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Personality, Health and Mortality of Workers in a PVC Production Plant in Sweden A longitudinal study
A longitudinal study was initiated in a PVC production plant in 1967. It was repeated in 1987. A cohort of 101 workers was followed. The aim of the 1967 study was, after a heavy rise in absenteeism and sick leave, to analyze perceptions of work environment and health. The aim of the second study was to investigate possible health effects of the workers after the change of threshold limit value, TL
Kan man mäta stress med EKG ?
Vad är feminism?
Measurement of 14C in process water from CLAB and estimation of the accumulated amount in spent ion exchange resins
Smallholders caught in poverty – Flickering signs of agricultural dynamism
Maktbalans eller världsstat
Abstract is not available
The challenge of food security: international policy and regulatory frameworks
Miljöer som laddar och kvaddar kreativitet
Expression and Function of Human and Plant Aquaporins
Popular Abstract in Swedish En cell är den minsta beståndsdelen av det som vi definierar som liv. Cellen avgränsas av ett cellmembran som gör att rätt miljö, dvs rätt koncentration av alla nödvändiga molekyler, upprätthålls inuti cellen. Cellmembranet består bl a av olika slags fett, sk lipider. Många små molekyler kan fritt passera igenom membranet medan andra kräver specifika transportkanaler i The aquaporins (AQPs) belong to a family of water permeable membrane channels found in virtually all living organisms. Thirteen isoforms of mammalian AQPs are found, whereas in Arabidopsis thaliana 35 genes encoding AQPs are found. The AQPs are distributed in different organs, cell types and in different subcellular membranes. The aquaporins form homotetramers where each monomer functions as an in
Perceiving Space and Time in Spoken Descriptions of a Complex Picture.
En fiende till civilisationen : Manlighet, genusrelationer, sexualitet och rasstereotyper i svensk filmkultur under 1920-talet
The setting for this study is Swedish film culture of the 1920s, which has been studied with a focus on representations of masculinity and gender relations according to four themes: 1) children and youth 2) fatherhood and love 3) sexuality and popularity 4) ethnicity and racial stereotyping. The rise of new consumer culture in the first decades of the 20th century created turmoil between traditio
Low Complexity Soft-Output Signal Detector for Spatial-Multiplexing MIMO System
This paper presents a cost-efficient soft-output signal detector design solution targeting on the spatial-multiplexing MIMO system. The detector achieves low hardware cost and near-optimal detection performance based on the modification to the fixed-complexity sphere decoder (FSD) using several implementation-oriented algorithm-level improvements, which are early-pruning with polygon-shaped constr
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Introduction – Climate and Trade Policies in a Post-2012 World
The Use of Information Technology in the Investment Process - an analysis of some possibilities.
Mechanistic Studies of Dinuclear Metalloenzymes - A Model Approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Enzymer är viktiga ämnen i naturen. Vi talar då och då om att vi förbränner vår mat. Trots detta känner vi oss oftast inte särskilt varma, i alla fall inte så att det bränns. Visst bränner vi vår mat. Socker omvandlas till koldioxid och vatten precis som om vi hade eldat upp det utanför kroppen. Skillnanden är att kroppen omvandlar sockret långsammare och mer kontrollerWith the goal to study the mechanisms of dinuclear metalloenzymes, a new line of synthetic and computational models were prepared and studied. Mixed imidazole and carboxylate multidentate complexes were synthesized to better simulate carboxylate-rich ligand environments. Of the compounds, which showed to be the most useful, were one symmetric and the other one asymmetric and in both cases they wer
Skaramissalets text i relation till andra liturgiska källor.
The text of the Skara Missal Compared to Other Liturgical Sources. A large number of printed sources have been consulted and compared with Skara Missal on a quntitative as well as qualitative basis; individual characteristics as well as the evident concordance with many identical readings have been noted and compiled. On the basis of comparisons of various paryers and prefaces it may first of all
Stability and change in the development of knowledge
This contribution is about an entirely new approach to the study of knowledge. As an introductory remark, the classical research operations in the field of cognition are reviewed. Against this background, an application of David Hestenes theory of rotational dynamics is demonstrated with particular reference to text processing. Based on the mechanism of joints and links of the AaO machine, angular