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Your search for "*" yielded 530128 hits

Newcastle disease virus neuraminidase primes neutrophils for stimulation by galectin-3 and formyl-Met-Leu-Phe

Human neutrophils are activated by the beta-galactoside-binding lectin galectin-3, provided that the cells are primed by in vivo extravasation or by in vitro preactivation with, for example, LPS. Removal of terminal sialic acid can change neutrophil functionality and responsiveness due to exposure of underlying glycoconjugate receptors or change in surface charge. Here, we investigated whether suc

Effect of liquid nitrogen and formalin-based conservation in the in-vitro measurement of laser-induced fluorescence of peripheral vascular tissue

In order to investigate the effects of conservation in liquid nitrogen and formalin on peripheral vascular tissue (abdominal aortic, femoral and flank artery tissue) laser-induced fluorescence spectra were recorded during the exposure of these tissues to He-Cd radiation (442 nm). The spectral distribution of tissue fluorescence allowed the development of simple algorithms based on the intensity di

From Euro50 towards a European ELT

With Euro50 as a convenient telescope laboratory, the Euro50 team has continued development aiming at a European extremely large telescope (ELT). Here, we give a progress report. The needs of science and instrumentation are briefly discussed as is the importance of photometric stability and precision. Results are reported from work on integrated modelling. Details are given concerning point-spread

Clinical radionuclide therapy dosimetry: the quest for the "Holy Gray"

Introduction Radionuclide therapy has distinct similarities to, but also profound differences from external radiotherapy. Review This review discusses techniques and results of previously developed dosimetry methods in thyroid carcinoma, neuro-endocrine tumours, solid tumours and lymphoma. In each case, emphasis is placed on the level of evidence and practical applicability. Although dosimetry has

Dysfunction of the islet lysosomal system conveys impairment of glucose-induced insulin release in the diabetic GK rat

Accumulated evidence links an important signal involved in glucose-stimulated insulin release to the activation of the islet lysosomal glycogenolytic enzyme acid glucan-1,4-alpha-glucosidase. We have analyzed the function of the lysosomal system/lysosomal enzyme activities in pancreatic islets of young (6-8 weeks), spontaneously diabetic, GK (Goto-Kakizaki) rats and Wistar control rats in relation

A cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy study of a quantum dot infrared photodetector structure

We report on cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy studies of a quantum dot infrared photodetector structure consisting of multiple InGaAs quantum wells containing InAs quantum dots and separated by GaAs. We have investigated the composition and size distribution of the InAs quantum dots in this structure. Using cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy images displaying atomic resolut

Induction of B-type receptors for platelet-derived growth factor in vascular inflammation: possible implications for development of vascular proliferative lesions

Expression of B-type receptors for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) in frozen sections of blood vessels from tissues affected by abnormal vascular cell proliferation was investigated by immunohistochemical techniques and compared with expression of these receptors in blood vessels of normal tissues. Receptors were not expressed, or expressed at low levels, in vessels of normal tissues. In con

The influence of different kinds of pre-treatment on the performance of a polyamide nanofiltration membrane

Although pre-treatment of membranes is often used to ensure the reliability of experimental data, it also has the potential to improve many aspects of membrane performance. This study investigates the influence of chemical pre-treatment and wetting on membrane flux and retention. The results show that chemical pre-treatment, with either a phosphate buffer or alkaline cleaning agents, enhances the

Telomere dysfunction and telomerase activation in cancer - a pathological paradox?

Telomerase is expressed in more than 90% of human cancers. Telomere maintenance by this enzyme is believed to safeguard genomic integrity in neoplastic cells. Nevertheless, many telomerase-expressing tumours exhibit chromosomal instability triggered by short, dysfunctional telomeres, implying that active telomerase is not sufficient for preserving a functional telosomic nucleoprotein complex in ca

Productivity, vitality and utility in a group of healthy professionally active individuals with nocturia

OBJECTIVES To assess the effect of nocturia on productivity, vitality and utility in a selected group of professionally active individuals with nocturia, compared with matched controls, and investigate the effect of symptom severity, to test the hypothesis that lack of sleep caused by frequent sleep interruptions could reduce an individuals' daytime energy and activity levels. SUBJECTS AND METHODS

Reducing CO2 Emissions by Substituting Biomass for Fossil Fuel

Replacing fossil fuels with sustainably-produced biomass will reduce the net flow of CO2 to the atmosphere. We express the efficiency of this substitution in reduced emissions per unit of used land or biomass and in costs of the substitution per tonne of C. The substitution costs are calculated as the cost difference between continued use of fossil fuels at current prices and the use of biomass, a

The versican C-type lectin domain recognizes the adhesion protein tenascin-R

The core proteins of large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans contain a C-type lectin domain. The lectin domain of one of these proteoglycans, versican, was expressed as a recombinant 15-kDa protein and shown to bind to insolubilized fucose and GlcNAc. The lectin domain showed strong binding in a gel blotting assay to a glycoprotein doublet in rat brain extracts. The binding was calcium dependent a

Detailed models of the binary pulsars J1141-6545 and B2303+46

We have modelled the formation of the eccentric double-degenerate binaries J1141-6545 and B2303+46 using the Henyey-type full stellar evolution code STARS and the population synthesis code BSE. We find that the outcome depends strongly on the common envelope (CE) evolution efficiency parameter alpha(CE) and show that both systems can be modelled with a single value of alpha(CE). The final orbit of

Effects of ethanol intake on lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue of fasting subjects

Ethanol (ca. 1 g/kg body weight) was given alone or together with glucose or lipid (mixed triglycerides) perorally to young, fasting subjects. The changes with time (0-6 hr) of lipoprotein lipase activity (LLA) in adipose tissue, plasma glycerol, triglyceride, insulin, blood glucose, and alcohol concentrations were followed. A maximal mean blood alcohol concentration of 0.09% (w/v) was obtained 1

Combined UV-biological degradation of PAHs

The UV-photolysis of PAHs was tested in silicone oil and tetradecane. In most cases, the degradation of a pollutant provided within a mixture was lower than when provided alone due to competitive effects. With the exception of anthracene, the larger pollutants (4- and 5-rings) were always degraded first, proving that UV-treatment preferentially acts on large PAHs and thereby provides a good comple

Experimental and numerical study of a conical turbulent partially premixed flame

The structure and dynamics of a turbulent partially premixed methane/air flame in a conical burner were investigated using laser diagnostics and large-eddy simulations (LES). The flame structure inside the cone was charecterized in detail using LES based on a two-scalar flamelet model, with the mixture fraction for the mixing field and level-set G-function for the partially premixed flame front pr

Early diagenesis and isotopic composition of lead in Lake Laisan, northern Sweden

Water column (dissolved/suspended phase, sediment traps) and sediment data (pore-water, solid-phase sediment) were combined with stable Pb and Pb-210 isotope data to trace the early diagenetic behaviour and geochemical cycling of Pb in Lake Laisan, a lake which has received large quantities of anthropogenic Pb since the early 1940s. Early diagenetic remobilisation of Pb is indicated by a subsurfac