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Register över samtliga uppsatser och skrifter utgivna av Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sällskapet 1964-2005
Index to articles in the annual of South Swedish society for the history of medicine 1964-2005.
Gear Tooth Surface Roughness of Helical Gears Manufactured by a Form Milling Cutter
Manufacturing involute gears using form grinding or form milling wheels are beneficial to hobs in some special cases, such as small scale production and, the obvious, manufacture of internal gears. To manufacture involute gears correctly the form wheel must be purpose designed, and in this paper the geometry of the form wheel is determined through inverse calculation. A mathematical model is prese
Constructing Advantage in the Knowledge Society – Roles of Universities Reconsidered: The Case of Japan
Some Causes are More Equal than Others? Behavioral Spillovers in Charitable Giving
People can often contribute to prosocial causes by several means; for instance, environmentally friendly activities include sorting household waste, buying organic products, and donating to NGOs. Policy to encourage prosocial behavior is sometimes directed only towards a particular activity, however, and such policies may give rise to `behavioral spillovers', affecting efforts on other prosocial a
The European welfare state and the European Social Charter
Aspects of the Proterozoic boundary between SE and SW Sweden
Self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculation of exchange effects in a weakly inhomogeneous electron gas
An exact calculation is given for the function Bx(n) which enters the Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham expansion, in powers of ▿n(r), of the echange energy of an inhomogeneous eletron gas. The calculation is made for arbitrary inter-particle interaction. It is shown that the gradient expansion does not exist, in the case of Coulomb interaction, unless correlations are taken into account.
LUM-profilen: Förverkligar forskarnas idéer (Gustav Ekberg)
Studies in behaviour with applications in traffic and planning.
Glucose degradation products in peritoneal dialysis fluids
Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter som lider av kronisk njursvikt måste avlägsna extracellulärt vatten och slaggprodukter från kroppen för att överleva. Ett alternativ är behandling med peritoneal dialys (PD). Vid en PD behandling fylls och töms bukhålan kontinuerligt med en till tre liter PD vätska fyra gånger om dagen som oftast innehåller glukos som osmotiskt agens. Glukosen skapar ett osmotPatients suffering from renal failure must remove extracellular water and waste products from their body in order to survive. One way of doing this is by treatment with peritoneal dialysis (PD). During PD treatment the abdominal cavity is filled and drained continuously with one to three liters of dialysis solution, often containing glucose, which act as an osmotic agent. Glucose creates a pressur
Peter Greenaways montrar
The impact of cultural differences on students' expectations from career counsellors
Water Vapor on My Cep
Ectomycorrhizal activity as affected by soil liming
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste decennierna har det blivit allt mer uppenbart att det på grund av luftföroreningar skett en försurning av skogsjordarna i södra Sverige. Kalkning har föreslagits som en åtgärd för att motverka ytterligare försurning och bibehålla produktiviteten hos skogarna i de värst drabbade områdena. Inför ett sådant stort ingrepp i naturen är det viktigt att studerIn this thesis effects of liming on ectomycorrhiza have been studied in relation to effects on root colonization, fungal growth and nutrient uptake. In field experiments the effects of liming on ectomycorrhizal colonization of root tips were variable, possibly due to different soil types and climatic variations. However, a changed mycorrhizal community structure could be detected. Laboratory studi
Rosa rorans bonitatem. Exhibition celebrating the sixth centennial of the canonization of Saint Brigid of Sweden.
Insulinogenic Effects of Milk- and Other Dietary Proteins, Mechanisms and metabolic implications
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förekomsten av sjukdomar inom det sk metabola syndromet (typ 2 diabetes, insulinresistans, övervikt, högt blodtryck och hjärt-kärlsjukdomar) ökar kraftigt i västvärlden. En viktig faktor för utvecklandet av detta syndrom är en försämrad insulinkänslighet. När kroppen utsätts för kontinuerligt höga insulinnivåer försämras känsligheten för detta hormon vilket resulterar iThe metabolic syndrome (type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, dyslipidaemia, and hyperinsulinaemia), is increasing in prevalence world-wide. The progression of this syndrome proceeds through a step-wise deterioration of metabolic events where deterioration of insulin sensitivity appears to have a key role in a ?vicious circle? of hyperinsulinaemia/hypergly
Västasien: 1000 f.v.t. - 1500
Diatoms in peat : dominant producers in a changing environment?
Changes in hydrology and temperature can induce rapid changes in boreal wetland ecosystems. Factors such as hydrosere, permafrost, climate and human interference may disturb the prevailing mire vegetation, whereby a new dominant assemblage can develop. At the transition from one vegetation type to another, the old vegetation may be suppressed, die out or start to decay, and some time may pass unti
The generalized bimodal traffic stream model and two regime flow theory
A new generalized bimodal traffic stream model deriving theoretically (i.e., via some underlying model of driver behavior) from (local) equilibrium solutions of a kinetic equation of vehicular traffic is presented and shown to have the correct flow behavior at jam density. This bimodal traffic stream model depends not only on parameters such as the desired speed w, the headway σ(0) at jam density