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Mirror QCD and cosmological constant

An analog of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) sector known as mirror QCD (mQCD) can affect the cosmological evolution due to a non-trivial contribution to the Cosmological Constant analogous to that induced by the ground state in non-perturbative QCD. In this work, we explore a plausible hypothesis for trace anomalies cancellation between the usual QCD and mQCD. Such an anomaly cancellation between t

Quantum Yang-Mills dark energy

In this short review, I discuss basic qualitative characteristics of quantum non-Abelian gauge dynamics in the non-stationary background of the expanding Universe in the framework of the standard Einstein-Yang-Mills formulation. A brief outlook of existing studies of cosmological Yang-Mills fields and their properties will be given. Quantum effects have a profound impact on the gauge field-driven

Proconvertase furin is down regulated in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

Background: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a cardiovascular autonomic disorder characterized by orthostatic intolerance and high prevalence among young women. The etiology of POTS is uncertain, though autoimmunity and inflammation may play an important role. We aimed to identify novel inflammatory biomarkers associated with POTS. Methods and Results: In the Syncope Study of Un

Between Sovietism and Americanization : Ideals of femininity during and after the Cold War in Finland

During the Cold War, along with the Americanization of its popular culture, Finland was also heavily exposed to Soviet ideological influences, including in relation to notions of desirable femininity. From the late 1960s onwards, Soviet influences can be seen in Finnish public discourses on fashion and decorative femininity. Soviet ideals are also reflected in the emphasis on gender neutrality and

‘We hid porn magazines in the nearby woods’ : Memory-Work and Pornography Consumption in Finland

This article presents the key findings of a Finnish memory-work project conducted in 2012 on consumer experiences and associations related to pornography. The memory-work material points to a high degree of reflexivity in definitions of pornographic preference as well as to drastic shifts in the ubiquity of pornography from the pre-1990s ‘age of scarcity’ to the current ‘age of plenty.’ At the sam

OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee, hip, and polyarticular osteoarthritis

Objective: To update and expand upon prior Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) guidelines by developing patient-focused treatment recommendations for individuals with Knee, Hip, and Polyarticular osteoarthritis (OA) that are derived from expert consensus and based on objective review of high-quality meta-analytic data. Methods: We sought evidence for 60 unique interventions. A sy

The challenge of ecological logic : Explaining distinctive organizational phenomena in corporate environmental management

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this chapter is twofold. First, it aims to provide managers and researchers with a number of concepts and perspectives which are relevant to understanding the evolution of environmental management as a corporate function. Second, in adopting and developing a critical position toward a number of current conventions or common assumptions, it aspires to add something of va

Monochromatic computed tomography with a compact laser-driven X-ray source

A laser-driven electron-storage ring can produce nearly monochromatic, tunable X-rays in the keV energy regime by inverse Compton scattering. The small footprint, relative low cost and excellent beam quality provide the prospect for valuable preclinical use in radiography and tomography. The monochromaticity of the beam prevents beam hardening effects that are a serious problem in quantitative det

Glucagon Counter-Regulation to Hypoglycemia During Incretin-Based Therapy

Incretin-based therapy is associated with low risk of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) possibly due to its glucose-dependency in stimulating insulin secretion and a sustained glucagon response during hypoglycemia. This is of special relevance when it is combined with insulin or given to elderly patients since both insulin therapy and high age are associated with impaired glucagon co

3D printing of decellularised porcine lung ECM

Statement of Purpose: Chronic lung diseases are one of the major health problems that cause death and disability. Approximately 65 million people suffer from chronic lung diseases, and the number of patients is predicted to increase worldwide 1 . Lung transplantation is the only available treatment option for patients at end-stage disease. However, there is a chronic shortage of donor organs, re

Determining the Diffusivity for Light Quarks from Experiment

Charge balance functions reflect the evolution of charged pair correlations throughout the stagesof pair production, dynamical diffusion, and hadronization in heavy-ion collisions. Microscopic mod-eling of these correlations in the full collision volume shows that the balance functions are sensitiveto the diffusivity of light quarks when studied as functions of relative azimuthal angle. By restric