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Joachim Koester, The Spirits of the Street, L.A.
Cancer cell ability to mechanically adjust to extracellular matrix stiffness correlates with their invasive potential
Increased tissue stiffness is a classic characteristic of solid tumors. One of the major contributing factors is increased density of collagen fibers in the extracellular matrix (ECM). Here, we investigate how cancer cells biomechanically interact with and respond to the stiffness of the ECM. Probing the adaptability of cancer cells to altered ECM stiffness using optical tweezers based micro-rheol
The effect of education and supervised exercise on physical activity, pain, quality of life and self-efficacy - an intervention study with a reference group
Background: Individuals with knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) are less physically active than people in general, and many of these individuals have adopted a sedentary lifestyle. In this study we evaluate the outcome of education and supervised exercise on the level of physical activity in individuals with knee or hip OA. We also evaluate the effect on pain, quality of life and self-efficacy. Meth
Long-term effects of daily physical education throughout compulsory school on duration of physical activity in young adulthood : An 11-year prospective controlled study
Objectives We examined whether daily physical activity (PA) during compulsory school encourages children to be more physically active during the intervention and 4 years after termination of the programme. Methods This prospective controlled intervention study followed the same 124 children (81 children in an intervention group and 43 controls) aged 7.7±0.6 (mean±SD) during a 7-year PA interventio
Evaluation of Facial Anthropometry Using Three-Dimensional Photogrammetry and Direct Measuring Techniques
In this study, 14 standard facial distances on 10 adult volunteers were measured directly with a caliper and indirectly on two-dimensional images using the 3dMDtrio system. Two raters performed the measurements with at least 1 week between rating sessions. The intra- and inter-rater reliabilities and agreement of the measurements were calculated using intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), mea
Ne Bis in Idem in the EU and ECHR Legal Orders: A Matter of Uniform Interpretation?
Modernist dreams and green sagas : The neoliberal politics of Iceland's renewable energy economy
Transitioning to renewable energy is an imperative to help mitigate climate change, but such transitions are inevitably embedded in broader socio-ecological and political dynamics. Recent scholarship has focused on these more-than-technological dimensions of energy transitions to help understand their promises and drawbacks. This article contributes to this research agenda by highlighting the impo
Målande moral
Imaging findings and neurocognitive function inpatients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Globalisering och urban turismutveckling - drivkrafter och konsekvenser
Horizontal Direct Effect of Article 39 of the EC Treaty
The essential purpose of this article is to provide for an examination and critical analysis of the concept of horizontal direct effect in the field of free movement of workers, in particular to analyse in what manner the ECJ legally justified the recognition of this concept in relation to Article 39
Truth Tracking Performance of Social Networks: How Connectivity and Clustering Can Make Groups Less Competent
Our beliefs and opinions are shaped by others, making our social networks crucial in determining what we believe to be true. Sometimes this is for the good because our peers help us form a more accurate opinion. Sometimes it is for the worse because we are led astray. In this context, we address via agent-based computer simulations the extent to which patterns of connectivity within our social netOur beliefs and opinions are shaped by others, making our social networks crucial in determining what we believe to be true. Sometimes this is for the good because our peers help us form a more accurate opinion. Sometimes it is for the worse because we are led astray. In this context, we address via agent-based computer simulations the extent to which patterns of connectivity within our social net
The definition of criminal sanctions in the EU
This Article reviews how we should define criminal sanctions in EU law. The debate on the proper meaning of ‘criminal sanctions’ has in the first place received strong impetus in EU law, due to the newly gained competences of the Union in criminal law after the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. The second reason for the fuelling of a debate on the meaning of criminal sanctions is related to the E
Tjänstedirektivet- en papperstiger?
Den 4 november 2009 röstade riksdagen igenom propositionen om genomförandet av Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv om tjänster på den inre marknaden (2006/123/EG) (”tjänstedirektivet1”). Lagändringarna trädde i kraft den 27 december 2009. Detta innebär att det har införts en ny lag som avser att förverkliga det hett omdiskuterade tjänstedirektivet.Författaren avser i artikeln att tillhandahålla
The Chapter provides practical advice for lawyers conducting fraud investigations in Sweden. The Chapter accounts for the relevant international and national Swedish rules in relation to internal investigation of suspected frauds. It suggests that while there are several methods of gathering evidence and successfully conducting such an investigation, there are a number of rules that need to be adh
On Human Terms – Integration of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Ergonomics in University Courses
The aim of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘Work and Technology on Human Terms’ was to be a modern, highly accessible study material in Ergonomics/Work science to contribute to safer and healthier workplaces. The course targets engineering students, but also students in economics, human relations, physiotherapy, occupational health, as well as professionals. The purpose of this paper is to d
On Human Terms – A First Evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Ergonomics
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘Work and Technology on Human Terms’ ( ) was launched in July 2017 with the aim to contribute to safer and healthier workplaces by increasing the knowledge about how products, systems, and work organizations can be designed on human terms. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a first evaluation of the MOOC. The online cour
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles as a multimodal contrast agent for up to five imaging modalities
Differences associated with age at onset in early systemic sclerosis patients : a report from the EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research Group (EUSTAR) database
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse differences in clinical presentation in patients with early (< 3 years’ duration) systemic sclerosis (SSc), comparing three age groups according to disease subsets. Method: Cross-sectional analysis of the prospective EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research database (EUSTAR) was performed. Patients fulfilling preliminary American College of Rheumatology