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Omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden - en marknadsföringsmässig game changer?

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur en omreglering av den svenska spelmarknaden kan komma att påverka valet av marknadsföringskanaler och spelbranschens marknadsföringsklimat. Metod: Författarna utgår från kvalitativ metod och arbetar med att söka svar med hjälp av ett induktivt arbetssätt. Författarna arbetar med att förstå verkligheten i spelbranschen och sätterPurpose: The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of how a reregulation of the Swedish gambling market may affect how marketing channels are selected as well as the overall marketing climate. Methodology: The authors are using qualitative method to seek and a find answers within marketing in the context of the gambling marketing and SOU 2017:30. By using inductive methodology t

Urban flood modelling : a GIS based approach in Lomma, Skåne region

Urbanization triggers flooding because it replaces pervious land surfaces with impervious surfaces that have less capacity to infiltrate and store water into the ground. Detailed analysis and modelling of flooding in urban areas can be performed with GIS-based distributed hydrological models. However, the implementation of these models require high-level proficiency in GIS and hydrology. Thus, man

Involvering av underentreprenörer i partneringprojekt

Intresset för upphandling med partnering ökar stadigt i Sverige då samarbetsformen medför goda effekter såsom till exempel minskade konflikter, ökad kvalité, tidsoptimering, minskade kostnader samt närmare relationer. Idag tenderar partnering i största utsträckning ske mellan entreprenör och beställare men även andra aktörer, såsom till exempel underentreprenörer, inkluderas allt oftare i samarbet

Designing a Bluetooth Speaker: A Collaboration with Orlo AB

This report details the collaborative project between the Author, Zenit Design AB which is performed on behalf of the bluetooth speaker manufacturer, Orlo AB. The Project is divided in two parts, where the first aims to identify a new market where Orlo’s technical expertise will benefit the user in a unique way and the secondary part is about designing a speaker for the said market. Several poten

The Commission Proposal for a Directive on Double Taxation Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Will it resolve the remaining double taxation issues within the EU?

Double taxation has been widely accepted that constitutes an obstacle to the functioning of the single market. The European Union has adopted some uniform measures to have double taxation eliminated, for example, the Parent-Subsidiary Directive and the Interest-Royalty Directive. In addition, the Arbitration Convention has been concluded between Member States to eliminate double taxation in respec

Urbanize the Suburb

Iceland is an island located in the North Atlantic Ocean where the climate is cold and the weather can be unpredictable. The sun angle is low during winter, which gives minimum daylight. This darkness and strong winds affect the urban life in the capital city Reykjavík and controls how people commute and spend their free time. One of the main goals in the regional plan for the capital area is to

Traffic Management Algorithms in Differentiated Services Networks

The Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Architecture, a Quality of Service (QoS) solution being worked on by an IETF work group, is aimed to solve the increasing problems with no service guarantees in the current Internet. New services such as video-on-demand and IP-telephony will be unusable without some sort of service guarantees on which to build applications on. A replacement architecture for t

Raising the efficiency of black liquor lignin extraction

The aim of this report was to study possibilities of making the process of extracting lignin from black liquor at pulp and paper mills more efficient in the form of a literature study. Lignin is a commodity that is likely to become more valuable in the future due to work being done by a number of companies in utilizing it as for example a base for the production of renewable fuels and carbon fibre

Är det en mänsklig rättighet att tigga?

Det utbredda tiggeriet i Europa öppnar upp för många frågor. I Sverige är regleringarna kring tiggeri relativt oklara. Efter min tolkning av gällande rätt visas att tiggeriet inte är förbjudet och inte heller tillståndspliktigt enligt ordningslagen. Dock finns det vissa möjligheter att genom lokala ordningsföreskrifter belägga det aktiva tiggeriet med tillståndsplikt med hänsyn till att det stör dThe widespread panhandling taking place in Europe opens for many questions. In Sweden, the regulations regarding panhandling is diffuse. According to my interpretation panhandling is not forbidden nor a subject to permission under ordningslagen. However, there are some possibilities to prohibit the active panhandling through local regulations with the means that it disturbs the public order. Prohi

The English Rule v. The American Rule - En komparativ studie i hur rättegångskostnader fördelas i dispositiva tvistemål i Sverige och USA

I det svenska rättssystemet fördelas rättegångskostnader i tvistemål i enlighet med The English Rule. Huvudregeln är att den förlorande parten, utöver att denne får stå sina egna rättegångskostnader, åläggs att betala motpartens kostnader. Regler för hur rättegångskostnader fördelas i det svenska rätts-systemet återfinns framför allt i 18 kap. rättegångsbalken. Till huvudregeln finns ett flertal uIn the Swedish legal system, litigation expenses are distributed according to The English Rule. The rule is that the losing party of the trial is obliged to pay the opposing party’s litigation expenses, as well as its own. Distribution of litigation expenses is mainly regulated in the 18th chapter of the Code of Judicial Procedure (rättegångsbalken). The English Rule is not without exceptions. Th

Luften är fri - En undersökning av relationen mellan aktiebolagets vinstsyfte och övriga intressenthänsyn

Aktiebolaget är en mycket framgångsrik företagsform för storskaliga och riskfyllda projekt. En egenskap som anses betydelsefull för denna egenskap är aktiebolagets vinstsyfte. Idag finns aktiebolag som ekonomiskt och i fråga om politiskt inflytane kan mäta sig med stater. Detta innebär att de kan ha stor påveran exempelvis på människors tillgång till mänskliga rättigheter. I denna kontext uppmanasThe limited liability company is a form of business associaton that has advantages that makes it attractive for large and risky business entreprises. One characteristic that is viewed as importand for this quality is that the business purpose is increased shareholder value. Today, limited liability companies exists that rival nation states on scale and political impact. As a consequence they can a

Facket på tunn is: En kvalitativ studie om kriskommunikationens utveckling inom fackförbundet Kommunal

Facklig anslutning har avtagit kontinuerligt i Sverige sedan tidigt 90-tal. Kommunikativ krisberedskap torde därmed vara högt på agendan för svenska fackförbund. Ändå förefaller det inte vara fallet. Syftet med denna studie är således att bidra till ökad kunskap inom fälten strategisk kommunikation- och strategisk kriskommunikation inom facklig verksamhet. Studien ämnar undersöka hur det svenska f

Study on the role of YozB (CtaM) in Bacillus subtilis

A mysterious gene found in many bacteria Recently, a gene called ctaM was discovered in Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of skin infections etc., required for the bacterium to respire efficiently. It was demonstrated that the protein encoded by this gene is essential for the function of cytochrome aa3, that catalyzes the reduction of O2 to form H2O in respiration. A gene encoding a similar p

Contextualizing entrepreneurship: Getting to know the elderly entrepreneur who started out of unemployment.

Entrepreneurial motivations are still a relatively undiscovered research field (Carsrud & Brännback, 2010). More specifically there seems to be a gap in the literature about the motivation of older entrepreneurs (Weber & Schaper, 2004). Weber and Schaper (2004) mentioned that this segment will have a growing impact upon national economic performance, policy frameworks, academia and the bus

RE-thinking the Public Realm in Höganäs, Sweden

will provide solutions which could act as a guide line for any future sustainable urban development and management. Enhancing the public realm in Höganäs by proposing a new approach for rethinking the public realm as a volumetric space emphasizing on its livable dimension where social life exist, rather than consider it a simple surface. Two different study areas have been selected to provide more

EU Cross-Border Energy Investments in an International Context: The Case of Commodity Transportation and Transmission Infrastructure

In regard to the energy sector, it is generally presumed that in post-Lisbon era and since the adoption of Third Energy Package the Member States and institutions of the Union act in a shared format. However, by developing new legislation in the field, supra-national institutions tend to shift the competence away from shared (as it currently stands). Even if the guidelines for decisions granting e

Windy Times in Emerging Economies: De-Risking Renewable Energy Investments: Case Study Vietnam

In emerging economies, high investment costs hinder fast renewable energy (RE) deployment. Compared to industrial states, higher financial costs originate mainly from investment barriers and consequently risks. Using Vietnam as a case study for emerging economies, the objective of this thesis is to identify barriers and ways to remove risks by developing a de-risking policy mix that consequently h

Lämpliga skogsbruksfastigheter - Prövningen av 3 kap. 5 och 7§§ fastighetsbildningslagen (1970:988) i praktiken

Detta arbete avser att kartlägga hur prövningen av 3 kap. 5 och 7 §§ fastighetsbildningslagen (1970:988) (FBL 3:5 och 3:7) har skett i lantmäteriförrättningar från 2004 fram till våren 2016, samt att kartlägga eventuella skillnader över landet. Slutsatserna från dessa frågeställningar väntas ge ett svar på huruvida prövningen eller lagstiftningen är i behov av förändring. En litteraturstudie har gThe Swedish Real Property Formation Act (1970:988), 3rd Chapter, 5th and 7th §§ (FBL 3:5 and 3:7) regulates protection of forested real property. The trial in practice have been investigated through an analysis of records of cadastral procedures performed in Sweden from 2004 to spring 2016. The most important conclusion of the investigation is that the trial is heterogeneous over the country. It h

Responsibility to Protect - En utveckling förenlig med den internationella rätten eller bara ett fint begrepp på pappret?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att diskutera huruvida doktrinen Responsibility to Protect är att anse som en ny rättslig förpliktelse och en undersökning kommer göras för att se hur detta relativt nya begrepp förhåller sig till redan etablerad folkrätt i form av suveränitetsprincipen. Denna princip, som gör att stater ska ses som suveräna aktörer, är en av den internationella rättens viktigaste princThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to discuss whether the Responsibility to Protect doctrine is considered a new legal obligation and an investigation will be made to see how this relatively new concept relates to already established international law in the form of sovereignty. This principle, which means that states are seen as sovereign actors, is one of the most important principles of int