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Ett kundperspektiv på varumärkens digitala kompetenser – Hur varumärken kan bygga varumärkeskapital och kundlojalitet genom digital kompetens

The primary objective of this study is to explore and define digital competence from a customer perspective and to examine its impact on an organization's customer-based brand equity. This involves understanding how digital competence influences customer perceptions and contributes to the value of a brand in the digital realm.Design/methodology/approach100 qualitative surveys were conducted to gat

Electrifying Chicago: the emergence of an ‘electric car city’ in the early 20th century

This paper explores the emergence and disappearance of electric car clusters in the early 20th century US. Although we know that the electric vehicle lost its share of the market by the 1920s, more successful electric vehicle clusters survived longer in specific areas, for example in Chicago. This research paper delves into what made Chicago stand out in terms of electric vehicle adoption as compa

The Industrial City and Its People: Summary and Conclusion

This chapter presents and discusses the main findings and conclusions of the volume and puts them into a broader perspective. Taken together, the different chapters contribute to closing the gap between historical studies based on parish records and contemporary research based on full-count registers or detailed surveys. The volume thereby fleshes out the narrative of twentieth-century demographic

Adopting automated bug assignment in practice — a longitudinal case study at Ericsson

[Context] The continuous inflow of bug reports is a considerable challenge in large development projects. Inspired by contemporary work on mining software repositories, we designed a prototype bug assignment solution based on machine learning in 2011-2016. The prototype evolved into an internal Ericsson product, TRR, in 2017-2018. TRR’s first bug assignment without human intervention happened in A

Is Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro‐)tribes?

Many claims have been made in the past that Management and Organization Studies (MOS) is becoming increasingly fragmented, and that this fragmentation is causing it to drift into self-reference and irrelevance. Despite the weight of this claim, it has not yet been subjected to a systematic empirical test. This paper addresses this research gap using the tribalization approach and diachronic co-cit

On the urban bias of patents and the scaling of innovation

While recent studies have heralded large cities as “innovation machines”, the majority of regional studies of innovation are based on patent indicators. In this paper, we compare regional patent and innovation counts in Sweden (1970-2014) and document the presence of a sizeable urban bias in patent indicators, which is primarily explained by higher patent filing propensity in urban areas. We also

Prefrontal neurotransmitter abnormalities in post-traumatic stress disorder with and without comorbidity to major depression

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic psychiatric condition that follows exposure to a traumatic stressor. Though previous in vivo proton (1H) MRS) research conducted at 4 T or lower has identified alterations in glutamate metabolism associated with PTSD predisposition and/or progression, no prior investigations have been conducted at higher field strength. In addition, earlier studies


Marknadsanalys handlar i fastighetssammanhang i grunden om att undersöka fastighetsmarknaden i syfte att förstå hur fastigheter prissätts på marknaden. Det i sin tur handlar både om att förstå hur fastigheter i allmänhet prissätts och hur specifika fastigheter prissätts. Det förstnämnda handlar om prisnivån på fastighetsmarknaden och det andra om priset på en specifik fastighet. Det här kapitlet h

Hausdorff dimension of the second Grigorchuk group

We show that the Hausdorff dimension of the closure of the second Grigorchuk group is 43/128. Furthermore, we establish that the second Grigorchuk group is super strongly fractal and that its automorphism group equals its normalizer in the full automorphism group of the tree.

Exploring Overseas Chinese Middle Class’s Democratic Orientations amid China’s Modernization

China’s impressive socioeconomic development amid its modernization over the past decades has not been paralleled with political liberalization as modernization theory assumed. State-led development gave rise to a more-educated middle class, and yet previous studies have controversies over whether the middle class can be a harbinger of the country’s democratization. There has been a research gap c

Stories and Struggle: Translating the Thai Leftist Movement (1970s-early 1980s)

Despite previous studies extensively focusing on the domestic aspects of the Thai radical and left-wing movement, Thai left-wing publications, and its cultural politics, little is known about the comparative and transnational perspectives. This thesis examines the Thai Leftist Movement and its articulations from the 1970s to the early 1980s in Thailand and Europe, demonstrating how translation pla

Cadmium and lead impact on biological phosphorus removal : metal partition and adsorption evaluation in wastewater treatment processes

Understanding the effect and partition of metals in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can aid in designing processes to reduce metal emissions. This study focused on the effects of cadmium and lead, exposed alone (Cd or Pb) and in combination (Cd + Pb), on the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process at lab-scale. Parameters related to the metabolism of propionate, phosphorus (P), p

A cooked pasta matrix high in dietary fiber, polyphenols, and antioxidant capacity using decocted Hibiscus calyces

The objective of this work was to produce a gluten-containing food matrix (pasta) rich in dietary fiber (DF), polyphenols, and antioxidant activity, through partial substitution with a dry flour from decocted Hibiscus sabdariffa L. calyces. The food matrix was made by mixing semolina (75%) and decocted calyces flour (25%) (S75–HF25), and its proximate composition, polyphenols content, antioxidant

Is Accounting Even Relevant?

This thesis investigates the value relevance of accounting metrics in the Nordic stock markets from 2018 to 2022, applying and extending the Ohlson equity valuation model. Given the increasing importance of intangible assets in modern economies, we also explore how traditional accounting metrics explain stock prices, particularly for companies with high intangible asset ratios. Using a deductive r

Unraveling the Dynamics of Derivative-based Hedging: Does it Impact the Cost of Debt?

Purpose: To investigate whether a firm's hedging activities have an impact on the cost of debt. Moreover, the study aims to investigate any differences between the three categories of risk: foreign exchange rate risks (FX), interest rate risks (IR) and commodity price risks (CM) as well as the sources of benefit from hedging. Methodology: The study is conducted on a panel data set, and the ut

Unlocking Value: The Role of Top-Tier Financial Advisors in Generating Shareholder Value in M&As

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of M&A adviser reputation on acquirer’s deal performance on the Swedish Market. We also investigate if top-tier financial advisors can have a positive influence in more complex deal situations, like cross-border and diversification transactions. Methodology: This study uses regression models with robust standard errors to test our hypotheses.

Constructing Democracy: The Role of LGBTQ+ Rights in Israeli Identity Formation

In recent years, the focus that LGBTQ+ rights have been receiving internationally has led to the reconsideration of their status, in both national and international contexts. Among many examples, this shift has been significant in Israel, where political discourse has made LGBTQ+ rights more and more visible. This study aims to present the processes of how Israeli politicians have incorporated LGB

The Impact on Cultural Distance on CBM&A success: A Holistic Approach: The Effect of Cultural Distance on the acquirer’s cumulative abnormal returns in Cross-Border M&A: A Quantitative Analysis of U.S. Acquiring Companies, 2013-2019

Title: The Impact on Cultural Distance on CBM&A success: A Holistic Approach Course: BUSN79 Authors: Oliver Julius Brännström, Yannick Michael Grotenburg Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to examine how cultural differences between U.S. acquiring companies and foreign targets influence the short-term value creation of CBM&As, using a more holistic and nuanced approach toward

Disclosure differences between mandatory and voluntary sustainability reporting regimes -- A comparison between Chinese and Italian manufacturing companies

This study examines the sustainability reporting practices of firms in Italy (mandatory disclosure) and China (voluntary disclosure). Using a qualitative descriptive design and content analysis with NVivo, the sustainability reports of large manufacturing companies with high ESG ratings from both countries are analyzed based on GRI guidelines. Institutional theory is applied to understand the infl