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Your search for "*" yielded 529956 hits

Examiners' influence on the measured active and passive extension deficit in finger joints affected by Dupuytren disease

Background: The most commonly reported outcome measure in Dupuytren disease is the extension deficit in finger joints. This study aimed to investigate the examiners' influence on the measured difference between active and passive extension deficit. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 157 consecutive patients (81% men, mean age 70 years) scheduled for collagenase treatment for Dupu

A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins

Under ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic activity, which continuously challenge ecosystem resilience, an in-depth understanding of ecological processes is urgently needed. Lakes, as providers of numerous ecosystem services, face multiple stressors that threaten their functioning. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are a persistent problem resulting from nutrient pollution and climate-c

The impact of the biological variability or assay performance on AMH measurements : A prospective cohort study with AMH tested on three analytical assay-platforms

This study examined longitudinal, age-related and intra-individual variation in Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) in regular menstruating women and correlated the hormonal levels to the antral follicle count (AFC). The impact of variations on an algorithm for calculation of follitropin-dose for ovarian stimulation were also tested. The study was carried out at a fertility clinic of a tertiary universit

Recurrent obstructive hydrocephalus in a 4-month-old infant

Introduction: Transient, recurrent or permanent causes of hydrocephalus in children are usually due to tumours, cerebral bleeding or colloid cysts and complications of infectious meningitis or secondary to poisoning. Recurrent, obstructive hydrocephalus is very rare. Case report: We report a 4-month-old boy who suffered at least three different episodes of obstructive hydrocephalus presumably caus

Simulations of moisture gradients in wood subjected to changes in relative humidity and temperature due to climate change

Climate change is a growing threat to cultural heritage buildings and objects. Objects housed in historic buildings are at risk because the indoor environments in these buildings are difficult to control and often influenced by the outdoor climate. Hygroscopic materials, such as wood, will gain and release moisture during changes in relative humidity and temperature. These changes cause swelling a

Can Euroscepticism Contribute to a European Public Sphere? : The Europeanization of Media Discourses about Euroscepticism across Six Countries

This study compares the media discourses on euroscepticism in 2014 in six countries (the UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Sweden and Denmark). We assessed the extent to which the mass media's reporting of euroscepticism indicates the Europeanization of public spheres. Using a mixed-methods approach combining latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic modelling and qualitative coding, we find that approxim

Influence of air and nitrogen sparging on flux during ultrafiltration of hemicelluloses extracted from wheat bran

Ultrafiltration can be used to concentrate arabinoxylan isolated from wheat bran. Prefiltration with diatomaceous earth and air sparging during ultrafiltration of the alkaline hemicellulose solution were both found to increase the flux, while nitrogen sparging had no effect. The flux of the untreated solution was 51 L/m2 h, while the flux after prefiltration of the solution with diatomaceous earth

Impact of comorbidity on disease characteristics, treatment intent and outcome in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : a Swedish lymphoma register study

Background: Comorbidity impacts overall survival amongst patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). However, associations of comorbidity with lymphoma characteristics, treatment selection and lymphoma-specific mortality are less well known. Objective: To examine the impact of comorbidity on DLBCL characteristics, treatment intent and cause of death. Methods: We identified 3905 adult pati

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Fakultetsopposition på Jakob Kieffer-Olsens doktorsavhandling "Kirke og kirkestruktur i middelalderens Danmark" (2018)

Shrunken Pore Syndrome Is Associated With Increased Levels of Atherosclerosis-Promoting Proteins

Introduction: Shrunken pore syndrome (SPS), originally defined by cystatin C-based estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFRcystatin C) being less than 60% of creatinine-based estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFRcreatinine) in the absence of extrarenal influences on the plasma levels of cystatin C or creatinine, is associated with a high increase in mortality, even in the absence of reduced

Measurements of low-p T electrons from semileptonic heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV

Transverse-momentum (pT) differential yields of electrons from semileptonic heavy-flavour hadron decays have been measured in the most central (0–10%) and in semi-central (20–40%) Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV. The corresponding production cross section in pp collisions has been measured at the same energy with substantially reduced systematic uncertainties with respect to previously published

The burden of chronic breathlessness across the population

Purpose of review Chronic breathlessness is a common and distressing symptom globally. It is associated with major adverse health outcomes. This review provides an overview of new evidence about the prevalence of chronic breathlessness in the population. Recent findings A literature search was conducted using MEDLINE database including studies on prevalence of chronic breathlessness and its impact

Comparison of dextran and albumin on blood coagulation in patients undergoing major gynaecological surgery

Background: Hydroxyethyl starches have been withdrawn from the European market. In Sweden, dextran was the main colloid until 2000, when starches overtook the market. After the recent 6S-trial, it was suggested that dextran could be reinstituted, but concerns for greater coagulopathy, bleeding and anaphylaxis still remain. An experimental study from our department indicated that isovolemic substitBackground: Hydroxyethyl starches have been withdrawn from the European market. In Sweden, dextran was the main colloid until 2000, when starches overtook the market. After the recent 6S-trial, it was suggested that dextran could be reinstituted, but concerns for greater coagulopathy, bleeding and anaphylaxis still remain. An experimental study from our department indicated that isovolemic substi

Specialized palliative care and the quality of life for hospitalized cancer patients at a low-resource hospital in India

Aim: This study aimed to compare the quality of life (QoL) of cancer patients, with an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance of 3-4, in contact with or without contact, with a specialized palliative care unit (PCU) at a low-resource governmental cancer hospital, as well as studying the impact of this contact on the QoL in their caregivers. Materials and Methods: Hospitalized patien

Towards uncertainty quantification of vibrations in wood floors

During the last decades, the use of wood as construction material in multi-story buildings has increased in Europe. Compared to conventional concrete buildings, wood buildings are more sensitive to dynamic loading at low frequencies. Also, the response to dynamic loading is in general more difficult to predict for wood buildings, given a certain degree of accuracy. This is a consequence of the com