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The Substituted Judgment Standard. Studies on the Ethics of Surrogate Decision Making

Popular Abstract in Swedish Beslutsinkompetenta patienter behöver en ställföreträdande beslutsfattare som kan fatta vårdbeslut för deras räkning. En av de etiska frågor som aktualiseras i detta sammanhang är vilka riktlinjer som bör gälla för sådant beslutsfattande. Enligt ?the Substituted Judgment Standard? (SJS) bör en ställföreträdare fatta det beslut som patienten själv hade fattat, om denne hPatients who are incompetent need a surrogate decision maker to make treatment decisons on their behalf. One of the main ethical questions that arise in this context is what standard ought to govern such decision making. According to the Substituted Judgment Standard (SJS), a surrogate ought to make the decision that the patient would have made, had he or she been competent. Although this standard

Measurement of dijet production at low Q(2) at HERA

Triple differential dijet cross sections in e(+/-)p interactions are presented in the region of photon virtualities 2 < Q(2) < 80 GeV2, inelasticities 0.1 < y < 0.85, jet transverse energies E*(T1) > 7GeV, E*(T2) > 5 GeV, and pseudorapidities - 2.5 < η(1)*, η(2)* < 0. The measurements are made in the gamma*p centre-of-mass frame, using an integrated luminosity of 57 pb(-1). The data are compared w

Tema Ortopedi

Skador, sjukdomar och smärttillstånd i rörelseapparaten är den vanligaste orsaken till fysisk funktionsinskränkning, åtminstone i västvärlden. En orsak är den ökande medellivslängden. I detta tema tar vi upp några skador och sjukdomar i rörelsorganen.

Hesitation disfluencies after the clause marker ATT ‘that’ in Swedish

This study aims att developing a methodology for investigating the relationship between the fluent and disfluent productions of the Swedish conjunction ATT ‘that’ and the complexity of speech fragments following them. A study of the syntactic structure of the speech fragments following ATT and their relation to the pragmatic structure of the discourse, in particular the fragments’ role as regards

Social capital and lack of belief in the possibility to influence one's own health: a population-based study.

Objectives: To study the impact of social capital (social participation and trust) on lack of belief in possibility to influence health. Methods: The Scania 2000 public-health survey is a cross-sectional, postal questionnaire study including 13,604 persons aged 18-80 years which was conducted in 2000 by the regional healthcare authorities in Region Skåne, southern Sweden, to investigate health-rel

Reading in children of primary school age - A comparative study of children with hearing impairment and children with specific language impairment

Background. Seigneuric et al. (2000) showed that reading comprehension in primary school age children with typical language development (TD) is strongly dependent on working memory. The purpose of the present study was to compare reading comprehension in primary school age children with mild/moderate hearing impairment (HI) and children with a preschool diagnosis of specific language impairment (S

Parameters influencing protein extraction for whole broths in detergent based aqueous two-phase systems

The parameters important for an optimisation of cloud point extraction in technical scale were investigated using a genetically engineered fusion protein derived from endoglucanase I expressed in Trichoderma reesei and the nonionic polyoxyethylene Agrimul NRE 1205. The key parameters are temperature, detergent concentration, and additional salts. These parameters are interdependent, thus there is

Regulatory effects of aerosolized budesonide and adrenalectomy on the lung content of endothelin-1 in the rat

This study was designed to investigate the effect of inflammation and glucocorticosteroids (GCS) on the content of endothelin-1-like immunoreactivity (ET-LI) in the rat lung. Following intratracheal instillation of Sephadex beads, which induces a long-lasting inflammation in the lung, there was an increase in the lung content of ET-LI measured by RIA. This increase was abolished by locally adminis

Influence of street characteristics, driver category and car performance on urban driving patterns

Driving patterns (i.e., speed, acceleration and choice of gears) influence exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. The aim here is to obtain a better understanding of the variables that affect driving patterns, by determining the extent they are influenced by street characteristics and/or driver-car categories. A data set of over 14,000 driving patterns registered in actual traffic is used. The re

Biological treatment of industrial wastes in a photobioreactor

An algal-bacterial consortium was tested for the treatment from a coke factory. A Chlorella vulgaris strain and a phenol-degrading Alcaligenes sp. were first isolated from the wastewater treatment plant to serve as inocula in the subsequent biodegradation tests. Batch tests were then conducted with samples from the real wastewater or using a synthetic wastewater containing 325 mg phenol/l and 500

Endovascular repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms: an early experience with intermediate-term follow-up

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to report an initial experience with the endovascular repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysm. Complications and intermediate-term morphologic changes were identified with the intent of altering patient selection and device design. METHODS: Endografts were placed into 25 patients at high-risk for conventional surgical repair over a 3(1/2)-year period. D

Indicators of bone formation in weight lifters

Physical activity has been suggested to be one of the determinants of bone turnover and to prevent age-related bone loss. To examine this we measured the serum levels of osteocalcin (bone Gla-protein, BGP), C-terminal procollagen peptide (PICP), serum alkaline phosphatase, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, and S-calcium as indices of bone formation in 19 actively performing and 15 ex-lifters. Al

Moisture permeability of mature concrete and cement paste

Moisture permeabilities (δv) of mature concrete and cement paste with water-cement ratio (w0/C) 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 have been determined as functions of the relative humidity (RH). These δv can be used to calculate δv of the aggregates including the interfacial transition zone (ITZ). δv of granite has been preliminarily determined as a function of RH.