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A customizable pattern-based software process simulation model: design, calibration and application

Software process analysis and improvement relies heavily on empirical research. Empirical research requires measurement, experimentation, and modeling. However, whatever evidence is gained via empirical research is strongly context dependent. Thus, it is hard to combine results and capitalize upon them for the purpose of improvement in evolving development environments. The process simulationmodel

Downstream effects of master regulators in two brain diseases.

In paper one, we investigated how the pharmacological activation and inhibition of the glucocorticoid system affects lifespan and symptoms in a mouse model for RTT. We performed a long-term drug treatment study with the GR activator corticosterone and the GR inhibitor RU486 under which we measured the lifespan and onset of RTT-like symptoms of male Mecp2-null and female Mecp2 heterozygous mice in

The GRACILE mutation introduced into Bcs1l causes postnatal complex III deficiency: A viable mouse model for mitochondrial hepatopathy.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is an important cause for neonatal liver disease. Disruption of genes encoding oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) components usually causes embryonic lethality, and thus few disease models are available. We developed a mouse model for GRACILE syndrome, a neonatal mitochondrial disease with liver and kidney involvement, caused by a homozygous BCS1L mutation (232A>G). This

Consequences of an Increase in Availability Due to an Eroded National Alcohol Policy: A Study of Changes in Consumption Patterns and Experienced Alcohol-Related Harm among 17-to 18-year-olds in Southern Sweden, 2003-2005

The national Swedish policy on alcohol has been eroded since the country joined the European Union (EU) in 1996, leading to a steep increase in the private import of alcohol. The paper investigates the impact on drinking patterns of the greater availability of alcohol among adolescents. Two cross-sectional data sets, collected in 2003 (n = 2,760) and 2005 (n = 2,031) in schools in southern Sweden,

Plasma levels of apolipoprotein M in normal and complicated pregnancy.

Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is mainly associated with high-density lipoprotein in human plasma. Despite several studies suggesting apoM as an anti-atherogenic, its function is not yet fully understood. Plasma apoM was measured in normal pregnancies at four different gestational ages and in the postpartum period to investigate whether the concentration of apoM changes during pregnancy. In addition, apo

On-line Heart Rate Monitoring Using the Extra-corporeal Pressure Sensors of a Dialysis Machine

Heart rate can be extracted from the extracorporeal venous pressure signal of a dialysis machine. The results are of comparable accuracy and reliability to the ones obtained by the PPG reference signal from a pulse oximeter. Difficulties that occur during heart rate estimation were determined, and some can be overcome by a slight adjustment of blood flow rate. The described techniques, after being

Assessing accuracy in linkage analysis by means of confidence regions

When statistical linkage to a certain chromosomal region has been found, it is of interest to develop methods which quantify the accuracy with which the disease locus can be mapped. In this paper, we investigate the performance of three different types of confidence regions with asymptotically correct coverage probability as the number of pedigrees grows. Our setup is that of a saturated map of ma

Incidence of malignancy in patients treated for antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis: follow-up data from European Vasculitis Study Group clinical trials.

OBJECTIVES: /st> Because standard immunosuppressive treatment for antineutrophil cytoplasm antibody-associated vasculitis (AAV) (granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's) (GPA) and microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)) has been associated with a significant risk of developing cancer, the cancer incidence of treated AAV patients was assessed. METHODS: /st> This analysis concerned 535 patients with new

Co-channel interference mitigation in GSM networks by iterative estimation of channel and data

In multiple-access communication systems several users share the system resources, thus creating co-channel interference to each other. Multiuser detection, applied at the receiver side, is a powerful technique to combat co-channel interference, in contrast to single-user approaches that treat the interference as additive noise. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of achieving increased

Reduced Energy Expenditure and Impaired Feeding-Related Signals But Not High Energy Intake Reinforces Hypothalamic Obesity in Adults with Childhood Onset Craniopharyngioma.

Context: Obesity is a frequent manifestation of hypothalamic damage from a craniopharyngioma (CP). It is not yet clarified whether the obesity is due to alterations in energy expenditure, i.e. basal metabolic rate (BMR) and physical activity, or to increased energy intake (EI). Objective: The aim was to investigate whether energy expenditure and EI differed between childhood onset CP patients and