug delivery. Variables related to tumor barrier include aberrant blood vessels, high interstitial fluid pressure, and the composition and structure of the extracellular matrix. One of the proteins associated with dense extracellular matrices is fibromodulin, a collag

COOL AMI EU pilot trial : A multicentre, prospective, randomised controlled trial to assess cooling as an adjunctive therapy to percutaneous intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Aims: We aimed to investigate the rapid induction of therapeutic hypothermia using the ZOLL Proteus Intravascular Temperature Management System in patients with anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) without cardiac arrest. Methods and results: A total of 50 patients were randomised; 22 patients (88%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 69-97%) in the hypothermia group and 23 patients (92%;

Exhaust PM Emissions Analysis of Alcohol Fueled Heavy-Duty Engine Utilizing PPC

The focus has recently been directed towards the engine out soot from Diesel engines. Running an engine in PPC (Partially Premixed Combustion) mode has a proven tendency of reducing these emissions significantly. In addition to combustion strategy, several studies have suggested that using alcohol fuels aid in reducing soot emissions to ultra-low levels. This study analyzes and compares the characThe focus has recently been directed towards the engine out soot from Diesel engines. Running an engine in PPC (Partially Premixed Combustion) mode has a proven tendency of reducing these emissions significantly. In addition to combustion strategy, several studies have suggested that using alcohol fuels aid in reducing soot emissions to ultra-low levels. This study analyzes and compares the charac

Glucocorticoid use and factors associated with variability in this use in the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics Inception Cohort

Objectives. To describe glucocorticoid (GC) use in the SLICC inception cohort and to explore factors associated with GC use. In particular we aimed to assess temporal trends in GC use and to what extent physician-related factors may influence use. Methods. Patients were recruited within 15 months of diagnosis of SLE from 33 centres between 1999 and 2011 and continue to be reviewed annually. Descri

Relationship between somatic cell count and milk yield in different stages of lactation

The association between somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield in different stages of lactation was investigated in cows free of clinical mastitis (CM). Data were recorded between 1989 and 2004 in a research herd, and consisted of weekly test-day (TD) records from 1,155 lactations of Swedish Holstein and Swedish Red cows. The main data set (data set A) containing 36,117 records excluded TD

Liveness becomes Entelechy - A scheme for L6

Integrated development environments have provided increasingly powerful tools for software creation, and yet the creation of complex computer programs remains difficult and time-consuming. Liveness in a programming environment has been identified as one direction in which to pursue further improvements in programmer productivity. We propose a scheme for achieving strategically predictive liveness, t

Rheological and thermal transport characteristics of a transformer oil based ferrofluid

Ferrofluids based on insulating liquids are intensively studied as a potential substitute of liquid dielectric in high voltage technologies. In this work we focus on the experimental investigation of flow and thermal transport characteristics of a ferrofluid based on transformer oil (Mogul) and iron oxide nanoparticles. The magneto-rheological behavior of the ferrofluid was studied by a rotational

Economic Evaluation of Nonpharmacological Interventions for Dementia Patients and their Caregivers - A Systematic Literature Review

Background: The rising prevalence of dementia represents an important public health issue. There is currently no available cure for dementia disorders, only symptom-relieving therapies which can be either pharmacological or non-pharmacological. The number of non-pharmacological interventions for patients with dementia disorders and their caregivers have been increasing in recent years without much

Interactions of nanowires with cells and tissue

III-V nanowires have tunable dimensions, between 40 nm and 100 nm in diameter and between 1 and 15 μm in length. Due to their small diameter, they are ideal candidates to interact with cells without detrimental effects on the cell viability. Nanowires can be used as sensors: in our case, we have shown that arrays of vertical gallium phosphide nanowires are promising materials for biosensing in mem

Beam shaping with 4n-order multipole magnets

A uniformly irradiating beam is beneficial in spallation for preventing irregular wear on the target. For octupoles (n = 4) and higher-order (n = 4N) magnets, passing charged-particle bunches undergo symmetric shaping effects along the x and y axes. Using a Lie-mapping formalism, we illustrate how well Gaussian distributions can be flattened symmetrically in 2D with single, dual-pulse, and RF magn

Properties of III-V nanowires : MOSFETs and TunnelFETs

This paper describes the properties and performance status of vertical III-V nanowire transistors. The development of key process modules has advanced the vertical fabrication technology and competitive device performance is reported for InAs MOSFETs and TunnelFETs. Besides the benefits in electrostatic control and the ease in integration on Si substrates, the vertical transistors offers a path to

The prevalence and durability of emotional enthusiasm: connective action and charismatic authority in the 2015 European refugee crisis

Departing from previous research on digital action networks, this paper approaches the spread and emotional contagion of digital activism slightly differently, looking for it not necessarily inside the social movement itself, but rather outside it. By questioning the implicit assumption that the spread and emotional contagion of digital activism is contained only in the context of social movements

Early Cambrian oxygen minimum zone-like conditions at Chengjiang

The early Cambrian succession at Chengjiang contains the most diverse Cambrian fossil assemblage yet described, and contributes significantly to our understanding of the diversification of metazoans in the Cambrian “explosion”. The Cambrian Period occupies a transitional episode of global ocean chemistry, following the oxygenation of the surface ocean and of shallow marine environments during the

Educational Collaboration Aiming at Effective Communication

Resorting more and more to e-learning means a thorough transformation of the teaching processes. Once the teacher-student communication is realized on yahoo-groups or Facebook-groups, the classical roles in the classroom become obsolete. With teachers having the possibility to enter in due time on students’ forums, the former relation of power in education moves to a collaborative one. More and mo

A developmental etiological model for drug abuse in men

Background We attempt to develop a relatively comprehensive structural model of risk factors for drug abuse (DA) in Swedish men that illustrates developmental and mediational processes. Methods We examined 20 risk factors for DA in 48,369 men undergoing conscription examinations in 1969–70 followed until 2011 when 2.34% (n = 1134) of them had DA ascertained in medical, criminal and pharmacy regist