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Liquefied Natural Gaslighting? An analysis of the German government’s discourse surrounding LNG and considerations of energy justice.

In 2022 the Russian war against Ukraine left Germany without imports from their biggest energy supplier, forcing them to find new energy sources. One of the government’s measures was the investment in LNG, which impacts society and the environment. With a critical discourse analysis, this thesis analyzes how the government justifies their choice for LNG and how energy justice is considered within

Trust in Motion: Navigating the Liability of Distrust in Autonomous Vehicle Digital Brand Communication

While previous research has primarily focused on the sources and causes shaping attitudes towards artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, this research attempts to shed light on the communication efforts employed by autonomous vehicle companies. Using qualitative content analysis of the website material from three distinct SAE level 5 autonomous vehicle organizations, the study aims to ac

Reformen av LAS och dess effekter för uppsägning av arbetstagare

År 2022 genomfördes en reform av 7 § LAS vilket förändrade arbetsgivares möjligheter att säga upp arbetstagare. Reformen syftade till att uppnå en tydligare och mer förutsägbar reglering av uppsägning av personliga skäl. Uppsatsen syftar till att utreda vilka effekter reformen får för arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Reformen innefattade ett införande av 2 c § LAS som gjorde 7 § LAS dis- positiv. RIn 2022 7 § Employment Protection Act was reformed. The reform changed employers’ rights to dismiss employees due to personal reasons. The aim of the reform was to achieve clearer and more predictable regulation. This essay aims to investigate how the reform affects employers and employees. The reform included the addition of 2 c § Employment Protection Act, which enabled deviations from 7 § Empl

När AI blir uppfinnare och människan assistent - En analys av det patenträttsliga begreppet uppfinnare

“ We are both created and create.Why cannot our own creations also create?” Så lät uttalandet från den australienska domaren i det patenträttsliga fallet DABUS. AI är ett väldiskuterat samhällsområde där utvecklingen går så snabbt att det är svårt för lagstiftningen att hinna med. Uppfinnarbegreppet i patenträtten baserar sig på att det är en fysisk person som är uppfinnare. Det är lagstiftat i en“We are both created and create. Why cannot our creations also create?” That was the statement of the Australian judge in the DABUS patent case. AI is a rapidly developing and often discussed aspect of society where its accelerated development makes it difficult for legislation to advance at the same rate. The concept of inventor in patent law is based on the fact that it is a natural person who i

Cykelinfrastruktur på landsbygd i Skåne

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete för institutionen Trafik och samhälle på Lunds tekniska högskola. Syftet med rapporten är att skapa förståelse för hur det ser ut när det kommer till cykling utanför tätort, även kallat landsbygdsmiljö, och vad som behövs för att fler ska välja cykel som färdmedel även utanför tätort. Tätorter och småorter har sedan många år tillbaka varit utformaThis Thesis is a result of a study on cycling on rural area. The purpose of this thesis is to find what possibilities and obstacles there are to get a higher percentage of people using bicycle as a choice of transportation when living in a rural area. Historically, the cities have been built for the car. Today and the past decade this has changed, and the bicycle has been given a higher priority

Skiljeförfaranden vid EU-interna investeringstvister - En analys av rättslägets utveckling efter domen C-284/16 Achmea

I C-284/16 Achmea slog EU-domstolen fast att en skiljeklausul i ett bilateralt investeringsavtal mellan två medlemsstater i den Europeiska unionen var ogiltigt och att den skiljedom som följde av avtalet därav skulle ogiltigförklaras. Domstolen ansåg att skiljeklausuler i investeringsavtal mellan två medlemsstater utgör en metod för att undandra en tvist som rör tolkning och tillämpning av unionsrIn C-284/16 Achmea, the European Court of Justice ruled that an arbitration clause in a bilateral investment treaty between two member states of the European Union was invalid and that the arbitral award resulting from the arbitration should therefore be declared invalid. The Court stated that arbitration clauses in investment agreements between two member states constitute an agreement to remove

Universell jurisdiktion i Sverige - Om regelsystemet som möjliggör och begränsar utövning av universell jurisdiktion i svensk rätt

Universalitetsprincipen utgör en jurisdiktionsgrund enligt svensk rätt. I slutet av år 2022 meddelade Högsta domstolen ett prejudicerande beslut som behandlade hur universell jurisdiktion ska förstås enligt svensk rätt. Högsta domstolen fastslog i detta fall bland annat att den misstänkte måste ha en tillräcklig anknytning till Sverige för att det ska finnas ett svenskt rättskipningsintresse vid uThe principle of universality constitutes a basis for jurisdiction under Swedish law. At the end of 2022, the Supreme Court delivered a precedent- setting decision dealing with how universal jurisdiction should be interpreted according to Swedish law. The Supreme Court determined that for Swedish courts to exercise universal jurisdiction, there has to be a Swedish judicial interest, which is decid

Hypothermic versus Normothermic Temperature Control after Cardiac Arrest

BACKGROUNDThe evidence for temperature control for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest is inconclusive. Controversy exists as to whether the effects of hypothermia differ per the circumstances of the cardiac arrest or patient characteristics.METHODSAn individual patient data meta-analysis of the Targeted Temperature Management at 33°C versus 36°C after Cardiac Arrest (TTM) and Hypothermia versus

Ivacaftor therapy post myocardial infarction augments systemic inflammation and evokes contrasting effects with respect to tissue inflammation in brain and lung

Acquired cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) dysfunctions have been associated with several conditions, including myocardial infarction (MI). Here, CFTR is downregulated in brain, heart, and lung tissue and associates with inflammation and degenerative processes. Therapeutically increasing CFTR expression attenuates these effects. Whether potentiating CFTR function yields similar benefi

Emerging Imaging Technologies for Parathyroid Gland Identification and Vascular Assessment in Thyroid Surgery : A Review from the American Head and Neck Society Endocrine Surgery Section

Importance: Identification and preservation of parathyroid glands (PGs) remain challenging despite advances in surgical techniques. Considerable morbidity and even mortality result from hypoparathyroidism caused by devascularization or inadvertent removal of PGs. Emerging imaging technologies hold promise to improve identification and preservation of PGs during thyroid surgery. Observation: This n

Race and Ethnicity-Adjusted Age Recommendation for Initiating Breast Cancer Screening

IMPORTANCE: Breast cancer (BC) is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, and there is a substantial disparity in BC mortality by race, especially for early-onset BC in Black women. Many guidelines recommend starting BC screening from age 50 years; however, the current one-size-fits-all policy to start screening all women from a certain age may not be fair, equitable, or optimal.OBJECTI

Microplastics – a Macro Problem - Microplastic Load and Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Aquatic Mammals in the Baltic Sea Region

Plastic pollution is one of the most severe forms of pollution and the high abundance of microplastics (MP) in aquatic ecosystems is already confirmed. Due to their small size and buoyancy, they are highly bioavailable and have been shown to have a wide range of negative impacts. As a result of their high trophic status and long lifespan, aquatic mammals are susceptible to bioaccumulation and biom

Arbitrary motion Synthetic Aperture Radar

Syftet med denna avhandling är att utveckla en ny metod för att producera bilder med syntetisk aperturradar (SAR), med utgångspunkt i scenarier med arbiträr rörelse vad gäller radarsensorn. SAR är en väletablerad metod för att skapa 2- eller 3-dimensionella radarbilder, som traditionellt sett antar att radar-sensorns rörelse är linjär och förutsägbar. Därmed är positionerna för varje radardata-punThe purpose of this thesis is to develop a novel approach to producing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, assuming the scenario of arbitrary motion in regards to the radar sensor. SAR is a well-researched method for creating 2- or 3-dimensional radar images, traditionally assuming the radar sensor's motion to be linear and highly predictable. Thus the locations where each radar data is sam

Two transects reveal remarkable variation in gene flow on opposite ends of a European toad hybrid zone

Speciation entails a reduction in gene flow between lineages. The rates at which genomic regions become isolated varies across space and time. Barrier markers are linked to putative genes involved in (processes of) reproductive isolation, and, when observed over two transects, indicate species-wide processes. In contrast, transect-specific putative barrier markers suggest local processes. We studi

Network of mental activities, cognitive function and depression in older men and women

BackgroundEvidence suggests that lifestyle activities impact cognitive and mental health in older populations. However, how lifestyle factors are associated with one another, and which factors are most important for cognitive function and mental health has received comparatively little attention.DesignBayesian-Gaussian network analysis was used to investigate unique associations between mental act

Genetic traces of hybrid zone movement across a fragmented habitat

Theoretical and empirical studies suggest that the structure and position of hybrid zones can change over time. Evidence for moving hybrid zones has been directly inferred by repeated sampling over time, or indirectly through the detection of genetic footprints left by the receding species and the resulting asymmetric patterns of introgression across markers. We here investigate a hybrid zone form

Well-being Processes : Insights into Personal Growth and Adolescent Mental Health

Denna avhandling belyser välbefinnandeprocesser utifrån två olika angreppssätt: 1)dels teoretiska beskrivningar av personligt växande, där personligt växandedefinieras som den gradvisa processen av förändring i välbefinnande, 2) delsempiriska undersökningar av välbefinnande och mental hälsa med fokus på eleversmentala hälsoprofiler och självuppfattning. Sammanlagt ingår fem studier iavhandlingen, This thesis follows two main lines of inquiry into well-being processes: 1) atheoretical exploration of personal growth, defined as the gradual growth of wellbeing, and 2) an empirical exploration of students’ mental health profiles and sense of self. Altogether five studies are included in the thesis, two of which follow thefirst line of inquiry (articles I and II) and three of which follow the s

Exploring the sex and gender differences in the human brain at single cell level

Exploring the sex and gender differences in the human brain Sex and gender differences in human brain are both of scientific and societal interest, and impact a wide range of physiological processes, including brain development, behaviour, and disease risk. Currently, sex is defined as biological attributes due to the presence in the person’s genome of XX or XY chromosomes, while the gender ident