Kognitiv semiotik : Slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram
Slutrapport från RJ:s forskningsprogram "Centrum för kognitiv semiotik"
Slutrapport från RJ:s forskningsprogram "Centrum för kognitiv semiotik"
Satellite precipitation products (SPPs) potentially constitute an alternative to sparse rain gauge networks for assessing the spatial distribution of precipitation. However, applications of these products are still limited due to the lack of robust quality assessment. This study compares daily, monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfall amount at 342 rain gauges over Malaysia to estimations using five
The cover and management factor (C) of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is difficult to be estimated over broad geographic areas where meteorology and soil erosion are poorly monitored. This paper presents a new approach to estimate C factor based on multi-temporal images of Landsat TM/ETM and a weather generator. The linear spectral unmixture algorithm was adopted to calculate the fraction
A method to decompose a motion-planning problem into several segments is presented. It is based on a modification of the original problem, such that certain variables at the splitting points are considered to be precomputed and thus fixed and the remaining variables are obtained by performing Lagrange relaxation. The resulting dual problem is split into several subproblems, allowing parallel compu
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is more frequent among individuals with dysglycemia. Preventive interventions for diabetes can improve cardiometabolic risk factors (CRFs), but it is unclear whether the benefits on CRFs are similar for individuals at different genetic risk for CAD. We built a 201-variant polygenic risk score (PRS) for CAD and tested for interaction with diabetes prevention strategies
BACKGROUND: Balancing Everyday Life (BEL) is a new activity-based lifestyle intervention for mental health service users. An earlier study found BEL to be effective in increasing occupational engagement, occupational balance, activity level, and quality of life scores when compared with a care-as-usual group. However, it is unclear whether care context and socio-demographic, clinical and self-rela
Cross-sectional and experimental research have shown that task-unrelated thoughts (i.e., mind wandering) relate to sleep disturbances, but there is little research on whether this association generalizes to the day-level and other kinds of task-unrelated mentation. We employed a longitudinal daily diary design to examine the within-person and between-person associations between three self-report i
INTRODUCTION: Early empirical broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy is recommended for patients with severe infections, including sepsis. β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations or carbapenems are often used to ensure coverage of likely pathogens. Piperacillin/tazobactam is proposed as a carbapenem-sparing agent to reduce the incidence of multidrug-resistant bacteria and superinfections. In the
The ac frequency in electrical power systems is conventionally regulated by synchronous machines. The gradual replacement of these machines by asynchronous renewable-based generation, which provides little or no frequency control, increases system uncertainty and the risk of instability. This imposes hard limits on the proportion of renewables that can be integrated into the system. In this paper,
Two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDMs) with a flavored U(1)′ gauge symmetry are a popular extension to the Standard Model (SM), yet they currently lack a complete survey. In this paper, we present a full classification of anomaly-free 2HDMs within the SM fermion content, resulting in a total of 11 distinct models. Four of these are relatively well studied, while the rest either partially, or entirely, l
Despite advances in the molecular exploration of paediatric cancers, approximately 50% of children with high-risk neuroblastoma lack effective treatment. To identify therapeutic options for this group of high-risk patients, we combine predictive data mining with experimental evaluation in patient-derived xenograft cells. Our proposed algorithm, TargetTranslator, integrates data from tumour biobank
1. During early ontogeny, the serotonergic neurons in the brain stem of the three-spined stickleback shows a temporal and spatial developmental pattern that closely resembles that of amniotes. 2. However, in the adult fish, only the midline nuclei of the rostral group (dorsal and median raphe nuclei) and the dorsal lateral tegmental nucleus are consistently serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HTir), where
Metal carbides have shown great promise in a wide range of applications due to their unique catalytic, electrocatalytic and magnetic properties. However, the scalable production of dispersible metal carbide nanoparticles remains a challenge. Here, we report a simple and scalable route to dispersible iron carbide (Fe3C) nanoparticles. This uses MgO nanoparticles as a removable 'cast' to synthesize
This paper investigates flight-to-safety from stocks to bonds in six European markets. We use quantile regressions to identify flight-to-safety episodes. The conditional risk-return trade-off on the stock markets is negative. Flight-to-safety episodes strengthen the negative trade-off. The effects of flight-to-safety episodes on the trade-off are qualitatively similar for own country flight-to-saf
Wood is a hygroscopic material that absorbs and desorbs water to equilibrate to the ambient climate. Within material science, the moisture range from 0 to about 95-98% relative humidity is generally called the hygroscopic moisture range, while the exceeding moisture range is called the over-hygroscopic moisture range. For wood, the dominating mechanisms of moisture sorption are different in these
This experiment was designed to investigate how children cope with salient online advertising while engaging in task-oriented website interaction. 57 children in 3rd grade (9-year-olds) participated in the experiment. Each participant was introduced to a mock-up website and was instructed to solve two types of online tasks: reading for comprehension and information search. The web pages used by th