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Your search for "*" yielded 533837 hits

Engineering of a novel tri-functional enzyme with MnSOD, catalase and cell-permeable activities.

Cooperative function of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), in protection against oxidative stress, is known to be more effective than the action of either single enzyme. Chemical conjugation of the two enzymes resulted in molecules with higher antioxidant activity and therapeutic efficacy. However, chemical methods holds several drawbacks; e.g., loss of enzymatic activity, low homogene

Acute mastoiditis in children in Sweden 1993-2007-No increase after new guidelines.

OBJECTIVE: To study whether the incidence and characteristics of acute mastoiditis in children changed in Sweden following the introduction of new guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute otitis media advocating "watchful waiting" as an option in children 2-16 years of age with uncomplicated acute otitis media. METHODS: The records for all patients treated for mastoiditis during 1993-2007 a

Skeletal carbonate productivity and phosphogenesis at the lower-middle Cambrian transition of Scania, southern Sweden

The lower-middle Cambrian transitional interval of Scania is largely represented by condensed limestone beds, lithostratigraphically grouped in the Gislov Formation (1-5.7 m thick), and the Forsemolla and Exsulans Limestone beds (lower part of the Alum Shale Formation, up to 4 in thick). The strata display a combination of skeletal carbonate productivity, episodic nucleation of phosphate hardgroun

Stochastic optimal power flow by multi-variate Edgeworth expansions

Stochastic optimal power flow can provide the system operator with adequate strategies for controlling the power flow to maintain secure operation under stochastic parameter variations. One limitation of stochastic optimal power flow has been that only steady-state variable limits have been used as security constraints. In many systems voltage stability and small-signal stability also play an impo

Degree of associations among vectors of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and host bird species with respect to haemosporidian parasites in NE Bulgaria

The occurrence of haemosporidians in biting midges of the genus Culicoides is examined in North-East Bulgaria in order to reveal their potential role for parasite transmission. A PCR-based technique amplifying part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of the parasite is applied on naturally infected biting midges. Totally, 640 parous individuals of four species and 95 blood-fed individuals of si

Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of β-Amyloid 1-42, but Not of Tau, Are Fully Changed Already 5 to 10 Years Before the Onset of Alzheimer Dementia.

CONTEXT: Early detection of prodromal Alzheimer disease (AD) is important because new disease-modifying therapies are most likely to be effective when initiated during the early stages of disease. OBJECTIVES: To assess the ability of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers total tau (T-tau), phosphorylated tau (P-tau), and β-amyloid 1-42 (Aβ42) to predict future development of AD dementia within

Evidence for caste differences in anal droplet alarm pheromone production and responses in the eusocial thrips Kladothrips intermedius

Thrips (Thysanoptera) are tiny insects that produce anal secretions whenthreatened. Several studies have shown that, depending on the species,the droplets may contain alarm pheromones and/or repellents againstenemies. In the eusocial gall-inducing thrips Kladothrips intermedius bothlarvae and adults produce such droplets. There are two castes of adults inthis species, soldiers (the sub-fertile and

The ecology and evolution of partial migration

Partial migration, where populations of animals are composed of a mixture of resident and migratory individuals, is a widespread phenomenon in nature. It has been reported to occur in all major vertebrate groups, and can have significant ecological consequences. Here we give an overview of the ecology and evolution of partial migration in animals. We firstly review the different types of partial m

3D numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics in smooth wavy fin-and-elliptical tube heat exchangers using new type vortex generators

3D computational analysis was performed to investigate heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of flow in SWFET (Smooth Wavy Fin-and-Elliptical Tube) heat exchanger with four new VGs (vortex generators), RTW (rectangular trapezoidal winglet), ARW (angle rectangular winglet), CARW (curved angle rectangular winglet) and WW (Wheeler wishbone). The numerical model was well validated with the a

On continuum models for heat transfer in micro/nano-scale porous structures relevant for fuel cells

Micro or even nano-scale solid particles are applied in porous structures in different energy systems, such as fuel cells, for the objectives to enhance the catalytic reaction activities and improve the fuel utilization efficiency or/and reduce the pollutants. In addition to the charge transport and reactions, heat transfer processes in fuel cell porous electrodes are strongly affected by the smal

Engaging the History of Religions - from an Islamic Studies Perspective

The future and relevance of the history of religions discipline in the Swedish context has been discussed lately. This article is a response to this debate from an Islamic studies perspective. The authors argue that the history of religions discipline may become more relevant if a more self-critical approach is adopted, an interdisciplinary attitude upheld, and if there is an openness to learn fro

Study of electron acceleration and x-ray radiation as a function of plasma density in capillary-guided laser wakefield accelerators

Laser wakefield electron acceleration in the blow-out regime and the associated betatron X-ray radiation were investigated experimentally as a function of the plasma density in a configuration where the laser is guided. Dielectric capillary tubes were employed to assist the laser keeping self-focused over a long distance by collecting the laser energy around its central focal spot. With a 40 fs, 1

Progressive improvement in wound healing with increased therapy in haemophilia B mice

Previous work has shown that normalized haemostasis only at the time of an injury is not sufficient to promote optimal wound healing in haemophilia B (HB) mice. However, the duration of treatment required for optimal healing has not been established. The goal of these studies was to determine the effect of different durations of replacement or bypassing therapy [factor IX(FIX) or factor VIIa (FVII

Merging Percolation on Z(d) and Classical Random Graphs: Phase Transition

We study a random graph model which is a superposition of bond percolation on Z(d) with parameter p, and a classical random graph G(n,c/n). We show that this model, being a homogeneous random graph, has a natural relation to the so-called "rank I case" of inhomogeneous random graphs. This allows us to use the newly developed theory of inhomogeneous random graphs to describe the phase diagram on th

Technical Skills Assessment in a Coronary Angiography Simulator for Construct Validation.

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate technical skills in a coronary angiography (CA) simulator to establish the performance level of trainees and experts in virtual CA.The traditional master-apprentice way of learning CA is by practicing on patients despite a known risk for complications during training. Safe CA training is warranted, and simulators might be one possibility. Simulat