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High-frequency components in ECG analysed in guinea-pig Langendorf preparations

High-frequency components in ECG during global ischaemia were studied in isolated guinea-pig hearts perfused ad modum Langendorf. Electrocardiograph recordings were carried out from the epicardial surface both in normo- and low-flow perfusion. After bandpass filtering (5-500 Hz), signal-averaging, was undertaken. The high-frequency components either increased or decreased after low-flow perfusion

Motivation to donate or not donate surplus embryos for stem-cell research: literature review

Objective To review publications regarding possible donation of surplus embryos for medical research. Design Review of 67 scientific publications in this field up through January 2007. Originality Summary of factors influencing prospective donors' motivation to donate or not donate their surplus embryos for medical research. Result(s) Presentation of the findings of studies regarding the need

Further results on the relation between nonlinearity and resiliency of Boolean functions

A good design of a Boolean function used in a stream cipher requires that the function satisfies certain criteria in order to resist different attacks. In this paper we study the tradeoff between two such criteria, the nonlinearity and the resiliency. The results are twofold. Firstly, we establish the maximum nonlinearity for a fixed resiliency in certain cases. Secondly, we present a simple searc

Entanglement at finite temperatures in the electronic two-particle interferometer

In this work we discuss a theory for entanglement generation, characterization and detection in fermionic two-particle interferometers (2PIs) at finite temperature. The motivation for our work is provided by the recent experiment by the Heiblum group (Neder et al 2007 Nature 448 333) realizing the two particle interferometer proposed by Samuelsson et al (2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 026805). The exper

Life-course perspective on socioeconomic differences in carotid atherosclerosis.

OBJECTIVE: Socioeconomic status (SES) in adulthood is known to be related to carotid atherosclerosis. However, few studies have tried to assess its association with SES from a life-course perspective. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined the relationship between SES in childhood and in adulthood and carotid atherosclerosis in a general population of Swedish men and women. Carotid stenosis was determin

Effects of polyamine synthesis inhibition on polyamines, growth and mechanical properties in hypertrophic rat urinary bladder

The polyamines putrescine, spermidine and spermine, are ubiquitous intracellular metabolites associated with growth and protein synthesis. In this study effects of polyamine synthesis inhibition on bladder growth, polyamine levels and mechanical properties were investigated in rat urinary bladder subjected to partial outflow obstruction that causes bladder hypertrophy. The S-adenosyl methionine de

Social capital and neo-materialist contextual determinants of sense of insecurity in the neighbourhood: A multilevel analysis in Southern Sweden.

Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of contextual (social capital and neo-materialist) and individual factors on sense of insecurity in the neighbourhood. Methods: The 2000 public health survey in Scania is a cross-sectional study. A total of 13,715 persons answered a postal questionnaire, which is 59% of the random sample. A multilevel logistic regression model, wit

SAR studies of capsazepinoid bronchodilators. Part 1: The importance of the catechol moiety and aspects of the B-ring structure.

Capsazepine as well as its derivatives and analogues are general inhibitors of constriction of human small airways. From a systematic variation of the capsazepine structure, divided into four regions, SARs were established. This part concerns the catechol moiety of the A-ring as well as the 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-2-azepine moiety (the B-ring) of capsazepine. It is revealed that a conformational con

Center of volume and total heart volume variation in healthy subjects and patients before and after coronary bypass surgery.

BACKGROUND: Total heart volume variation (THVV) and center of volume variation (COVV) likely affects the efficiency of cardiac pumping, but no study has determined COVV of the heart throughout the cardiac cycle or the effect of surgery on THVV in adults. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to determine COVV in healthy adults and patients with cardiac failure due to ischemic heart disease (I

Fragmentation properties of three-membered heterocyclic molecules by partial ion yield spectroscopy: C2H4O and C2H4S

We investigated the photofragmentation properties of two three-membered ring heterocyclic molecules, C2H4O and C2H4S, by total and partial ion yield spectroscopy. Positive and negative ions have been collected as a function of photon energy around the C 1s and O 1s ionization thresholds in C2H4O, and around the S 2p and C 1s thresholds in C2H4S. We underline similarities and differences between th

Pure science or policy involvement? Ambiguous boundary-work for Swedish carbon cycle science

In theory, the interaction between the worlds of environmental science and policy may seem straightforward. From a realm outside politics and power, scientists provide relevant knowledge about nature upon which informed policy decisions could be based. However, in reality this linear model tends to be replaced by a much more complex relationship where the distinction between facts and values, know

Storage lipid synthesis is non-essential in yeast

Steryl esters and triacylglycerol (TAG) are the main storage lipids in eukaryotic cells. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these storage lipids accumulate during stationary growth phase within organelles known as lipid bodies. We have used single and multiple gene disruptions to study storage lipid synthesis in yeast. Four genes, ARE1, ARE2, DGA1, and LRO1, were found to contribute to TAG syn

Cost-effectiveness of primary cytology and HPV DNA cervical screening

Because cost-effectiveness of different cervical cytology screening strategies with and without human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing is unclear, we used a Markov model to estimate life expectancy and health care cost per woman during the remaining lifetime for 4 screening strategies: (i) cervical cytology screening at age 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 55 and 60, (ii) same strategy with addition of

Cluster N activity under changed light and magnetic field conditions during the night in Sylvia warblers.

Cluster N is a cluster of forebrain regions found in night-migratory songbirds that shows high activation of activity-dependent gene expression during night-time vision. We have suggested that Cluster N may function as a specialized night-vision area in night-migratory birds and that it may be involved in processing light-mediated magnetic compass information. Here, we investigated these ideas. We

On the effect of lactic acid on blood glucose and insulin responses to cereal products: Mechanistic studies in healthy subjects and in vitro

It has been observed that bread containing lactic acid produced during the sourdough fermentation or added directly, has the ability to lower the postprandial glucose and insulin responses in humans. The main objective of the present work was to evaluate the possible mechanisms for a lowered glucose response to bread containing lactic acid, and to determine whether the same phenomenon also occurs

On the charge regulation of proteins

It is known that the overall charge of a protein can change as the molecule approaches a charged object like another protein or a cell membrane. We have formalized this mechanism using a statistical mechanical framework and show how this rather overlooked interaction increases the attraction between protein molecules. From the theory, we can identify a unique property, the protein charge capacitan

Bacteriophage lambda stabilization by auxiliary protein gpD: Timing, location, and mechanism of attachment determined by cryo-EM

We report the cryo-EM structure of bacteriophage lambda and the mechanism for stabilizing the 20-angstrom-thick capsid containing the dsDNA genome. The crystal structure of the HK97 bacteriophage capsid fits most of the T = 7 lambda particle density with only minor adjustment. A prominent surface feature at the 3-fold axes corresponds to the cementing protein gpD, which is necessary for stabilizat