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Towards technology-sensitive catching-up policies: Insights from renewable energy in China
The voluminous literature on industrial catching-up in Southeast Asian countries has regularly argued that successful catching-up largely depended on a committed state, which orchestrated industry development with a relatively uniform set of policies, including R&D support, subsidies, trade restrictions, and local content requirements. In contrast, recent contributions from the technology life
Liposuction as a treatment for lymphoedema
"En ny pedagogisk situation": Perspektiv på jazzmusikaliskt lärande i Orkesterjournalen 1980–2010
This article aims to mirror a time of radical change in Swedish jazz education through perspectives formulated in the jazz journal Orkesterjournalen. During the 1980s, jazz musicians are still typically viewed as self-taught; you learn how to play jazz through listening and through playing together in contexts where fellow musicians function as informal “teachers”. The growing formal jazz educatio
Clinical and immunological characteristics of autoimmune addison disease : A nationwide swedish multicenter study
Context: Studies of the clinical and immunological features of autoimmune Addison disease (AAD) are needed to understand the disease burden and increased mortality. Objective: To provide upgraded data on autoimmune comorbidities, replacement therapy, autoantibody profiles, and cardiovascular risk factors. Design, Setting, and Participants: A cross-sectional, population-based study that included 66
Time-Resolved Measurement of Interatomic Coulombic Decay Induced by Two-Photon Double Excitation of Ne2
The hitherto unexplored two-photon doubly excited states [Ne∗(2p-13s)]2 were experimentally identified using the seeded, fully coherent, intense extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser FERMI. These states undergo ultrafast interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD), which predominantly produces singly ionized dimers. In order to obtain the rate of ICD, the resulting yield of Ne2+ ions was recorded as a fun
Svensk normering av två bedömningsinstrument för lärare Conner's Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS) och Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory - Revised (SESBI-R)
Coding of attributions of opinions. Example from Israel-study on the Golan Heights issue.
Perspective taking and attribution in political communication
När människoliv stavades pengar : en djupdykning i det svenska slaveriets blomstrande svanesång
A modular approach for assembling turn-on fluorescence sensors using molecularly imprinted nanoparticles
Combining straightforward molecular imprinting with orthogonal click chemistry and accessible fluorescent dyes, a modular approach has been developed to assemble turn-on optical sensors based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer in molecularly imprinted nanoparticles.
The Middle Ages : Images and Architecture
Doubling the spectrum of time-domain induced polarization: removal of non-linear self-potential drift, harmonic noise and spikes, tapered gating, and uncertainty estimation
This paper presents an advanced signal processing schemefor time-domain induced polarization full waveform data.The scheme includes several steps with an improvedinduced polarization (IP) response gating design usingconvolution with tapered windows to suppress highfrequency noise, a logarithmic gate width distribution foroptimizing IP data quality and an estimate of gatinguncertainty. Additional s
Organisering av den svenska betalningsmarknaden i detaljhandeln
The Memory Stone: A Personal ICT Device in Health Care
Anti-diabetic action of all-trans retinoic acid and the orphan G protein coupled receptor GPRC5C in pancreatic β-cells
Pancreatic islets express high levels of the orphan G-protein coupled receptor C5C (GPRC5C), the function of which remains to be established. Here we have examined the role of GPRC5C in the regulation of insulin secretion and β-cell survival and proliferation using human and mouse pancreatic islets. The expression of GPRC5C was analysed by RNA-sequencing, qPCR, western blotting and confocal micros
Accuracy and realism in children’s confidence in their event recall in response to two different types of questions
Did you get any help? A post-hoc secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial of psychoeducation for patients with antisocial personality disorder in outpatient substance abuse treatment programs
Background: People in treatment for substance use disorder commonly have comorbid personality disorders, including antisocial personality disorder. Little is known about treatments that specifically address comorbid antisocial personality disorder. Methods: Self-rated help received for antisocial personality disorder was assessed during follow-ups at 3, 9 and 15 months post-randomization of a rand
Lateral InAs/Si p-Type Tunnel FETs Integrated on Si - Part 2 : Simulation Study of the Impact of Interface Traps
This part of the paper presents TCAD simulations of the InAs/Si lateral nanowire (NW) tunnel FET (TFET) with the same geometry as the fabricated device discussed in the first part. In addition to band-to-band tunneling, trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) at the InAs/Si and InAs/oxide interfaces was considered. A very good agreement is found between the simulation results and experimental transfer chara