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Linking warehouse with production - Determining where and how to design a pull system at Tetra Pak

Problem description: Tetra Pak is currently using a push system for most movements of material between their component warehouse, the yard and the PPCL production site and are interested in how a potential implementation of a pull system could affect the efficiency of the material flow. Purpose:The purpose of this master thesis is to create decision– and design propositions for determining when i

Dissolution kinetics and solubility of alpha synuclein in vitro

Amyloida fibriller är aggregat av självassocierande proteiner som tillsammans skapar ett tätpackat inre med hög ordningsgrad. Dessa fibriller är ofta förknippade med neurodegenerativa sjukdomar, t.ex. Alzheimers- och Parkinsons sjukdom. I dagsläget saknas botemedel för dessa sjukdomar och därav finns det intresse för att studera amyloida fibriller. Grundläggande forskning om exempelvis fibrillernaAmyloid fibrils are aggregates of self-assembled peptides and proteins that forms a highly ordered and densely packed core of β-strands stacking perpendicular to the length of the fibril. Amyloid fibrils of the protein α-synuclein (α-syn) are associated with Parkinson’s disease. This study aims at contributing to the physiochemical basis of α-synuclein aggregation and dissolution, mainly in terms

A study of nanoparticles interaction with plasma membrane proteins.

Nanoparticles have gained considerable attention in the last decades, especially in the medical field. The nanoparticles could enter our bodies from anywhere in the surrounding environment and interact with objects in our biological fluids. However, there is little knowledge about this process. The protein competes for the nanoparticle's surface area, forming “corona” made of different proteinNanoparticles are small particles that the human eye cannot detect. They are particles of matter that are found in the natural world and created as a consequence of human activity. For a particle to be classified as a nanoparticle, it should have a diameter between 1 and 100 nm, larger particles up to 500 nm could be also classified as nanoparticles. Their submicroscopic size allows them to have d

Patent Law and Green Technology: The role of patent law mechanisms in the development and diffusion of "green technologies"

Patent law has been prevalent in climate change discussions, as a factor linking technology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and the climate crisis. The inventive step, its set threshold and the environmental benefits for the assessment of its current state, are one of the paths where patent law can act as a potential promoter of green technologies. This paper aims to asses how patent law can

Gomp eller mugglare : En komparativ studie av den norska och den svenska översättningen av Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Denna masteruppsats baseras på en jämförande undersökning beträffande egennamn och benämningar i den norska och den svenska översättningen av J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997). Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skillnaderna i översättningsval mellan språken vad gäller kategorierna egennamn och benämningar samt om valen varierar beroende på kategori. Uppsatsen b

Hos vem vandrar tankarna? Frekvens av och individuella variationer i mind wandering

Denna studie har ämnat att undersöka relationen mellan mind wandering och personlighet. Tidigare forskning på området har gett en splittrad bild kring uppmätta korrelationer mellan specifika personlighetsdrag och mind wandering. Mind wandering mättes med skalan Mind Wandering Questionnaire och personlighet mättes med Big Five Inventory i en enkät. Fem hypoteser formulerades; mind wandering kommer The present study aimed to investigate the relation between mind wandering and personality. Prior research on the subject has shown varied results on correlations between specific personality traits and mind wandering. Mind wandering frequency was measured using Mind Wandering Questionnaire and personality was measured using Big Five Inventory in the form of a survey. Five hypotheses were formulat

The Rattlin' Bog: The role of cultural values in discourse around peatland use in Ireland

Ireland is reducing its reliance on turf (peat fuel), as draining peatlands for fuel-harvest impacts biodiversity and global warming. Turf-cutting is a historically important practice in Ireland, with many relying on it for fuel and employment. This study examines the role of cultural values in discourse around peatland use in Ireland, to support a Just Transition away from a reliance on peat. Thi


In this project, I address the difficulties Swedish physicians face in the performance of headache care at primary health care cen- ters. Workflows in the current system have financial, political, communicational, and time-related shortcomings which decrease the possibility to provide equal headache care across the com- plete country. By performing interviews, literature studies, and a human-c

Inte bara en droppe i havet? En tematisk analys av svenska och danska psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta inom missbruksvården

Denna kvalitativa studie syftade till att undersöka psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta inom missbruksvården i Sverige och Danmark. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med tre svenska och tre danska psykologer, och materialet från dessa intervjuer analyserades via en reflexiv tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades; Patienten, psykologen och samhället, vilket handlar om organisatioThe aim of this qualitative study was to investigate psychologists' experiences of working in addiction care in Sweden and Denmark. Six semi structured interviews were conducted with three Swedish and three Danish psychologists, and the material was analysed using a reflective thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified; “The patient, the psychologist and society” which describes how

Värde, effektivitet och strategi - Hur kan en digital tvilling bidra till fastighetsföretagande?

Digitalisering är något som genomsyrar hela dagens samhälle. Fastighetsbranschen är trögrörlig när det kommer till digitalisering och investering i teknik. Bolag som AirBnB och WeWork har tagit sig in på olika fastighetsmarknader och skapat affärsmodeller som konkurrerar på kontors- och hotellmarknaden. Även om bolag i fastighetsbranschen uppfattar detta är det fortfarande en sektor med traditioneWords such as digitalization and PropTech are appearing in research and impacting organizations within the real estate industry and though out society. The real estate sector is known to be slow on investing and implementing technology. The Swedish real estate company Akademiska Hus AB that owns and operates, mainly campus related facilities, have started a project on creating digital twins of par

Den röda tråden - En studie av textbindningen i andraspråkselevers texter

Den här uppsatsen undersöker och problematiserar textbindningen hos andraspråkselevers texter på gymnasiet för att se vilken typ av textbindning som kan vara extra svår för dem att producera, samt extra viktig att undervisa om. Det görs mot bakgrund av Rydling och Svenssons (2004) undersökning som visar på andraspråkstalares generellt lägre skriftliga nivå. Analysmodellen som används bygger på ettThis paper investigates and problematizes the cohesion of second language students' texts in secondary school to see what kind of cohesion may be particularly difficult for them to produce, as well as particularly important to teach. The investigation is carried out in the light of Rydling and Svensson's (2004) study showing a generally lower level of writing by second language speakers in

Återkommunalisering - En motreaktion mot New Public Management?

This paper examines the remunicipalisation of elderly care in Lomma kommun in the context of previous remunicipalisation theory and with the background of New Public Management. In 2020 the municipality of Lomma kommun decided not to extend any contracts with external providers of elderly care, thus taking back all service in the hands of the municipality after the initial privatization in 2005. A

Farm T(hr)o(ugh) School - The Role of place-based education in Short Food Supply Chains

Present master thesis investigates the role of 4 chosen place-based educational initiatives in Austria which are actively engaged in local short food supply chains (SFSCs). Those supply chains are defined by close geographical and social relations between supply chain actors and a limited number of intermediaries. It aims to scrutinize to what extend such initiatives (can) foster consumer-producer

Coworking - konkurrent eller komplement

Under de senaste decennierna har samhället genomgått en snabb teknologisk utveckling som resulterat i nya arbetssätt. Det är nu lättare än någonsin att arbeta var, när och hur man vill. Att världen drabbades av en pandemi under inledningen av 2020 accelererade den teknologiska utvecklingen. Digitala arbetssätt blev därmed vardag för majoriteten av den kontorsarbetande befolkningen. När det bevisliIn recent decades, society has undergone rapid technological development, resulting in new ways of working. It is now easier than ever to work where, when and how you want. A global pandemic at the start of 2020 accelerated technological progress. Digital ways of working thus became commonplace for the majority of the office-working population. With the evidence that remote working is productive,

The Determinants of CDS Spreads During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This paper investigates the determinants of CDS spreads in the US, following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The pandemic led to an increased volatility and credit risk, as supply and demand suffered. By introducing measures related to COVID-19 we try to explain changes in CDS spreads in the US during the pandemic. The results show that the magnitude of the pandemic, measured by

Antidepressiva i tiden - En studie om att påbörja, fortsätta och avsluta behandling med antidepressiv medicin

Much research has been done on antidepressants within social anthropology, mostly focusing on the experience of being on medication. This thesis examines attitudes towards antidepressant medication with emphasis on how decisions are made regarding commencement of a treatment, whether and when to continue or stop it, and how the future regarding an individual’s antidepressant use is imagined. Using

Morgondagens Västerbro - en fallstudie om rörelsefunktionalitet och social hållbarhet

The road networks are crucial for the understanding of human flow through the cities. This paper analyses the district Västerbro in Lund, Swedens potential social sustainability in connection with its planned street network. The social sustainability in the paper focuses on meeting places such squares in the city. The main question is: What impact can Västerbro's road network have on pedestria

Kan Artificiell Intelligens ingå avtal? - En analys av Artificiell Intelligens och rättssubjektivitet

Artificiell Intelligens (AI) möjliggör kommunikation utan mänskligt involverande. Syftet med AI är att effektivisera, vilket innebär minskade kostnader och ökad lönsamhet. Att implementera ny teknik är emellertid inte problemfritt. Rättsliga problem kan aktualiseras såsom handlingens giltighet. Denna problematik har sin grund i begreppen rättssubjektivitet och rättslig handlingsförmåga. I uppsatsArtificial Intelligence (AI) enables communication without human involvement. The purpose of AI is to streamline, which means reduced costs and increased profitability. However, implementing new technology is not without problems. Legal problems can be raised such as the validity of the document. This problem is based on the concepts of legal personhood and legal capacity. The essay discusses wha

Motivationsfaktorer bland stödpedagoger hos Funktionsstödsförvaltningen i Malmö stad

Syftet med den aktuella studien har varit att undersöka vilka arbetsområden som upplevs bidra till eller motverka arbetsmotivationen hos stödpedagoger i Malmö stad samt vilka åtgärder som kan vara nödvändiga för att bibehålla eller förbättra arbetsmotivationen. Studien har genomförts via en tematisk analys av N=10 semistrukturerade intervjuer med stödpedagoger som arbetar för funktionsstödsförvaltThe aim of the present study was to examine what work-related matters are perceived as either strengthening or limiting to work motivation among “stödpedagoger” (“support pedagogues”) in Malmö city, as well as what measures may be necessary to maintain or improve work motivation. The study was conducted using a thematic analysis of N=10 semi-structured interviews with support pedagogues working fo