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Introduction: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were proposed as a critical therapeutic candidate in diabetic nephropathy (DN). Renal stem cells as a source for repairing are controversial. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of kidney rat stem cells on DN. Materials and methods: After separation of renal stem cells from rat kidney, the surface Stem cell markers were assessed b

Learning by feeling: excursions into the affective landscape

Learning by doing has become a common phrase in the scholarship of teaching and learning as research continues to emphasize the benefits of active student engagement in higher education. Instead of passive vessels to be filled with information, students become the architects of their own education. While traditional ways of teaching focus on what students should learn, there is now more interest i

Lawyers in society : a celebration of the work of Philip Lewis and his legacy

This paper begins by explaining Philip Lewis’s key contribution to the development of legal professions studies, culminating in the three volume comparative work Lawyers in Society to which he contributed and co-edited with Rick Abel [(1988a) Lawyers in Society: Vol I The Common Law World (Berkeley, University of California Press); (1988b) Lawyers in Society: Vol II The Civil Law World (Berkeley,

Method development and characterisation of the low-molecular-weight peptidome of human wound fluids

The normal wound healing process is characterised by proteolytic events, whereas infection results in dysfunctional activations by endogenous and bacterial proteases. Peptides, downstream reporters of these proteolytic actions, could therefore serve as a promising tool for diagnosis of wounds. Using mass-spectrometry analyses, we here for the first time characterise the peptidome of human wound fl

Classification of slag material by spectral induced polarization laboratory and field measurements

Historical slag dumps are of increasing interest due to economic, environmental or archaeological reasons. Geophysical investigations can help accessing the potential reuse of slag material to recover metallic raw material or for the estimation of the hazard potential of the buried slag material due to dissolution occurrence.In our study, we have investigated various slag material in the laborator

Melankoli och materia : Om bokens betydelse för verket och bandets för boken

Texten vann första pris i tidskriften Biblis Essaytävling år 2000. Den behandlar relationen mellan det abstrakta verket och den konkreta boken samt bokbandets betydelse för boken. Essän visar hur dessa frågor omsatts i passager hos Enrique Vila-Matas, Franz Schuh, Walter Benjamin m fl samt förhåller sig till idéer som bokvägningsmaskinen hos shandyisterna och Werner Hamachers rader om att allt läs

Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots

Tropical forests are the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. While better understanding of these forests is critical for our collective future, until quite recently efforts to measure and monitor them have been largely disconnected. Networking is essential to discover the answers to questions that transcend borders and the horizons of funding agencies. Here we show how a global commun

Status, pride, and educational motivation : Understanding differences in attitudes to education from the perspective of evolutionary emotion theory

The present study suggests that the theoretical framework of evolutionary psychology, in particular theories and models relating to social status and pride, can be used to further our understanding of educational motivation. Our assumption was that the desire for social recognition and high status is a universal human phenomenon. Based on this, we suggested that differences in educational motivati

Commentary from Erik J. Olsson

The term hypothesis denotes something like a policy proposal rather than a factual claim. An organisational tool stands a greater chance of success if it is easy and fun to work with. Better Beliefs represents the current credibility status of hypotheses using the amusing analogy with a horse race, each horse representing a hypothesis. The colour of a horse depends on the votes and evidence provid

Continent-wide genomic signatures of adaptation to urbanisation in a songbird across Europe

Urbanisation is increasing worldwide, and there is now ample evidence of phenotypic changes in wild organisms in response to this novel environment. Yet, the genetic changes and genomic architecture underlying these adaptations are poorly understood. Here, we genotype 192 great tits (Parus major) from nine European cities, each paired with an adjacent rural site, to address this major knowledge ga

Precisionsmedicin kan bli viktig även vid komplexa sjukdomar

Complex diseases represent a number of common disorders such as allergic conditions, cardiovascular, metabolic and chronic inflammatory diseases. These diseases are caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. This complex etiology creates challenges when it comes to diagnostics, follow-up programs and treatment. Although exact disease mechanisms are yet to be elucidate

Semiconductor nanowire array for transparent photovoltaic applications

The surface area of a building that could potentially be used for Building Integrated Photovoltaics would increase dramatically with the availability of transparent solar cells that could replace windows. The challenge is to capture energy from outside the visible region (UV or IR) while simultaneously allowing a high-quality observation of the outside world and transmitting sufficient light in th

Deciphering the temporal heterogeneity of cancer-associated fibroblast subpopulations in breast cancer

BackgroundCancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) comprise a heterogeneous population of stromal cells within the tumour microenvironment. CAFs exhibit both tumour-promoting and tumour-suppressing functions, making them exciting targets for improving cancer treatments. Careful isolation, identification, and characterisation of CAF heterogeneity is thus necessary for ex vivo validation and future impl

Critical infrastructure, geographical information science and risk governance: A systematic cross-field review

Two key challenges for governing and managing critical infrastructure risk and resilience are interdependencies between infrastructures and the multi-actor setting in which they operate. This paper looks beyond the Critical Infrastructure (CI) field of research to identify and discuss cross-disciplinary approaches to address these challenges. It explores two related and slightly overlapping resear

Adverse health manifestations in the hands of vibration exposed carpenters - a cross sectional study

Background: Despite EU regulatory standards, many workers suffer injury as a result of working with hand-held vibrating tools. Our aim of this study was to confirm whether carpenters, a highly exposed group, suffer more injuries to their hands than painters, a group assumed to be less exposed to vibration. Methods: 193 carpenters (participation rate 100%) and 72 painters (participation rate 67%),

Can Closer Lender-Borrower Relations Save Homes during Foreclosure?

This study contributes to the extant research on foreclosure by focusing on the relevance of lender-borrower relations. Donald Black’s theory of the behaviour of law is assessed by examining the association between revocation of compulsory sale by the lender and four different variables, proxying variations in the scope, history, and frequency of contact between the lender and the borrower. This a

High-resolution genotyping of HLA class I loci in children with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease

Objectives: HLA-DQ2 and DQ8 contribute to the strongest risk haplotypes for type 1 diabetes (T1D) and celiac disease (CD). The variation in genetic risk association is likely linked to different HLA class II loci susceptibility, but association studies of HLA class I alleles are scarce. The aim was to investigate HLA class I A, B, and C alleles polymorphisms in children with only T1D, CD, and a su