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Vän eller chef? - En kvalitativ studie om att vara chef för sina tidigare arbetskamrater

Syftet med studien var att undersöka och få en fördjupad förståelse för hur internrekryterade chefer upplever att bli chef för tidigare arbetskamrater, och få en ökad insikt i de utmaningar som kan uppstå i samband med detta. Som metod användes en kvalitativ ansats varpå tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. För att analysera intervjumaterialet användes tematisk analys, vilket resulterade The aim of the study was to examine and gain a more in-depth understanding of bosses’ experience regarding internal promotion and becoming the boss for previous work colleagues, as well as gaining more thorough insight regarding the challenges that may occur. A qualitative approach was used in this study, and ten semi-structured interviews were conducted. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the

“Ja jag vet inte om det är bra” - En studie om äldres upplevelser av ett digitaliserat samhälle

Studien syftar att undersöka äldre personers syn på digitalisering och börjat i den breda frågeställningen “Vad tycker äldre om digitalisering?” för att sedan smalnas av till “Vad ligger bakom de äldres skeptiska attityd till digitalisering?”. För att undersöka detta har tre fokusgruppsdiskussioner hållits på mötesplatser för äldre i Malmö. Ur de inspelade diskussionerna kom fyra återkommande samt

Reclaiming a Brownfield

Integrate, revitalize and overcoming physical barriers. An opportunity for cities to activate abandoned areas and recycle what was once an active place. When industrial sites moves out of the city centers it can leave large open areas behind - brownfields. This can be an opportunity to revitalize areas and expand within the the city itself.

The management of dynamic service innovation capabilities in different types of service innovation

Abstract Research questions: Which dynamic service innovation capabilities are used in different types of service innovation? How are they used in the different types? And why does their application vary? Methodology: The study has been conducted through investigating multiple cases within a single case company and followed a qualitative research strategy to identify (the application of) dynamic

Språktillgänglighet i museiverksamheter : en jämförande studie av hur personalen prioriterar språk och text i uställningar i förhållande till museets besökare.

This Masters paper has been the study of the language used in textformat and the word-use in Museum exhibits. I have analyzed the Region Museums in Scania, Sweden, with Museums in Rome, Italy. The view point of the paper have been to analyze language use from the staffs perspective, therefor I have interviewed persons in the staff at the selected. I have also examine the texts in the choosen exhib

Betydelsen av ändrade förhållanden i den svenska avtalsrätten

Grundprincipen att "avtal ska hållas" är en central del i avtalsrätten. Frågan gällande ändrade förhållanden och dess inverkan på avtal har därför länge varit ämne för diskussion. I en långvarig avtalsrelation är det svårt att förutse risken för förändringar som kan drabba avtalet och avtalsrelationen. Frågan väcks i ett sådant sammanhang om vilka möjligheter avtalsparter har att regleraThe fundamental principle that "agreements must be kept" is a central part in contract law. How "changed circumstances" can impact an agreement has long been a subject for discussion. In long-term agreements, it is difficult to determine what risks that can impact an agreement. The question of possibilities available to handle such a situation, where the agreement can be regula

Influence from long-distance transport, local sources and precipitation on black carbon concentrations at a rural background field station in southern Sweden

The year 2018 was the first complete year with aerosol observations at the rural background station Hyltemossa in southern Sweden. The aim of this thesis was to analyse and investigate the influence from long-distance transport (LDT) aerosols, local sources and precipitation on the black carbon (BC) mass concentration by utilising the Aethalometer and the HYSPLIT model, which estimated the BC mass

Elevhälsans uppfattning om arbetsterapi för grundskoleelever med psykisk ohälsa efter en pedagogisk intervention i form av information om arbetsterpi - En kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie

Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga ökar i Sverige. Skolan är en av de miljöer som barn spenderar mycket tid i och forskning visar att detta kan påverka deras hälsa. Svenska skolor saknar idag modeller för att förstå och tolka barns svårigheter utifrån ett aktivitets- och delaktighetsperspektiv. Ny kompetens behövs i skolan och arbetsterapi skulle kunna vara ett komplement till elevhälsan

När oro blir sjukdom; En meta-analys om hälsoångestens utveckling hos universitetsstudenter

Syftet med denna meta-analys var att belysa fenomenet hälsoångest, och mer specifikt att undersöka om de generella nivåerna av hälsoångest ökat under de senaste tre decennierna. Ledande forskare på området har spekulerat kring om en ökning föreligger, då utan egentligt empiriskt underlag. Den aktuella studien hade som syfte att utgöra en del av det empiriska underlag som krävs för att göra mer säkThe purpose of this meta-analysis was to shed light on the phenomenon of health anxiety, and more specifically to investigate whether the general levels of health anxiety has increased over the past three decades. Previous research in this area has speculated whether an increase exists, although without actual empirical evidence. The purpose of this study was to be a part of the empirical evidence

It Is a Man's World but a Woman's Accountability. A Gendered Understanding of the Hybrid Peace Processes in Northern Ireland and Liberia.

Within Peace Research, there is a long tradition of studying the creations and conditions of peace. Within this, Hybrid Peace Theory has constituted a more critical strand, emphasising the importance of the interactions between international and local actors. This thesis has aimed to contribute to critical peace research by arguing for the importance of including a gender perspective on the Hybrid

China's Pursuit of National Interests in the Arctic - An Examination of China's Geostrategic Investments in Iceland and Greenland

In today’s global politics, the Arctic is assuming an increasingly important geoeconomic and geopolitical role among Arctic and non-Arctic states, as the retreating ice cover reveals new economic potentials such as the development of natural resources (Käpylä & Mikkola, 2016). China is among the interested non-Arctic states that aim to increase their influence in Arctic affairs and to get in o

Interorganizational Learning & Resilience: A Case Study of the Swedish Pharmaceuticals Supply Chain, under Normal Circumstances and in a Crisis

Background: Increasing dependencies between Swedish societal sectors and the critical infrastructures upon which they depend as well as institutional fragmentation within the societal sectors, have caused a need to map the critical infrastructures in Sweden. The descriptive research aiming to map and understand the Swedish pharmaceuticals supply chain is to a high degree missing today. A potential

Financial Distress and Governance Structure

Topics of financial distress and corporate governance structure have attracted many researchers before. However, no one combined the three distress models of Altman (1968), Ohlson (1980) and Zmijewski (1984) with corporate governance variables. The main goal of this paper is to answer the following question: what is the impact of corporate governance variables on financial distress for traded U.S

Att visa en utställning : utställningsformens påverkan på museipedagogers möjlighet att skapa situationer för aktivt lärande

This master’s thesis studies the way in which museum education officers use different exhibitions when conveying their message to visiting groups. Furthermore, it studies the consequences of this usage in relation to the visitor’s ability to obtain new knowledge. In order to find this out, I have observed school visits in four varied types of exhibitions in museums in the county of Scania in the s

Approaching the New Plastic Economy: Solutions and Their Implications on Creating New Markets Around the Plastic Packaging Industry

Background: Today, plastic packages can be found from the nature all around the world, hence it is a topic which is widely discussed among consumers, the media and politics, to name a few. Furthermore, solutions to the waste issue are pondered upon these different groups. The packaging industry constitutes for a large share of the total plastic waste, which is why the study was narrowed down to th

Barnperspektivet på ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas erfarenheter av att arbeta med barnperspektivet vid handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers experiences of the work with a child perspective when dealing with financial aid. A qualitative study with four semi-structured interviews with social workers was performed. The sample was made through purposive sampling of social workers in the department of financial aid in different municipalities in northwest Skåne. The results of the int

Arbetsmarknadens kunskapskrav på systemvetare - tidigare och idag

IT-branschen är föränderlig och under ständig utveckling. Det råder även stor kompetensbrist inom området, vilket skapar ett behov för att undersöka hur de kunskapskrav som finns på arbetsmarknaden ser ut. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka krav på kunskap som arbetsmarknaden har på systemvetare och hur kraven har sett ut i tidigare studier. Uppsatsen bygger på teori om begreppen kunskap

In Search of the Meaning of Mindful Consumption- An Exploratory Study of Generation Y

Purpose: : The purpose of the study is to understand what is the meaning of mindful consumption for Generation Y consumers. There exist theoretical studies on mindful consumption but there is limited empirical research on mindful consumption and its meaning. Method: This is a qualitative study with a social constructionist and relativist approach as meaning is socially constructed and there is no

The impact of having foreign-born parents on migration: A study of Swedish emigrants

Return migration among the second generation has been a topic of interest for researchers in the last decade, but little quantitative research has been done. Identity, feelings of belonging and moving when entering a new life stage have been proposed as reasons for the second generations to move back to their ancestral home. Using a dataset on emigrants from Sweden, this research describes the mig