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Grön infrastruktur för bevarande av biologisk mångfald

Det svenska arbetet med att skapa en grön infrastruktur syftar till att bevara biologisk mångfald, gynna ekosystemtjänster och stärka ekosystemens resiliens mot exempelvis klimatförändringar. Inom det strategiska forskningsområdet BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate) har vi undersökt de teoretiska förutsättningar och praktiska utmaningar som finns när det gäller att anv

Gravel and sand flotation: a sediment dispersal process important in certain nearshore environments

Small rafts of floating sediment, predominantly of granule and small pebble size, were observed along a tidewater coast on James Ross Island, Antarctica. The sediment was lifted from the beach by the advancing tidewater and kept afloat by surface tension. The current transported the rafts at least 100-150 m off the beach, where the rafts broke up due to wind agitation of the sea surface and the gr

Glacial history of interior Jameson Land, East Greenland

The plateaus between 400 and 800 m a.s.l. around the water-divides on central and eastern Janieson Land are covered by the ‘Jameson Land Drift’ up to 50 m thick glacial. placiotluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. A high content of far-travelled wcsterii rocks indicates the overriding by extensive glaciers channelled from the west through the Scoresby Sund basin. The Jameson Land Drift deposits h

Late Weichselian environmental history in southeastern Sweden during the deglaciation of the Scandinavian ice sheet

Late Weichselian litho-, bio-, and chronostratigraphy (14C and varves) in southeastern Sweden provide a detailed picture of the deglaciation pattern and dynamics, shore displacement, late-glacial sedimentation, and history of the landscape, vegetation, and climate. Two plausible glacial models were tested against lithologic, chronologic, and climatic data. Permafrost at and outside the ice margin

Improving Coherence in a Cross-Border Public Transport System: Lessons from the Greater Copenhagen Region

Greater Copenhagen is often cited as a good example of cross-border cooperation. Shared historical contexts and socio-political willingness have meant that considerable resources have been invested into the development of infrastructure in this region. The Öresund fixed link constitutes the most important element of this infrastructure, facilitating a cross-border public transport system which tie

Status of the detector design studies for ESSνSB

The European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam (ESSνSB) project aims at a discovery of leptonic CP violation with a precise measurement of the CP phase angle. ESSνSB is characterized by an intense neutrino beam to be produced at ESS by a 5-MW proton beam, and the placement of the far detector at the second oscillation maximum. The aims of the near detector for ESSνSB are neutrino flux and inte

Aggregation behavior and peptide-lipid interaction in an amyloid model system

Proteins constitute a major component of living cells and are essential to their function. Sometimes proteins misfold or aggregate in abnormal ways, which can give rise to diseases. Amyloids are a special type of highly ordered protein aggregates made of long intermolecular beta-sheets stacked into fibrils. Formation of amyloids is associated with many diseases, especially diseases related to neur

Migration of the uncemented Echo Bi-Metric and Bi-Metric THA stems : a randomized controlled RSA study involving 62 patients with 24-month follow-up

Background and purpose — Despite the good results after total hip arthroplasty (THA), new implants are continuously being developed to improve durability. The Echo Bi-Metric (EBM) THA stem is the successor to the Bi-Metric (BM) THA stem. The EBM stem includes many of the features of the BM stem, but minor changes in the design might improve the clinical performance. We compared the migration behav

A functional observational battery for evaluation of neurological outcomes in a rat model of acute bacterial meningitis

Background Acute bacterial meningitis is a disease with a high mortality and a high incidence of neurological sequelae in survivors. There is an acute need to develop new adjuvant therapies. To ensure that new therapies evaluated in animal models are translatable to humans, studies must evaluate clinically relevant and patient-important outcomes, including neurological symptoms and sequelae. Meth

Factors affecting the trapping performance of xenon holdup-filters in nuclear medicine applications

Activated charcoal traps are used in nuclear medicine departments to capture exhaled radioactive xenon gas. In the present study, the trapping performance of charcoal was investigated for different physical qualities in experimental and clinical situations. Various factors affecting the trapping capacity are identified, such as the charcoal mass, moisture and carbon�dioxide concentrations in the

Blood flow in experimental liver tumors : Effect of vasoactive drugs

The effects of infused glucagon, histamine and vasopressin on blood flow in anesthetized rats with intrahepatic tumors were studied using microspheres labelled with 99Tcm or 51Cr isotopes. Considerable circulatory effects were noted both in central hemodynamic parameters as well as in organ and tissue blood flows. Glucagon infusion increased blood flow in the spleen and small intestine while hepat

An affordances apparatus for enterprise social media

The current paper addresses one of the core yet complex issues in the study of technology in organizations: the relationship between the social and the material. Many scholars in the field of Information Systems have used the notion of affordance as a lens to investigate and theorize this relationship. However, knowledge contributions in this area are often abstract and impractical, or at least co

Reconciling precipitation with runoff : Observed hydrological change in the midlatitudes

Century-long observed gridded land precipitation datasets are a cornerstone of hydrometeorological research. But recent work has suggested that observed Northern Hemisphere midlatitude (NHML) land mean precipitation does not show evidence of an expected negative response to mid-twentieth-century aerosol forcing. Utilizing observed river discharges, the observed runoff is calculated and compared wi

Simulation of collective phenomena in microswimmer suspensions

Collective motion is ubiquitous in biological and synthetic systems across manylength- and timescales. On the macroscopic scale, examples include schools of fish, herds of sheep and flocks of birds. On the microscopic scale, bacteria, algae and synthetic self-propelled particles exhibit a range of collective phenomena. In suspensions of swimming bacteria, collective motion is often caused by hydro